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邹康宇 博士

发布者:欧阳炼 发布时间:2022年11月24日 11:24

邹康宇,男,汉族,1994年出生,博士,中共党员,硕士生导师。2022年6月毕业于中南大学化学化工学院,获冶金物理化学专业工学博士学位。主要从事金属二次离子电池、新型混合离子电容器及预金属化技术方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目1项、参与国家重点研发计划专项项目、国家自然科学基金联合基金项目及校企合作课题等7项。目前已发表SCI论文40余篇,其中以第一作者在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等SCI国际权威期刊发表学术论文15篇,ESI高被引论文2篇,入选Frontispiece(卷首论文)1篇,总被引2100余次,H因子27。撰写Wiley出版社英文专著《Sodium-Ion Capacitors: Mechanisms, Materials, and Technologies》两章,申请中国发明专利6项,授权4项,受邀担任国际知名期刊《Batteries》客座编辑。曾获国家奖学金、研究生校长奖学金拔尖奖、中南大学大学生年度人物提名奖,湖南省普通高校优秀大学生党员,优秀毕业生等奖励与荣誉。


[1] 金属二次离子电池

[2] 新型混合离子电容器

[3] 预金属化技术




[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,锂离子电容器含氟有机功能预锂化剂设计及其作用机制研究,主持

[2] 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,有机预钠化剂提升钠离子电容器性能研究,主持

[3] 湖南省研究生科研创新项目,碳基高性能锂离子电容器的设计,构筑以及电化学性能研究,主持。

[4] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,高比能锂离子电池碳基复合负极材料的可控制备及储锂机制,参与

[5] 国家重点研发计划专项项目,退役电池回收循环过程中标准规范与安全环保,参与

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“体-界-表”多级修饰高镍无钴正极材料的同步合成与性能调控,参与

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,室温宽滞Fe(II)系自旋转换纳米材料的设计、组装以及信息存储的潜在应用研究,参与

[8] 湖南省教育厅重点项目,硼掺杂与钒酸锂包覆双重修饰高镍无钴正极材料的研究,参与


[1]Kangyu Zou, Mingzhu Jiang, Zixiang Zhao, Shangchen Xie, Tianxiang Ning, Lei Tan,Hongxing Li, Youyuan Zhou, Wanlin Wang, Xianwen Wu, Lingjun Li*. Mechanistic insights into suppressing microcracks by regulating grain sizeof precursor for high-performance Ni-rich cathodes[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023, 476, 146793. (IF =15.1)

[2]Kangyu Zou, Zirui Song, Xu Gao, Huanqing Liu, Zheng Luo, Jun Chen, Xinglan Deng, Libao Chen, Guoqiang Zou, Hongshuai Hou, and Xiaobo Ji*. Molecularly compensated pre-metallation strategy for metal-ion batteries and capacitors[J]. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(31): 17070-17079. (IF =16.823)

[3]Kangyu Zou, Wentao Deng, Peng Cai, Xinglan Deng, Baowei Wang, Cheng Liu, Jiayang Li, Hongshuai Hou, Guoqiang Zou*, and Xiaobo Ji. Prelithiation/Presodiation techniques for advanced electrochemical energy storage systems: concepts, applications, and perspectives[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(5): 2005581. (IF =19.924)

[4]Kangyu Zou, Zirui Song, Huanqing Liu, Ying Wang, Abouzar Massoudi, Wentao Deng, Hongshuai Hou, Guoqiang Zou, and Xiaobo Ji*. Electronic effect and regiochemistry of substitution in pre-sodiation chemistry[J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12(49): 11968-11979. (IF =6.888)

[5]Kangyu Zou, Peng Cai, Xinglan Deng, Baowei Wang, Cheng Liu, Zheng Luo, Xiaoming Lou, Hongshuai Hou, Guoqiang Zou*, and Xiaobo Ji. Highly stable zinc metal anode enabled by oxygen functional groups for advanced Zn-ion supercapacitors[J]. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57(4): 528-531. (IF =6.065)

[6]Kangyu Zou, Peng Cai, Xinglan Deng, Baowei Wang, Cheng Liu, Jiayang Li, Hongshuai Hou, Guoqiang Zou*, and Xiaobo Ji. Revealing dual capacitive mechanism of carbon cathode toward ultrafast quasi-solid-state lithium ion capacitors[J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 60: 209-221. (IF =13.599)

[7]Kangyu Zou, Peng Cai, Baowei Wang, Cheng Liu, Jiayang Li, Tianyun Qiu, Guoqiang Zou*, Hongshuai Hou, and Xiaobo Ji. Insights into enhanced capacitive behavior of carbon cathode for lithium ion capacitors: the coupling of pore size and graphitization engineering[J]. Nano-Micro Letters, 2020, 12: 121. (IF =23.655)

[8]Kangyu Zou, Peng Cai, Ye Tian, Jiayang Li, Cheng Liu, Guoqiang Zou, Hongshuai Hou, and Xiaobo Ji*. Voltage-induced high-efficient in situ presodiation strategy for sodium ion capacitors[J]. Small Methods, 2020, 4(3): 1900763. (IF =15.367)

[9]Kangyu Zou, Peng Cai, Xiaoyu Cao, Guoqiang Zou, Hongshuai Hou and Xiaobo Ji*. Carbon materials for high-performance lithium-ion capacitor[J]. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2020, 21: 31-39. (IF =7.664)

[10]Kangyu Zou, Peng Cai, Cheng Liu, Jiayang Li, Xu Gao, Laiqiang Xu, Guoqiang Zou,* Hongshuai Hou, Zuming Liu,* and Xiaobo Ji. A kinetically well-matched full-carbon sodium-ion capacitor[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(22): 13540-13549. (IF =14.511)

[11]Kang-Yu Zouand Zuo-Xi Li*, Controllable syntheses of MOF-derived materials[J]. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2018, 24, 6506-6518. (IF = 5.02)

[12]Kang-Yu Zou, Yi-Chen Liu, Yi-Fan Jiang, Cheng-Yan Yu, Man-Li Yue, and Zuo-Xi Li*, Benzoate acid-dependent lattice dimension of Co-MOFs and MOF-derived CoS2@CNTs with tunable pore diameters for supercapacitors[J]. Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56, 6184-6196. (IF = 5.436)

[13] Zuo-Xi Li*,Kang-Yu Zou, Xue Zhang, Tong Han, and Ying Yang, Hierarchically flower-like N-doped porous carbon materials derived from an explosive 3-fold interpenetrating diamondoid copper metal-organic framework for a supercapacitor, Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 6552-6562. (IF = 5.436)

[14]Kang-Yu Zou, Qian Zou, Tong Han, Yi-Chen Liu, Jun-Jie Wang, Xue Zhang, and Zuo-Xi Li*, Anion-dependent construction of a series of fluorescent coordination polymers based on 1D zinc ∩ 4,4′-bis(imidazol-1-yl)-biphenyl substrates, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 235, 85-92. (IF = 3.656)

[15]Kang-Yu Zou, Jun-Long Zhao, Chao Liu, Zhang Wang, and Zuo-Xi Li*, One-pot synthesis of two magnetic coordination polymers with different structures due to the connectivity of sulfate ions, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 2013, 293-298. (IF = 2.551)


[1] 邹国强,邹康宇,纪效波,侯红帅,蔡鹏,一种高效构筑钠离子电容器的预钠化方法,ZL 201910694932.3(授权)

[2] 邹国强,邹康宇,纪效波,侯红帅,蔡鹏,一种定向调控多孔活性炭材料孔径和石墨化的方法及其在锂离子电容器中的应用,ZL 201910793064.4(授权)

[3] 纪效波,邹康宇,邹国强,侯红帅,一种降低负极预金属化氧化电势的方法及其应用、电化学储能装置,ZL 202111090284.4(授权)

[4] 纪效波,邹康宇,邹国强,侯红帅,一种正极极片及其制备方法、电化学储能装置及电化学储能装置的预金属化方法,ZL 202110134865.7(授权)



[1] 国家级,2021年,博士研究生国家奖学金

[2] 国家级,2020年,博士研究生国家奖学金

[3] 国家级,2017年,硕士研究生国家奖学金

[4] 国家级,2016年,硕士研究生国家奖学金

[5] 国家级,2013年,第三届全国化学专业大学生科技活动交流会墙报类二等奖

[6] 省部级,2022年,湖南省普通高校优秀大学生党员

[7] 省部级,2017年,陕西省第二届微结构摄影大赛三等奖

[8] 省部级,2014年,陕西省第三届大学生化学趣味知识邀请赛一等奖

[9] 校级,2021年,研究生校长奖学金拔尖奖

[10] 校级,2021年,中南大学大学生年度人物提名奖

[11] 校级,2018年,优秀毕业生

[12] 校级,2015年,优秀毕业生

[13] 校级,2015年,高鸿奖学金



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