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Athanasios Markou:(Lateral) Torsional (Buckling) as Design Driver

2024年03月18日 15:43 来源:土木工程学院


报告内容:(Lateral) Torsional (Buckling) as Design Driver

报告人姓名:Athanasios Markou


报告人职称/职务及学术头衔:Lecturer /Dr.



报告人简介:Dr. Athanasios Markou is currently a University Lecturer in Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering in Aalto University, Finland. He received his PhD in a joined program between Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and University of Catania, Italy. During this time, he had the chance to participate in full-scale free vibration tests of two buildings in Sicily, Italy in addition to laboratory experiments of high-damping rubber bearings. After completing his PhD studies and before joining Aalto University, he was involved in the MSCA-RISE EXCHANGE-RISK (Grant number 691213) mobility research project lead by Prof. Anastasios Sextos at University of Bristol. During this time, he had the opportunity to work in the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) for one year as a postdoctoral researcher, where he studied soil-structure interaction phenomena. In Aalto University he teaches courses as Foundations of Continuum Mechanics, Fundamental of Structural Design, Numerical Methods in Engineering and Dynamics of Structures. In addition, he had the opportunity to get involved in the construction, simulation and installation of two different research pavilions: Zero Gravity Pavilion and 20x4 Twist in collaboration with Prof. G. Filz. Finally, his work embraces, experimental, numerical and theoretical aspects of architecturally sound structural systems with a special interest in nonlinear phenomena.

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