发布时间: 2024-02-28 11:37:07浏览量:
新利官网开户 计算机与通信工程学研究生导师基本信息表 |
1、个人基本信息: |
姓名:乃科 |
性别:男 |
出生年月:1988年3月 |
技术职称:讲师 |
毕业院校:湖南大学 |
学历(学位):博士 |
所在学科:计算机科学与技术 |
研究方向:计算机视觉、机器学习、 深度学习、人工智能、视觉目标跟踪 |
联系电话:13548680422 |
邮箱:821793650@qq.com |
2、教育背景: |
中南大学 |
计算机科学与技术,硕士 |
2015.9-2019.12 |
湖南大学 |
计算机科学与技术,博士 |
2020.2-2023.1 |
湖南大学 |
软件工程,博士后 |
3、目前研究领域: |
计算机视觉、机器学习、深度学习、人工智能、视觉目标跟踪 |
4、已完成或已在承担的主要课题: |
1.国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 62106071,面向开放环境的鲁棒目标跟踪方法研究, 2022-01-01至2024-12-31, 30万元,在研,主持 2.中国博士后科学基金,面上项目,复杂场景下的相关滤波跟踪方法研究,2022-01-01至2022-12-30,8万元,已结题,主持 3.国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目, U21A20518,城市智能客车多模态协同感知与安全高效行驶 关键技术研究, 2022-01-01至2025-12-31, 260万元,在研,参与 4.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 62272157,交互式可控图像描述迁移学习关键技术研究, 2023- 01-01至2026-12-31, 53万元,在研,参与 5.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 62172150,基于多视角3D人体姿态分析的动作识别方法研究, 2022-01-01至2025-12-31, 60万元,在研,参与 |
6、已发表的学术论文: |
[1]Ke Nai,Zhiyong Li,Guiji Li,Shanquan Wang.Robust Object Tracking via Local SparseAppearance Model[J]. IEEE Transactions onImage Processing, 2018,27(10):4958-4970.(SCI一区,IF-10.6, 第一作者) [2]Ke Nai, Zhiyong Li,Yihui Gan,Qi Wang. Robust Visual Tracking via Multitask SparseCorrelation Filters Learning [J]. IEEE Transactions onNeural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023,34(1):502-515.(SCI一区,IF-10.4, 第一作者) [3]Zhiyong Li,Ke Nai,Guiji Li,Shilong Jiang. Learning a Dynamic Feature FusionTracker for Object Tracking [J]. IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems, 2022,23(2):1479-1491.(SCI一区,IF-8.5, 共同一作兼通讯作者) [4]Ke Nai, Zhiyong Li,Haidong Wang. LearningChannel-AwareCorrelationFilters forRobustObjectTracking[J]. IEEE Transactions onCircuits andSystems forVideoTechnology, 2022,32(11):7843-7857.(SCI一区,IF-8.4, 第一作者) [5]Ke Nai,Shaomiao Chen. Learning a Novel Ensemble Tracker for RobustVisual Tracking[J]. IEEE Transactions onMultimedia, 2024,26:3194-3205.(SCI一区,IF-7.3,第一作者) [6]Ke Nai,Zhiyong Li,Haidong Wang.Dynamic Feature Fusion with Spatial-Temporal Context for RobustObject Tracking[J].Pattern Recognition,2022,130,108775.(SCI一区,IF-8.0, 第一作者) [7]Ke Nai,Degui Xiao,Zhiyong Li,Shilong Jiang,Yu Gu. Multi-patternCorrelationTracking[J].Knowledge-based Systems, 2019,181:104789.(SCI一区,IF-8.8, 第一作者) [8]Zhiyong Li,Chenming Hu,Ke Nai,Jin Yuan. SiameseTargetEstimationNetwork with AIoU loss forReal-timeVisualTracking [J].Journal of Visual Communication of Image Representation, 2021,77:103107.(SCI三区, IF-2.6, 通讯作者) [9]Guiji Li,Manman Peng,Ke Nai.Reliable correlation tracking via dual-memory selection model[J].Information Sciences,2020,518,238-255.(SCI一区,IF-8.1) [10]Guiji Li,Manman Peng,Ke Nai.Multi-view correlation tracking with adaptive memory-improved update model[J].Neural Computing and Applications, 2020,32:9047-9063.(SCI三区,IF-6) [11]Guiji Li,Manman Peng,Ke Nai.Visual tracking via context-aware local sparse appearance model[J].Journal of Visual Communication of Image Representation, 2018,56:92-105.(SCI三区, IF-2.6) [12]Jiacheng Lin,Xianwen Dai,Ke Nai.BRPPNet: Balanced privacy protection network for referring personal image privacy protection[J].Expert Systems with Applications, 2023.(SCI一区,IF-8.4) [13]Qi Wang,Zhiyong Li,Ke Nai.Dynamic resource allocation for jointing vehicle-edge deep neural network inference[J].Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021.(SCI二区,IF-4.5) [14]Zhiyong Li,Song Gao,Ke Nai.Robust object tracking based on adaptive templates matching via the fusion of multiple features[J].Journal of Visual Communication of Image Representation, 2017,44:1-20.(SCI三区, IF-2.6) [15]Jia Zhang,Zhiyong Li,Ke Nai.DELR: A double-level ensemble learning method for unsupervised anomaly detection[J].Knowledge-based Systems, 2019,181:104783.(SCI一区,IF-8.8) [16]Haidong Wang,Zhiyong Li,Ke Nai. BTN: Neuroanatomical aligning between visual object tracking in deep neural network and smooth pursuit in brain[J].Neurocomputing, 2022,486(14):16-26.(SCI二区,IF-6.0) [17]Xianwen Dai,Jiacheng Lin,Ke Nai.Multiscale deep feature selection fusion network for referring image segmentation[J].Multimedia Tools and Application, 2023.(SCI四区,IF-3.6) [18]Jingyi Lv,Zhiyong Li,Ke Nai.Person re-identification with expanded neighborhoods distance re-ranking[J].Image and Vision Computing, 2020,95:103875.(SCI三区,IF-4.7) [19]Song Wang,Huan Zhao,Ke Nai. Learning a maximized shared latent factor for cross-modal hashing[J].Knowledge-based Systems, 2021,228(27):107252.(SCI一区,IF-8.8) |
7、所获学术荣誉及学术影响: |