Student Card, Campus Card
手续Procedures |
地点Location |
材料Materials Needed |
递交材料 Submit the required materials |
留学生管理办公室(103) International Students Office |
学生个人信息:姓名、护照号、学号、专业、一寸彩色个人照(纸质版和电子版) Personal information: name, passport number, student ID number, major, photo (digital and printed) |
10天后领卡 Get student ID card after 10 days |
留学生管理办公室(103) International Students Office |
1、 学生证是在我校学习的证明,请随身携带,如需补办要书面申请办理。
Student card is your identity card. You should carry it for identity use. If lost, you should submit an application in 103 for re-admission.
2、 参加考试时必须携带学生证。
Students should take all exams with the Student Card.
3、 校园卡可以在校区任意饭堂和任意校园超市使用,。如需充值请到充值点充值,未使用完毕的金额不能退还现金,请妥善保存。
Meal card can be used in any campus canteen and school markets in Campus. You could recharge in custom services center. Unused amount is not returnable. If lost, you should submit an application in 103 for re-admission.