领队 |
刘建民 |
所在单位 |
新利官网开户 |
职务/职称 |
党委副书记/教授 |
拟出访时间 |
2024.4.8-2024.4.13 |
拟出访国家(地区) |
利比里亚 |
出访任务 |
学术交流与科研合作 |
随行 人员 信息 |
姓名 |
所在单位 |
职务/职称 |
经费 |
经费来源 |
因公出国经费 |
经费预算 |
3.5万 |
公示日期 |
2024年2月5-9日 |
说明: 1、邀请函和本次行程附公示表格后。 2、如对公示内容有异议,请署实名通过信函或电话方式向国际交流处反映。 地址:云塘校区一办公楼705室邮编:410114 联系电话:0731-85258783邮箱:international@csust.edu.cn
新利官网开户 赴利比里亚行程
时间 |
安排 |
4.8 |
北京首都国际机场-迪拜EK30700:-40-05:00 迪拜-阿克拉 EK787 06:35-11:05 阿克拉-蒙罗维亚罗伯茨国际机场 KP020 15:50-17:50 |
4.9 |
上午:访问利比里亚大学,会见教务副校长和孔子学院中外方院长,了解孔子学院教学、运行等工作情况 |
下午:访问利比里亚工商和公共管理学院,与该院财政与税收政策课题组人员见面,相互了解各自团队目前的科研成果、进展及所面临的问题等,共同讨论产业财税政策、高教财务管理及财税政策和绿色发展等科研课题 |
4.10 |
上午:与利比里亚大学工商和公共管理学院财政与税收政策课题组人员见面,拟共同申报财税政策绿色发展助力节能减排科研课题 |
下午:实地考察罗蒙维亚财税厅,了解当地财政政策、税收政策以及财税和经济的关系,为本人的获奖科研成果《支持湖南乡村产业振兴的财税政策体系研究》的后续相关研究搜集素材 |
4.11 |
上午:与利比里亚大学工商和公共管理学院教师座谈,就未来共同感兴趣的研究课题应用计划进行探讨,最终确定合作方案 |
下午:访问利比里亚大学孔子学院,会见我校志愿者教师,了解师生工作、学习和生活等情况,并为孔子学院学生做中国湘绣文化讲座 |
4.12 |
罗蒙维亚罗伯茨机场--阿克拉 KP201 07:30-09:30 阿克拉-多哈 QR1424 11:20-23:45 多哈-北京+1 QR5578(+1) 01:45-14:50 |
Schedule for CSUST to Liberia
Time |
Arrangement |
April8 |
EK30700:-40-05:00 PEK-DXB EK78706:35-11:05 DXB-ACC KP02015:50-17:50 ACC-ROB |
April9 |
Morning:Visit the University of Liberia, meet with the Vice President of Educational Affairs and the Chinese and foreign directors of the Confucius Institute, and learn about the teaching and operation of the Confucius Institute |
Afternoon:Visit the Liberian College of Business and Public Administration, meet with the staff of the financial and tax policy research group of the college, learn about the current scientific research achievements, progress and problems of their respective teams, and jointly discuss the research topics of industrial fiscal and tax policies, higher education financial management and fiscal and tax policies and green development |
April10 |
·Morning:Meet with the staff of the Financial and tax Policy research group of the School of Business and Public Administration of the University of Liberia, and planned to jointly declare the scientific research topic of fiscal and tax policy green development to help energy conservation and emission reduction |
·Afternoon:Field visit to Lomonvia Department of Finance and Taxation to understand the local fiscal policy, tax policy and the relationship between finance and taxation and economy, and collect materials for the follow-up related research of my award-winning scientific research "Research on the Fiscal and Taxation Policy System Supporting the Revitalization of Rural Industry in Hunan" |
April11 |
·Morning:Meetwith faculty of Business and Public Administration of the University of Liberia to discuss the application plan of future research topics of common interest, and finallytodetermine the cooperation plan |
·Afternoon: Visit the Confucius Institute at the University of Liberia, meet the volunteer teachers of our school, learn about the work, study and life of teachers and students, and give lectures on Chinese Hunan embroidery culture for the students of the Confucius Institute |
April12 |
KP201 07:30-09:30ROB-ACC QR1424 11:20-23:45 ACC-DOH QR5578(+1) 01:45-14:50 DOH-PKX |