1.Zhuoyin Peng, Zhou Liu, Jianlin Chen, Yanjie Ren, Wei Li, Cong Li, Jian Chen,Influence of ZnO nano-array interlayer on the charge transfer performance of quantum dot sensitized solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 299: 206-212.
2. Yangfan Li, Linlin Wang, Zhaolong Li, Yueli Liu,Zhuoyin Peng*, Min Zhu, Chao Zhang, Wei Jin,Synthesis and photocatalytic property of V2O5@TiO2core-shell microspheres towards gaseous benzene, Catalysis Today, 2019, 321-322: 164-171.
3.Zhuoyin Peng,Zhou Liu, Yueli Liu, Jianlin Chen, Cong Li, Wei Li, Lida Liao, Jian Chen,Improving on the interparticle connection for performance enhancement of flexible quantum dot sensitized solar cells, Materials Research Bulletin, 2018, 105: 91-97.
4.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Wen Chen, Keqiang Chen, Jianlin Chen, Jian Chen,Long wavelength optical absorption and photovoltaic performance enhancement on CuInS2and PbS quantum dot co-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 701: 131-137.
5.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Yinghan Zhao, Keqiang Chen, Wen Chen, Influence of surface states of CuInS2quantum dots in quantum dots sensitized photo-electrodes, Applied Surface Science, 2016,388: 437-443.
6.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Yinghan Zhao, Keqiang Chen, Yuqing Cheng, Wen Chen, Incorporation of the TiO2nanowire arrays photoanode and Cu2S nanorod arrays counter electrode on the photovoltaic efficiency of quantum dot sensitized solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 135:276-283
7.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Yinghan Zhao, Keqiang Chen, Yuqing Cheng, Valery Kovalev, Wen Chen, ZnSe passivation layer for the efficiency enhancement of CuInS2quantum dots sensitized solar cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 587:613-617
8.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Wei Shu, Keqiang Chen, Valery Kovalev, Wen Chen, Photoelectrochemical behavior of TiO2nanorod arrays decorated with CuInS2quantum dots, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 292:514-519
9.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Keqiang Chen, Guojie Yang, Wen Chen*, Fabrication of the protonated pentatitanate nanobelts sensitized with CuInS2quantum dots for photovoltaic applications, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 244:335-342
10.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Yinghan Zhao, Wei Shu, Keqiang Chen, Qiaoliang Bao, Wen Chen, Efficiency enhancement of TiO2nanodendrite array electrodes in CuInS2quantum dot sensitized solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 111:755-761
11.Zhuoyin Peng, Yueli Liu, Wei Shu, Keqiang Chen, Wen Chen*, Efficiency enhancement of CuInS2quantum dot sensitized TiO2photo-anodes for solar cell applications, Chemical Physics Letters, 2013, 586:85-90
12.Zhuoyin Peng,Yueli Liu, Wei Shu, Keqiang Chen, Wen Chen*, Synthesis of various sized CuInS2quantum dots and their photovoltaic properties as sensitizers for TiO2photoanode, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 32:5239-5244. |