[1]Dun Cao, Kai Zeng(2019级研究生), Jin Wang, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Xiaomin Ma, Yonghe LiuandSiyuan Zhou, “BERT-based Deep Spatial-Temporal Network for Taxi Demand Prediction,”IEEETransactionsonIntelligentTransportationSystems,2022,23(7),9442-9454,DOI:10.1109/TITS.2021.3122114.( SCI, 中科院1区, IF:9.55) [2]Dun Cao,Bin Zheng,Baofeng Ji, Zhengbao Lei, Chunhai Feng. A Robust Distance-Based Relay Selection for Message Dissemination in Vehicular Network, Wireless Networks. 2020,26(3), 1755-1771, April 1, 2020.DOI:10.1007/s11276-018-1863-4.( SCI,CCF C类,高被引论文) [3]Dun Cao, Bin Zheng, Jin Wang, Baofeng Ji, and Chunhai Feng. Design and analysis of a general relay-node selection mechanism on intersection in vehicular networks[J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(12), 4251-4276. DOI:10.3390/s18124251 [4]Dun Cao, Yonghe Liu, XiaominI Ma, JinWang, Baofeng Ji, Chunhai Feng, Jinxiu Si.A Relay-node Selection on Curve Road in Vehicular Networks.IEEE Access, 7(1): 12714-12728.DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892979 [5]C. Feng, S. Arshad,S. Zhou,D. Caoand Y. Liu. Wi-multi: A Three-phase System for Multiple Human Activity Recognition with Commercial WiFi Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019,6(4) :7293-7304 [6]Dun Cao, Yuchen Jiang(2018级研究生), Jin Wang, Baofeng Ji, Osama Alfarraj, Amr Tolba, Xiaomin Ma and Yonghe Liu,ARNS: Adaptive Relay-Node Selection Method for Message Broadcasting in the Internet of Vehicles,Sensors,2020, 20(5), 1338-1355. DOI: 10.3390/s20051338(SCI,高被引) [7]Baofeng Ji , Yuqi Li ,Dun Cao, Chunguo Li, Shahid Mumtaz , and Dan Wang. Secrecy Performance Analysis of UAV Assisted Relay Transmission for Cognitive Network with Energy Harvesting.IEEE Transactions onVehicularTechnology,2020,69(7):7404-7412. [8]曹敦,张应宝(2020级研究生),邹电,王进,汤强,冀保峰.V2X多节点协同分布式卸载策略.通信学报.2022,43(2):185-195(中文权威期刊) [9]Dun Cao, Dongwei Li(2019级研究生), Osama Alfarraj, Amr Tolba, Gwang-jun Kim. A Beacon-less Relay-node Selection Method for 3-D Scenarios in Internet of Vehicle. Journal ofInternetand Technology.2022,23(5):1041-1047, DOI:10.53106/160792642022092305012 [10]Dun Cao, Renhua Dai(2019级研究生), Jin Wang, Baofeng Ji, Osama Alfarraj, Amr Tolba, Pradip Kumar Sharma, and Min Zhu, Fast Visual Tracking with Squeeze and Excitation Region Proposal Network. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences. 2022, awaitingpubilish( SCI, 中科院2区, IF:6.558)