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发布日期:2018年03月07日 来源: 作者:


2009年~2015年 华北电力大学,高电压与绝缘技术, 工学博士。

2018年~2019年 早稻田大学,访问研究员


先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖南省自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖南省教育厅项目1项,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目1项,中央高校基本业务项目研究生项目1项;承担广东省电力公司、内蒙古电力公司等企业科研项目7项;作为主要成员参与完成国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等多项;获南方电网科技进步一等奖和中国电机工程学会电力科技进步三等奖各一项,在《Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics》、《IEEE Transaction on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation》、《电工技术学报》和《高电压技术》等国内外知名刊物上发表论文多篇,并长期担任《电工技术学报》、《高电压技术》、《Applied Physics Letters》等期刊的审稿人。



[1] 刘晖、周恩泽、周洋卓君、黄宇、向坤轩、周游*, 基于动态贝叶斯网络的输电走廊山火风险时空评估[J]. 南方电网技术, 2023 (CSCD)

[2] Kunxuan Xiang,You Zhou*, Enze Zhou, Junhan Lu, Hui Liu and Yu Huang. A Spatial Assessment of Wildfire Risk for Transmission-Line Corridor Based on a Weighted Naïve Bayes Model[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10:829934 (SCI)

[3] 周恩泽,樊灵孟,黄勇,周游*,周文涛,陈维捷. 基于火焰燃烧模型的输电线路山火跳闸风险分布[J]. 电网技术,2022, 46(07): 2778-2785 (EI)

[4] 周文涛, 张皓, 陈维捷,周游*. 基于集成特征选择的森林火灾风险评估[J]. 消防科学与技术, 2022, 41(12):1727-1731(中文核心)

[5] 周恩泽, 黄勇, 向谆, 罗颖婷, 魏瑞增, 向坤轩,周游. 基于物元可拓的输电线路山火风险评估模型[J]. 南方电网技术, 2022, 16(01):145-154. (CSCD)

[6] 段井娜、王琼、杨波、明子峰、周游*、窦冰杰. 极寒气候对油浸式变压器中水分动态分布特性的影响[J]. 高压电器, 2022 (CSCD)

[7] Weijie Chen,You Zhou*, Enze Zhou, Zhun Xiang, Wentao Zhou and Junhan Lu. Wildfire Risk Assessment of Transmission-Line Corridors Based on Naïve Bayes Network and Remote Sensing Data[J], Sensors, 2021, 21, 634. (SCI)

[8]周游*,隋三义,陈洁,周恩泽,黄勇,王彤.基于Himawari-8静止气象卫星的输电线路山火监测与告警技术[J], 高电压技术,2020, 46(7): 2561-2569(EI)

[9] 周恩泽, 黄勇, 陈洁, 田翔, 魏瑞增,周游. 基于图模型的架空输电线路山火风险等级预测模型[J].南方电网技术, 2020, 14(04):8-16. (CSCD)

[10]You Zhou*, Neng Peng, Ziyi Wang, Wei Cui, Weijie Chen, Sanyi Sui, Xin Yang, Modified propagating behavior of creeping streamers at TiO2 Nanofluid/pressboard interface[J], Journal of Molecular Liquids, 291 (2019) 111270-1-7 (SCI)

[11] Ziyi Wang,You Zhou*, Wu Lu, Neng Peng and Weijie Chen, The Impact of TiO2 Nanoparticle Concentration Levels on Impulse Breakdown Performance of Mineral Oil-Based Nanofluids[J]. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9, 627: 1-13 (SCI)

[12] 彭能,周游*,隋三义,周文涛,王子懿,杨鑫. 纳米改性技术在变压器油纸介质上应用的研究现状与未来展望[J], 绝缘材料,2019,52(11):17-24

[13]周游*, 崔玮, 张俊杰, 周达明, 吕玉珍和李成榕. TiO2纳米改性变压器油中正流注测量与机理分析[J]. 高电压技术, 2018,44(9): 2947-2952 (EI)

[14]You Zhou*, Sanyi Sui, Jie Li, Ziyi Wang, Wei Cui, Yuzhen Lv and Chengrong Li. Statistical Analysis of Moisture’s Effect on AC Breakdown Strength of TiO2 Nanofluids[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 249:420-428 (SCI)

[15]You Zhou*, Sanyi Sui, Jie Li, Wei Cui, Yuzhen Lv, Chengrong Li and Wu Lu, The effects of shallow traps on the positive streamer electrodynamics in transformer oil based nanofluids[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018. 51 (2018): 105304-1-10 (SCI)

[16] Yuzhen Lv*,You Zhou*, Chengrong Li, Yang Ge and Bo Qi, Creeping Discharge Characteristics of Nanofluid-Impregnated Pressboards Under AC Stress[J], IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 2016, 44(11): 2589-2592 (SCI)

[17]周游*, 江军, 罗颖婷, 吴昊, 吕玉珍, 李成榕. 变压器油工频电压击穿特性的统计研究[J]. 绝缘材料, 2015, 48(3):73-77.

[18] 王琪,周游*,陈鑫, 葛扬, 吕玉珍, 李成榕. TiO2纳米粒子对油浸纸板沿面放电的影响[J]. 绝缘材料, 2015, 48(8):36-40.

[19] Yuzhen Lv,You Zhou*, Chengrong Li, Kaibo Ma, Qi Wang, Wei Wang, Shengnan Zhang and Zhiyang Jin. Nanoparticle Effects on Creeping Flashover Characteristics of Oil/Pressboard Interface[J]. IEEE Transaction on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation, 2014, 21(2): 556-562. (SCI)

[20] Yuzhen Lv,You Zhou*, Chengrong Li, Qi Wang and Bo Qi. Recent Progress in Nanofluids Based on Transformer Oil: Preparation and Electrical Insulation Properties[J]. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 2014, 30(5):23-32. (SCI)

[21]周游*, 陈牧天, 吕玉珍, 王蔚, 李成榕. 纳米粒子对高水分变压器油中电荷输运的影响[J], 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(12):236-241.(EI)

[22] 周恩泽, 黄勇, 陈洁, 田翔, 魏瑞增,周游. 基于图模型的架空输电线路山火风险等级预测模型[J]. 南方电网技术, 2020, 14(04):8-16.

[23] 卢武, 李吉程, 黄冬, 丁苒苒, 赵文彬,周游. 电网电磁暂态过程对起搏器植入术后人体电磁环境影响的模拟研究[J]. 高电压技术, 2020, 46(11):4077-4086.


[1] Junjie Zhang, Wei Cui, Kai Bao,You Zhou*, XiangjunZeng, Yuzhen Lv, Chengrong Li, Effects of Trap Characteristics on Streamer Propagation in Dielectric Liquid. 19th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), 2017. (EI)

[2] 隋三义,周游*,崔玮,吕玉珍,李成榕. 不同含水量的TiO2纳米改性变压器油击穿特性的统计分析. 第四届能源论坛, 2017. (大会优秀论文)

[3]周游*,隋三义,李捷,崔玮,吕玉珍,李成榕. TiO2纳米粒子浓度对变压器油雷电冲击击穿性能的影响. 中国电机工程学会高电压专业委员会2017年学术年会, 2017. (大会优秀论文)

[4]You Zhou*, Yuxiang Zhong, Mutian Chen, Shengnan Zhang, Yuefan Du, Yuzhen Lv and Chengrong Li. Effect of Nanoparticles on Electrical Characteristics of Transformer Oil-Based Nanofluids Impregnated Pressboard. IEEE International Symposiumon Electrical Insulation (ISEI), 2012. (EI)

[5]You Zhou*, Fochi Wang, Chengrong Li, Huai Jiang and Hang Cui. Characteristic of Field-Aged 500KV Composite Insulators. IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), 2011. (EI)

[6]Weijie Chen,You Zhou*, Jie Chen, Enze Zhou, Wentao Zhou, Sanyi Sui. Wildfire Monitoring Technology of Transmission Lines Based on Himawari-8 Geostationary Meteorological Satellite. The 3rd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration, 2019 (EI)

[7] Wentao Zhou; Weijie Chen; EnZe Zhou; Yong Huang; RuiZeng Wei;You Zhou*. Prediction of Wildfire-induced Trips of Overhead Transmission Line based on data mining[C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2020 (EI)

[8] Ziyi Wang; Weixiang Zhang; Jingwen Chen; Wei Cui;You Zhou*. Effect of Suspended Particles on Streamer Branching in Transformer Oil[C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2020 (EI)

[9] Jingna Duan, Qiong Wang, Bingjie Dou, Wenliang Yang, Kunxuan Xiang andYou Zhou*, The Influence of Ambient Temperature on Physical Field in Oil-immersed Transformer[C], 2021 International Conference on Advanced Electrical Equipment and Reliable Operation (AEERO), 2021 (EI)

[10] Hui Liu, Enze Zhou, Lingmeng Fan, Zhangquan Rao, Weijie Chen andYou Zhou*, Wildfire Risk Assessment of Transmission-Line Corridors Based on Logistic Regression[C], 2021 IEEE 4th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), 2021, (EI)



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