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杨现锋 教授

发布者:谭冰 发布时间:2020年04月03日 20:03



主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。主持在研或完成省自然科学基金、省科技计划项目等省部级项目10余项,主持成果转化和技术合作项目20余项。在Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Ceramics International, Advances in Applied Ceramics,材料研究学报和无机材料学报等国内、外学术刊物上发表SCI, EI收录论文50余篇,获发明专利授权10余项。获省部级科技奖励2项。









[1] Hehan Xie ,Xianfeng Yang *, Peng Liu, et al. 3D gel printing of alumina ceramics followed by efficient multi-step liquid desiccant dryingJournal of the European Ceramic Society,2021416634-6640.

[2] Q. He, J. Jiang,X. Yang*, et al. Additive manufacturing of dense zirconia ceramics by fused deposition modeling via screw extrusion, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021411033-1040.

[3]张力,杨现锋*,徐协文,等,熔融沉积法3D打印制备氧化锆陶瓷及其力学性能研究,无机材料学报, 20214436-442.


[5] Hehan Xie, Jie Jiang,Xianfeng Yang*, et al. Theory and practice of rapid and safe thermal debinding in ceramic injection molding, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2020,173:1098-1107.

[6] Zhentao Ni, Jie Jiang,Xianfeng Yang*, et al. Surface characterization of silicon nitride powder and electrokinetic behavior of its aqueous suspension, Ceramics International ,2020, 46(7):9530-9537

[7]Yang Xianfeng, Xie Hehan , He Qinglong, et al. Study of thermal degradation mechanism of binders for ceramic injection molding by TGA-FTIR, Ceramics International , 2019,458:10707-10717

[8] Hehan Xie, Jie Jiang,Xianfeng Yang*, et al. Nondestructive and fined characterization of injection molded ceramic parts by industrial computed tomography, Ceramics International,2019,4514:17283-17288

[9]Xianfeng Yang*, Zhentao Ni, Xiewen Xu, et al. Preparation and properties of anti -static coating on the 3Y-TZP ceramics, Ceramics International, 2018,4414: 16459-16463

[10]Xianfeng Yang*, Zhentao Ni, Xiewen Xu, et al. Novel preparation of anti-static zirconia ceramic by iron infiltration at high temperature, Ceramics International , 2017,431: 1227-1230

[11]Xianfeng Yang*, Xiaole Yang, Wei Liu, et al. Surface resistivity regulation of zirconia ceramics for anti-static purposes by novel solution infiltration method, Ceramics International, 2016,4216: 18503-18506.




[15]杨现锋*,李海斌,刘鹏,等.水脱脂粘结剂体系及陶瓷构件的注射成型方法(发明专利), ZL2010105899095.7

[16]杨现锋*,刘其城,李海斌,等.防静电陶瓷材料及其制备方法及该材料制得的鞭炮引线编织针(发明专利),ZL 201010101876.7

[17]杨现锋*,徐协文,李勇,等.一种防静电陶瓷材料及其制备方法(发明专利), ZL201310511882.3

[18]杨现锋*,倪振涛,等.一种水溶性型芯部件及其制备方法(发明专利), ZL201710132911.3

电子邮箱: yangxfcsust@csust.edu.cn

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