Pr of. Zhou Qiren Gave a Lecture to Students and Teachers

2017-04-10 16:59:42 2017-04-10

On December 6th ,the well-known economist, Professor Zhou Qiren, who is with Peking University's China Center for Economic Research and the Dean of National School of Development at Peking University , was invited to give a lecture at Jinpenling Campus. The lecture was presided over by the Dean of college of Economy and Management Mr. Yang Haiyu. Teachers and students from college of Economy and Management listened to lectures.
Professor Zhou Qiren explained a series of economic phenomena, especially in the interactive sessions. Prof. Zhou’ s wonderful lectures led to daughters and continued applauses. Professor Zhou Qiren presented not only China's economic phenomena but also the operating mechanism behind the phenomena in a clear and profound manner. This lecture was an academic feast and a platform of exchanging ideas. Finally, Professor Zhu Xiqing of CUST made a wonderful summary of the lecture, which ended in sustained applauses.
