Innovation and Green Development, School of Economics and Management, Changsha University of Science and Technology, and the Department of Social and Family Economy, Faculty of Human Sciences and Design, Japan Women's University will co-host the Pacific Rim Conference onApril 27, 2024atJapan Women's University, Tokyo, Japan with the Pacific Rim Sustainable Development Association (PRSDA).
The purpose of this international conference is to explore the drivers of green innovation and to discuss the possible impact of gender factors, and environmental regulation. We especially welcome paper submissions from young scholars and freshman.Authors are invited to submit their research papers (in English) inwordversion to the email
Guest Editors:
Prof. Daisuke Ikazaki, Japan Women's University
Prof. Xin-Yu Peng, Changsha University of Science and Technology
The theme of this international conference is “Gender, Environmental Regulation and Green Innovation”. All types (empirical and theory) of papers on this theme are welcomed. We especially welcomes (including but not limited to) topics in the following fields:
Gender Disparities in Green Innovation Access
Gender Diversity in Green Innovation
Gender Influence on Corporate Environmental Strategies
Corporate Policies and Gender Diversity
ESG, Environmental Regulations, and Gender Inclusivity
Nexus Between CSR and Green Innovation
Nexus Between ESG and Green Innovation
Environmental RegulationsonGreen Innovation
Environmental Regulations and SMEs
Environmental Regulations on Green Supply Chains
Green Innovation Strategies and Policy Responses
Submissions and Important Dates:
Deadline,March 31, 2024: Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submission
April10, 2024: Notification of acceptance
April 20, 2024: Registration deadline and full paper submissionvia email:
Selected papers presented in the conference are eligible to be considered for publication in theInnovation and Green Development. If you wish your paper to be considered for publication in the IGD, please indicate so in your submission. Note that the acceptance of a paper for presentation at the conference is not a guarantee of publication. All selected papers will go through the journal's blind review process.
Registration Fees (for the paper to be included in the programme):
Registration fees and fee waiver information will be sent via email when authors submit their manuscripts.
If you have questions, please contact us via email: