学术报告--Real-World Large-Scale Visual Recognition and Search
发布时间: 2015-11-12 11:14:20浏览量:
报告题目:Real-World Large-Scale Visual Recognition and Search
报告时间:2015年11月14日周六上午9:30- 11:30
报告内容:Image recognition and search have been studied for decades and became very hot again in recently years mainly due to the rapid development of distributed computing, high-dimensional indexing, deep learning and big data analytical techniques. Many visual search and recognition research prototypes and preliminary products are available to the public. However, have we solved all the big technical and non-technical challenges? Has ImageNet solved the recognition problem? What are the key factors of realizing a real-world visual recognition/search system? Are semantic gaps still there, and do they really matter? What is the right business model for those technologies? Which direction that visual search/recognition is going towards? What are still missing? In this talk, we will discuss all these questions based on a real-world visual search and recognition engine that has a considerable number of users.