领队 |
韩艳 |
所在单位 |
新利官网开户 |
职务/职称 |
教授 |
拟出访时间 |
2024.8.22-24 |
拟出访国家(地区) |
韩国首尔 |
出访任务 |
参加“第16届中-日-韩风工程国际研讨会(The 16th China-Japan- Korea International Workshop on Wind Engineering(CJK2024))” |
随行人员信息 |
姓名 |
所在单位 |
职务/职称 |
出访经费 |
经费来源 |
经费来源于申请人的国家自然科学基金项目(52178452) |
经费预算 |
经费来源于国家自然科学基金项目(52178452),预算为10000元。 |
公示日期 |
2024年6月25日-7月1日 |
说明: 1、邀请函和本次行程附公示表格后。 2、如对公示内容有异议,请署实名通过信函或电话方式向国际交流处反映。地址:云塘校区一办公楼705室邮编:410114 联系电话:0731-85258783邮箱:international@csust.edu.cn |
The 16thChina-Japan-Korea International Workshop on
Wind Engineering (CJK2024)
Dear Professor Yan Han
Invitation Letter
June 24, 2024
Changsha University of Science and Technology
On behalf of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea (WEIK), it is our great pleasure to invite you, Professor Yan Han at Changsha University of Science and Technology, to participate in the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Workshop on Wind Engineering (CJK2024).
Date: August 23, 2024
Venue: Rm. 39-B103, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Your invaluable expertise in the field is highly regarded and we believe your participation will greatly enrich the workshop. We expect this workshop would provide a constructive forum for exchanging the latest advances and disseminating knowledge in the broad field of wind engineering. The workshop will be held in Seoul, Korea, this year, on August 23, 2024. The main purpose of this workshop is to exchange information and promote research collaboration among researchers in China, Japan, and Korea. Thank you for your continued dedication to wind engineering.
I understand that the fee and all expenses related to your participation in the program will be covered by your institution. Also, I understand that your participation is contingent on receiving an appropriate travel visa. Please let me know as soon as possible whether you will be able to participate. We are looking forward to you at the workshop.
Sincerely yours,
Thomas Kang, Professor of Seoul National University(서울대 건축학과 강현구 교수)
Chair, 16th China-Japan-Korea International Workshop on Wind Engineering
Wind Engineering Institute of Korea (WEIK) – Business Registration No. 314-82-06990 Rm. 108-1311, Saeronam-ro, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-10-9457-8904
我们代表韩国风工程协会(WEIK)非常荣幸地邀请您,新利官网开户 的韩艳教授,参加第16届中-日-韩风工程国际研讨会(CJK2024)。
Thomas Kang,首尔国立大学教授(首尔国立大学建筑系Thomas Kang教授)第16届中-日-韩风工程国际研讨会主席
新利官网开户 赴韩国日程安排(3天)
时间 |
内容安排 |
8月22日 |
长沙-首尔KE820 12:30-16:30 |
8月23日 |
上午:主题报告:建筑物和桥梁的风致响应 |
下午:主题报告:风洞试验和实地测量 |
8月24日 |
上午:与与会专家交流 |
下午:首尔-青岛SC4614 15:30-16:05青岛-长沙SC4875 18:20-20:50
到达长沙 |