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distribution system considering voltage sag 7-Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology 2014.8 7[^  75ulf[b 720143600062518 7"Research on traffic flow algorithm 7pProceedings - 2014 6th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2014 7Ng\ 720142117733454 70Study on traffic flow base on RBF neural network 720142117733477 7HTraveling wave protection based on wide area travelling wave information 7eZhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 2014.34 7Ngle 720145200360075 7GWide area traveling wave based power grid fault network location method 7<International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 720142817913461 7QParameter estimation of harmonics and inter harmonics based on Toeplitz algorithm 7FHunan Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 2014.8 7Web 720143700064287 7?Research on security protocol in distribution automation system 73Journal of Computational Information Systems 2014.9 7l 720142417813467 7TAnalysis on carbon emission flow of power system with uncertain wind power injection 7BDianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems 2014. 7l^t 720144000082053 7~Multi-objective dynamic VAR planning against short-term voltage instability using a decomposition-based evolutionary algorithm 7)IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 2014.6 75ulf[b 720144400145444 7.Footprint of uncertainty for type-2 fuzzy sets 7 INFORMATION SCIENCES 2014. 7~ 720141817669715 7>A model to forecast the matched-degree between staffs and jobs 7wICCSS 2014 - Proceedings: 2014 International Conference on Informative and Cybernetics for Computational Social Systems 7~[^  720145100330247 7TInterval type-2 fuzzy analysis for e-commerce online review on time-varying universe 7RInterventions of traffic flow for intersection based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets 720145100330248 7ILinguistic dynamic analysis for single lane's traffic status based on FCM 7wICCSS 2014 - Proceedings: 2014 International Conference on Informative and Cybernetics for Computational Social Systems 7~[^  720145100330235 7@PubMed state lines prediction based on interval type-2 fuzzy set 7726th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2014 720143218039951 7[Satisfaction assessment and analysis for power customer based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets 720145100330251 7ATraffic light time adjustment based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets 720145100330229 7SAttacker's perspective based analysis on cyber attack mode to cyber-physical system 7.Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology 2014.11 7ςv 720144800269881 7KNorton equivalent circuit for current control loop of grid-connected system 7*Journal of Central South University 2014.5 7dlP 720142117753332 7YResonance problem analysis and active suppression method for VSC-HVDC transmission system 7eZhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 2014.30 720144700217659 7@An integration scheme for DES/CCHP coordinated with power system < 7DDianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems 2014.16 720143700064023 7CControl method of three-phase four-switch shunt active power filter 7LDiangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society 2014.10 7se 720144600210507 7hSimulation analysis on the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic wave for gis partial discharge 7&Information Technology Journal,2013,12 7se~ 720142417805932 7CModeling and control approach to a distinctive quadrotor helicopter 7ISA Transactions 2014.1 720140317214168 7UA sequential learning algorithm based on adaptive particle filtering for RBF networks 7*Neural Computing and Applications 2014.3-4 75ulf[b 720143518102716 7GHarmonic analysis method based on multi-harmonic source in power system 7lZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 2014.12 7YT3 720151200650893 7aSuper-capacitor energy storage system based on DC-DC converter with integrated magnetic structure 7CDianli Zidonghua Shebei/Electric Power Automation Equipment 2014.11 720144800269620 7YComplex dynamics and chaos control of electricity markets with heterogeneous expectations 7>International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2014.7 7hg*mf 720143017980531 79Research and design of road traffic flow detection system 7!Advanced Materials Research 2014. 7SR([^  720142717896942 7rSuppressing method of three-phase unbalanced overvoltage based on distribution networks flexible grounding control 7dZhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 2014.4 7feyT 720141017430825 7zA fault section location technique for distribution systems based on wide-area fault information fuzzy clustering analysis 7O2014 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2014 2014.10 7feyT[^  720151200671494 7<Detection of ferromagnetic resonance for distribution system 720151200671643 7MQuad-rotor modeling and attitude control using state-dependent ARX type model 7Asian Journal of Control 2014.5 75ulf[b 720143600013200 7OA new Ferro-resonance harmonic eliminator based on IGBT in distribution network 7vProceedings - 2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2013 7hTRL[^  720143017983331 7FA study on supervisory system of low-voltage network leakage protector 720143017983337 7OOn-line monitoring of transformer vibration and noise based on DC magnetic bias 720143017983416 7QThe study on factors influencing the ice-melting performance of transmission line 720143017983487 7Combined cool and heat and power multi-objective scheduling considering carbon emissions trading using algorithm of fuzzy self-correction particle swarm optimization 7eZhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 2014.34 7hTNQ 720145200360061 7<Energy flow function and operational strategy of CCHP system 7BDianli Zidonghua Shebei/Electric Power Automation Equipment 2014.1 720140817349652 7YOptimal decision of unit carbon capture rate using multiple random variable superquantile 7.Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology 2014.11 720144800269865 7}Space particle swarm optimization algorithm and its application in environmental & economic load distribution of power system 7BDianli Zidonghua Shebei/Electric Power Automation Equipment 2014.9 7hTNQ 720144100087558 7dQuantitative index of grid active power load capability based on mapping elasticity potential energy 7eZhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 2014.13 7zp 720142117743182 7dA reversible switch as highly selective sequential chemosensor for Al 3+ cation followed by F- anion 7(Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 2014. 7Sf[f[b 720134917045371 7HAl-Li3AlH6: A novel composite with high activity for hydrogen generation 70International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014.20 7f_[^  720142617860163 7gCaCl26H2O/Expanded graphite composite as form-stable phase change materials for thermal energy storage 72Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2014.1 720140517259781 7jSimple and rapid determination of mercury ions based on 1, 4-dithiothreitol assembled gold plate electrode 7MGaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 2014.7 720143218028465 7sProtective effects of a wheat germ peptide (RVF) against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human neuroblastoma cells 7Biotechnology Letters 2014.8 7 zN 720142817917504 78The stability of o-phenathroline chemiluminescent system 7BJournal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology 2014.3 7 zN[^  720142517852150 7NInfluence of surfactants on bioleaching of arsenic-containing gold concentrate 7+Journal of Central So< uth University 2014.10 720144700220006 7ZSilver sulfide-based sensor for the selective determination of ammonia at room temperature 7Electrochimica Acta 2014. 7Pey 7Sf[f[b 720140517256019 7iCleaved DNAzyme substrate induced enzymatic cascade for the exponential amplified analysis of l-histidine 7 Talanta 2014. 7UOgZg 720144600202507 7dEnzymatic cascade based fluorescent DNAzyme machines for the ultrasensitive detection of Cu(II) ions 7#Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2014. 720141917695677 7hSynthesisofPolyamineGraftedChitosanCopolymerandEvaluationofItsCorrosionInhibitionPerformance 7- Journalofthe Korean Chemical Society 2014.4# $&%'$ 7NgTs^ 720151400713527 7QStudy on Raman spectra of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with different parameters 7IGuang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 2014.4 7NgTs^[^  720141617586116 7cA facile copper salts-mediated conversion of thioamides to N-thioacylamidines, amidines, and amides 7)Research on Chemical Intermediates 2014.4 7Ng_l܀ 720143600055063 7^Metal-free DDQ-mediated oxidative C-O coupling of acetalic sp3 C-H bonds with carboxylic acids 7RSC Advances 2014.96 720144500168663 7jOne-step metal-free construction of fluorescent 5-aryl-2,3-dicyanofurans from simple aryl ketones with DDQ 7RSC Advances 2014.1 720134917053195 7LThe use of Mg(OH)2 in the final peroxide bleaching stage of wheat straw pulp 7BioResources 2014.1 7RspQ 720140417231625 7xCharacterization of structural and functional properties of fish protein hydrolysates from surimi processing by-products 7Food Chemistry 2014 7R8lPN 720135117108768 7kOptimization of conditions for extracting muscle protein from grass carp using response surface methodology 7 Advanced Materials Research 2014 7R8lPN[^  720143618138996 7eFirst-principles study on thermodynamic properties of electrode material for LiFePO4 lithium-ion cell 78Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials 2014.16 7[Re 720144600200124 7qPreparation and characterization of doped TiO2 nanofibers by coaxial electrospining combined with sol-gel process 7$Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014 7zwm 720134616966759 7\Effect of tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate on the performance of super-capacitor battery 7uTianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology 2014.2 7Sf[f[b 720141117464537 7IStudies on the bacterial community in grass carp muscle based on PCR-DGGE 7CJournal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology 2014.10 7s^ 720150200412661 7IStudies on the bacterial community in grass carp muscle based on PCR-DGGE 7BJournal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology 2014.9 7s^ 720144400135949 7XVariation in volatile components of grass carp muscle under different storage conditions 7)Modern Food Science and Technology 2014.9 7s^ 720144500153631 7QThe study on process of hemp seed oil extracted by supercritical fluid extraction 7;Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association 2014.11 74TςU[^  720145100335219 7Metal ion-mediated assembly of DNA nanostructures for cascade fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based fingerprint analysis 7Analytical Chemistry 2014.14 7Sf[f[b 720143017972708 7lThermal-electrochemical behaviors of LiMn2O4 lithium-ion cell studied by electrochemical-calorimetric method 7%Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014. 7_o 720140617273434 7Preparation and thermal properties of palmitic acid/polyaniline/exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets form-stable phase change materials 7Applied Energy 2014. 7f]o 720140117160801 7eTetradecanol/expanded graphite composite form-stable phase change material for thermal energy storage 7,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2014. 720142117737442 7sPreparation and thermal properties of palmitic acid/polyaniline/copper nanowires form-stable phase change materials 72Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2014.2 7f]o[^  720140617267665 7Effects of nucleating agent 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid tris(cyclohexylamide) on properties and crystallization behaviors of isotactic polypropylene 7"Colloid and Polymer Science 2014.2 7 _Íޘ 720141117467509 7Isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization of isotactic polypropylene nucleated with 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid tris(cyclohexylamide) 7Thermochimica Acta 2014. 720143017989735 7;Amine-catalyzed direct photoarylation of unactivated arenes 7#Chemistry - An Asian Journal 2014.2 7ѐtQo 720140517255923 7Effects of non-polar solvent on the morphology and property of three-dimensional hierarchical TiO2 nanostructures by one-step solvothermal route 7'Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2014.7 7hTz 720143117999713 7Simple hydrothermal preparation of new type of sea urchin-like hierarchical ZnO micro/nanostructures and their formation mechanism 7Ceramics Internat< ional 2014.7 720142117735596 7bSynthesis of sea urchin-like ZnO by a simple soft template method and its photoelectric properties 73Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2014. 720144500151703 7Three-dimensional (3D) sea-urchin-like hierarchical TiO2 microspheres: Growth mechanism and highly enhanced photocatalytic activity 7=Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2014.9 720143318074198 7hSynthesis and fluorescence properties of LaF3:Tb3+ phosphors via ultrasonic-assisted ionic liquid method 7 Nano 2014.7 71gs 720143600039136 7sThermal Shock Resistance of Stabilized Zirconia/Metal Coat on Polymer Matrix Composites by Thermal Spraying Process 7*Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 2014.8 720144500177937 7hSynthesis and luminescence properties of CeF3:Tb3+ nanodisks via ultrasound assisted ionic liquid method 7Journal of Rare Earths 2014.6 71gs[^  720142517829220 7ySulfate ion (SO42-) release from old and new cation exchange resins used in condensate polishing systems for power plants 7#Water Science and Technology 2014.7 71g_s^ 720144600184599 7OReliability calculation method of logic circuits considering signal correlation 71Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica 2014.8 7f[b 720144200113141 7&Soliton manipulation using Airy pulses 7Optics Communications 2014. 7f[b 720140217174705 7fThe combination with global search algorithm and fuzzy C-means clustering method in image segmentation 74Journal of Computational Information Systems 2014.22 7Hlm 720150300436084 7dA fuzzy logic resource allocation and memory cell pruning based artificial immune recognition system 7*Journal of Central South University 2014.2 7f[b 720141317505736 78An immune network classifier based on pair wise antigens 7ICIC Express Letters 2014.6 720142717903738 7HA new chaotic secure communication scheme based on shape synchronization 7926th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC, 2014. 7f[b 720143218039636 7qShape synchronization of drive-response for a class of two-dimensional chaotic systems via continuous controllers 7Nonlinear Dynamics 2014. 7 IP53276644 7@Mobile relay deployment based on Markov chains in WiMAX networks 7;2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM, 2014. 7^SSQ 720151100632295 7bEvaluation of generalised relay selection in the presence of feedback delay for multi-hop relaying 7IET Communications 2014.15 7Oe 7f[b 720144200097082 7OPerformance analysis of relay selection in the presence of on-off relay traffic 70IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2014.6 720143117995527 74A Honey-Bee Mating Optimization Clustering Algorithm 72Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica 2014.12 7WS 720150500482188 7SArtificial bee colony rough clustering algorithm based on mutative precision search 7,Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision 2014.5 720142217774529 7LK-means clustering algorithm method based on shuffled frog leaping algorithm 7!Advanced Materials Research 2014. 7WS[^  7f[b 720143418083338 7QPower consumption optimization strategy of cloud workflow scheduling based on SLA 7#WSEAS Transactions on Systems 2014. 7W8l~ 720142917952164 7bRobust iris recognition using sparse error correction model and discriminative dictionary learning 7Neurocomputing 2014. 7[N 720141917694165 7ZComplexity scalable intra-prediction mode decision algorithm for mobile video applications 7IET Communications 2014.9 720150800548439 7xObliquely incidence scattering by an anisotropic impedance wedge: Surface waves and the diffraction of the surface waves 7vProceedings - 2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2014 7sZ 720145200380858 7CReducing test power and improving test effectiveness for logic BIST 76Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science 2014.5 7sO_ 720144500157197 7ILinguistic steganalysis using the features derived from synonym frequency 7(Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014.3 7TQN 720143017969850 7NResearch on the coding strategies for synonym substitution-based steganography 74Journal of Computational Information Systems 2014.22 7TQN 720150300436118 7;Study on WSN's fault-tolerant topology control based on GA 7[Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Computer Sciences and Applications, CSA 2013 7Sf=N 720143017964581 7OThe impact of bitwise operators on hash uniformity in network packet processing 76International Journal of Communication Systems 2014.11 7quQ 720143600044617 7HAn improved moving object detection algorithm based on colour separation 7%Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014. 7_?[^  720142417825848 74Improved apriori algorithm in the power system fault 7[e[^  720142417825494 7\Fragile Bin-Packing Problem With Start-Up Weight For Channel Assignment In Cellular Networks 7IJournal Of Convergence<  Information TechnologyTOo`b/gg R 2013,8(9):751-759 7hg:_ 7 201413659379 7EEfficient and progressive skyline queries in wireless sensor networks 73Journal of Computational Information Systems 2014.7 79\l 720142417813354 7NA low-voltage and low-power 3-GHz CMOS LC VCO for S-band wireless applications 7'Wireless Personal Communications 2014.2 7YOޘ 720143618125202 7Complete switched generalized function projective synchronization of a class of hyperchaotic systems with unknown parameters and disturbance inputs 7TJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME 2014.1 7YOޘ 720134416926092 7VSecure communication based on a four-wing chaotic system subject to disturbance inputs 7 Optik 2014.20 720144900284357 76Study of GIN grouting impervious test in sandy gravels 7kZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 2014.4 7Nf[b 720142117744881 7^The preloading soft subgrade's calculation of consolidation degree considering creep by ABAQUS 7HT3 7Nf[b 720142117733497 7YChemical shrinkage and autogenous shrinkage of cement paste with mineral admixtures added 7;Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Building Materials 2014.3 7H\t 720142917960160 7hMechanical performance and microstructure of fly ash lightweight aggregate concrete under sulfate attack 7ؚR 720142917960144 7qMesoscale crack propagation and evolution law of lightweight aggregate concrete under pressure and sulfate attack 7EZhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport 2014.12 720150600487631 7@Determining traffic state evolution index on urban arterial road 7yJiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 2014.3 7Nf[b 720143017975820 7JIntermediate principal stress effect on asphalt mixture at low temperature 7EZhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport 2014.11 7sQ[O 720145300387809 7tLow-carbon closed-loop logistics network design based on interval number multi-attribute decision and queuing theory 7=International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 2014.3 7Nf[b 720142417814114 7UAnalytical and numerical solutions for shear mechanical behaviors of structural plane 7*Journal of Central South University 2014.7 7UO_f 720143017965641 7aInfluence of water decline on seepage characteristic and slope stability of embankment along lake 7kZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 2014.9 720144800253924 7TNumerical simulation of slope excavation in highway renovation and expansion project 7%Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014. 720143218026130 7PSeepage characteristics of high grained soil embankment under rainfall condition 7kZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 2014.1 720142117744742 7FResearch on speed limit of highway expansion project construction zone 7ဆ^V 720145000306126 7Decentralized adaptive fuzzy control for a class of large-scale MIMO nonlinear systems with strong interconnection and its application to automated highway systems 7Information Sciences 2014. 7Ğv~ 720141917706367 7Robust decentralized hybrid adaptive output feedback fuzzy control for a class of large-scale MIMO nonlinear systems and its application to AHS 7ISA Transactions 2014.5 7Nf[b 720143600017576 7=Impact of market penetration of ATIS on road network capacity 7pProceedings - 2014 6th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2014 7Ğ-Ney[^  720142117733399 7DRoad network reserve capacity considering road network service level 720142117733457 7IBi-level programming model for VMS layout considering local queuing delay 7yJiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 2014.6 7Nf[b 720150300435484 7RCrushed stone value of aggregate in asphalt mixture test for different temperature 7%Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014. 7Ngl 720143218035022 7@Evaluation segregation of SMA-13 asphalt pavement by compactness 720143218026816 7JEffect of polyethylene grafted with maleic anhydride on asphalt properties 77Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 2014.4 7Ng]Nς 720143017983614 7bLaboratory characterization of cracking-resistance potential of asphalt mixes using overlay tester 7)Construction and Building Materials 2014. 720143518116523 7Multiple scaling investigation of magnesium phosphate cement modified by emulsified asphalt for rapid repair of asphalt mixture pavement 720143418093717 7RQuantitative evaluation and enhancement of adhesion between bitumen and aggregates 76Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014.6 720151100648153<  7lInterlaminar shear fatigue and damage characteristics of asphalt layer for asphalt overlay on rigid pavement 7Ngv 720143118015671 7An optimal method for diffusion parameters of nonlinear diffusion problem of drug releasing in 2D-disc device by separate variable method 7*Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014. 7Nf[b 720141817684394 7ZThe effect of surface-modified nano-titania on the ultraviolet aging properties of bitumen 7(Petroleum Science and Technology 2014.24 7RgVf 720144800248949 78Study on the cone calorimeter of flame-retardant asphalt 7pProceedings - 2014 6th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2014 7R'Yh 720142117733474 7XOptimization of back analysis of displacement for mechanical parameters of granular rock 7kZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 2014.7 7Rn 720143600062924 7ZMulti-attribute decision-making for personalized route selection under uncertain condition 7DZhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport 2014.9 720144300121918 7eMulti-objective optimization based on traffic management strategy for intersection signal controlling 720143600062936 7iResearch on performance of environment-friendly fume-suppression asphalt and optimization design for road 76Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014.7 7'k3\ 720143900076161 7FEvaluation of expansive soil slope stability based on Fuzzy-AHP method 7kZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 2014.2 7Nf[b 720142117744794 7aMulti-objective comprehensive evaluation approach to a river health system based on fuzzy entropy 72Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 2014.5 7y_e 720144700230647 7?One kind of catchment reinforced water seepage hoses designment 7vProceedings - 2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2013 7y_e[^  720143017983415 7BTreatment effects of vermiculite with gravel system on road runoff 7lProceedings - 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, ICICTA 2014 7y_e[^  7Nf[b 720150500474742 7UNonlinear fatigue damage characteristics and stress evolution law of asphalt pavement 7kZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) 2014.2 7Y[_g 720142117744787 7JAdjust measurement unit algorithm for Ill-posed problem of GM (1, 1) model 7aWuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University 2014.9 7U)Rl 720144100087627 7EDesign method of asphalt pavement with roller compacted concrete base 7&Geotechnical Special Publication 2014. 70u\i 720143418077303 77Analysis method of 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