以第一作者/通讯作者发表相关论文20余篇。近期发表的论文摘录如下(其中本人以黑体加以强调,通讯作者以“*”标出): [1]Shiguo wang, Mingyue He, Yongjian Zhang(*), Rukhsana Ruby , “Equivalent channel-based joint hybrid precoding/combining for large-scale MIMO systems,”physical communication, 2021,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phycom.2021.101287. [2]Shiguo wang, Mingyue He, Yongjian Zhang, Xinlei Wang, “Joint hybrid precoding scheme with low complexity for single-user massive MIMO systems,”2020 international conference on Internet of things and IEEE green computing and communications,pp.175-179. [3]Shiguo Wang,Lifang Li,Rukhsana Ruby(*), Peng Li,”A general hybrid precoding scheme for millimeter wave massive MIMO systems,”Wireless Networks, 2020, 26:1331-1345. [4]Shiguo Wang, Shiqi Quan, Xianru Liu(*),“A novel power allocation scheme for multi-user single-DF-relay networks,”Signal processing, 159:13-19, Jun. 2019 [5]Shiguo Wang,Shu Cao, R. Ruby(*), “Optimal Power Allocation in NOMA-based two-path Successive AF Relay Systems,”EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communicationsand networking, 2018:273, https: //doi.org /10.186/ s13638-018-1286-z. [6]Shiguo Wang, R. Ruby, Victor C. M. Leung, Z. Yao, X. Liu, Z. Li(*), Sump-Power Minimization Problem in Multisource Single-AF-Relay Networks: A New Revisit to Study the Optimality,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 9958-9971, Nov. 2017. [7]Shiguo Wang, Xianru liu, Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Multi-user Single-DF-Relay Networks,Wireless Personal Communications, vol.97, no. 3, pp. 3725-3742, Jul. 2017. [8]Shiguo Wang,Rukhsana Ruby,Victor C.M. Leung, Zhiqiang Yao,A Low- Complexity Power Allocation Strategy to Minimize Sum-Source-Power for Multi-User Single-AF-Relay Networks,IEEE Transactions on Communicatoins, vol. 64, no. 8, pp.3275-3283, Aug. 2016. [9]Shiguo Wang,Rukhsana Ruby,Victor C.M. Leung, Zhiqiang Yao.Energy-EfficientPower Allocation for Multi-User Single-AF-Relay Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks,Computer Networks, vol.103, pp.115-128, 2016. [10]Shiguo wang,Haixia peng,Xianru liu.Sum-Power Minimization in Multi-User Single-DF-Relay Networks With Direct Links,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 12, no. 4,pp.1-7, 2016. http :// dx.doi.org /10.1155 /2016/8467294 [11]Shiguo Wang, Hong Ji. Distributed power allocation scheme for multi-relay shared-bandwidth(MRSB) wireless cooperative communication,IEEE Communications Letters, 2012,16(8):1263-1265.