2019年学院发表学术论文统计表 |
序号 |
作者姓名 |
论文名称 |
发表日期 |
刊物名称 |
刊号 |
1 |
杜荣华 |
分布式驱动电动汽车复合制动系统转矩分配控制策略仿真 |
2019/3/13 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN1000-680X |
2 |
胡林 |
基于真实事故案例的自动紧急制动系统两轮车测试场景研究 |
2018/12/25 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN1000-680X |
3 |
雷正保 |
吸导结构耐撞性的主从关联拓扑优化 |
2019/11/25 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN 1000-680X |
4 |
刘鑫 |
基于概率-椭球混合模型的缓冲气囊防护特性可靠性分析方法 |
2019/11/17 |
机械工程学报 |
ISSN0577-6686 |
5 |
刘鑫 |
基于自适应代理模型的汽车乘员约束系统优化设计 |
2019/11/23 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN1000-680X |
6 |
刘志强 |
分布式驱动电动汽车稳定性控制仿真与试验 |
2019/7/1 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN1000-680X |
7 |
荣见华 |
涉及空腔制造的最小长度尺寸限制的清晰结构拓扑优化设计 |
2019/10/1 |
机械工程学报 |
ISSN 0577-6686 |
8 |
武和全 |
自动驾驶汽车中乘员在不同座椅朝向下的损伤风险及规避策略 |
2019/6/30 |
中国公路学报 |
ISSN1001-7372 |
9 |
张志勇 |
基于自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波的分布式驱动电动汽车状态估计 |
2019/3/25 |
机械工程学报 |
0577-6686 |
10 |
邹铁方 |
基于证据理论的多模型事故再现结果融合 |
2019/4/1 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN1000-680X |
11 |
戴晓元 |
Al-9.0Zn-2.5Mg-1.5Cu-0.15Zr-0.4Sc合金的分级淬火性能研究 |
2019/8/1 |
材料热处理学报 |
ISSN1009-6264 |
12 |
戴晓元 |
固溶-时效对7×××系铝合金淬透性的影响 |
2018/7/1 |
金属热处理 |
ISSN0254-6051 |
13 |
戴晓元 |
数值模拟在铝合金淬火过程中的应用 |
2019/11/1 |
金属热处理 |
ISSN:0254-6051 |
14 |
戴晓元 |
TTT and TTP diagrams for quench sensitivity of Al-9.0Zn-2.5Mg-1.5Cu-0.15Zr-0.2Sc alloy |
2019/3/1 |
稀有金属材料与工程 |
ISSN1002-185X |
15 |
高凯 |
Coordinated control method of intersection traffic light in one-way road based on V2X |
2019/9/1 |
Journal of Central South University |
ISSN 2095-2899 |
16 |
高凯 |
低附着工况自动驾驶汽车纵横向耦合控制研究 |
2019/3/31 |
汽车安全与节能学报 |
ISSN 1674-8484 |
17 |
胡宏伟 |
基于LBP-KPCA特征提取的焊缝超声检测缺陷分类方法 |
2019/6/1 |
焊接学报 |
ISSN 0253-360X |
18 |
雷正保(导师) |
基于满意度函数的新型逃生管道多目标稳健性设计 |
2019/1/1 |
工程设计学报 |
ISSN:1006-754X |
19 |
雷正保(导师) |
独立桩防撞垫耐撞性拓扑优化设计 |
2019/9/1 |
公路交通科技 |
ISSN 1002-0268 |
20 |
龙春光 |
聚甲醛/海泡石纤维复合材料的制备与性能研究 |
2019/2/15 |
中国塑料 |
ISSN1001-9278 |
21 |
邱国良 |
基于矩阵式定位模型的高校“大思政”育人格局的构建 |
2019/5/1 |
中国高等教育 |
ISSN1002-4417 |
22 |
荣见华(导师) |
含有Heaviside密度映射的构型平稳变化的柔性机构拓扑优化设计 |
2019/4/24 |
机械科学与技术 |
ISSN:1003-8728 |
23 |
唐昆 |
小口径非球面硫系玻璃镜片的非等温热压成型仿真与实验 |
2019/8/1 |
红外与激光工程 |
ISSN 1007-2276 |
24 |
张志勇 |
轮毂驱动电动汽车差动助力转向变论域模糊PID控制 |
2019/6/20 |
汽车安全与节能学报 |
1674-8484 |
25 |
高凯 |
DPNN-CNN: A Novel Approach For Network Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning |
2019/8/31 |
International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering |
26 |
高凯 |
Connected Vehicle as a Mobile Sensor for Real Time Queue Length at Signalized Intersections |
2019/5/2 |
Sensors |
ISSN 1424-8220 |
27 |
高凯 |
Conditional Artificial Potential Field based Autonomous Vehicle Safety Control with Interference of Lane Changing in Mixed Traffic Scenario |
2019/9/27 |
Sensors |
ISSN 1424-8220 |
28 |
高凯(导师) |
A Control Method of Mobile Wireless Charging for Connected EVs Travelling on Freeway |
2019/7/23 |
Chinese Control Conference (CCC2019) |
29 |
高凯(导师) |
Modeling and analysis of hydraulic braking system of low-floor tram based on AMESim |
2019/9/30 |
International Conference on Automation & Computing |
30 |
何海林 |
Effects of thermomechanical treatment on grain refinement, second-phase particle dissolution, and mechanical properties of 2219 Al alloy |
2019/11/19 |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology |
ISSN0924-0136 |
31 |
何志勇 |
Research on optimisation of MOOC education model based on participatory visual teaching technology |
2019/11/1 |
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning |
ISSN: 0957-4344 |
32 |
何志勇 |
The Performance Study of Current-carrying Plate Fluid Attenuator |
2019/9/1 |
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering |
ISSN: 1560-6686 |
33 |
贺尚红 |
Mechanical simulation and installation position optimisation of a lifting cylinder of a scissors aerial work platform |
2019/1/1 |
The Journal of Engineering, v2019, n13 |
ISSN 2051-3305 |
34 |
贺湘宇 |
Research on the energy efficiency of energy regeneration systems for a battery-powered hydrostatic vehicle |
2019/7/15 |
Energy |
ISSN 0360-5442 |
35 |
侯志祥 |
Safety message data transmission model and congestion conteol scheme in VANE |
2019/4/1 |
Int. J. Information and Communication Technology |
ISSN 1466-6642 |
36 |
侯志祥 |
Specila issue on big data for IOT clound computing convergence |
2019/4/1 |
Web intelligence |
ISSN 1570-1263 |
37 |
胡宏伟 |
Finite element simulation and experimental study of residual stress testing using nonlinear ultrasonic surface wave technique |
2019/4/12 |
Applied Acoustics |
ISSN0003-682X |
38 |
胡宏伟 |
Finite element simulation of co-linear wave-mixing surface wave for micro-cracks testing |
2019/9/1 |
Materials Evaluation |
ISSN0025-5327 |
39 |
胡林 |
A Review of Research on Traffic Conflicts Based on Intelligent Vehicles Perception Technology |
2019/10/10 |
ICACMVE 2019 |
ISBN-13:978-17281-3905-0 |
40 |
胡林 |
Tunnel driving occupational environment and hearing loss in train drivers in China |
2019/2/5 |
Occupational and Environmental Medicine(职业与环境医学) |
ISSN1351-0711 |
41 |
胡永乐 |
Ni-Cr合金钎料激光钎焊金刚石表面金属化(在线发表) |
2019/3/18 |
激光技术 |
ISSN 1001-3806 |
42 |
黄毅 |
Simulation and experiments of active vibration control for ultra-long flexible manipulator under impact loads |
2019/1/30 |
Journal of Vibration and Control |
ISSN: 10775463 |
43 |
蒋仁言 |
A Novel Normalization Method for Using in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis |
2019/12/18 |
2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management |
澳门2019/12/15-2019/12/18 |
44 |
蒋仁言 |
A Compromise Method of Estimating the Weibull Shape Parameter and MTTF from Heavily Censored Data |
2019/8/9 |
2019 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2019) |
张家界2019/8/6-2019/8/9 |
45 |
蒋仁言 |
MTTF与MTBF的一些值得注意的问题 |
2019/8/21 |
2019年(第三十二届) 全国机械行业可靠性技术学术交流会暨可靠性工程分会 |
广州2019/8/19/-2019/8/21 |
46 |
蒋仁言 |
Two approximations of renewal function for any arbitrary lifetime distribution |
2019/8/13 |
Annals of Operations Research |
doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03356-2 |
47 |
蒋仁言 |
Offline Performance Evaluation of Battery of Electric Vehicles: Literature Review and an Evaluation Framework for Sorting |
2019/7/24 |
北京2019/7/22-2019/7/24 |
48 |
蒋仁言 |
An Accurate and Integrable Approximation of Weibull Renewal Function |
2019/6/7 |
The 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019) |
香港城市大学2019/6/3-2019/6/7 |
49 |
蒋仁言 |
A hybrid method for fitting heavily censored data to the Weibull distribution |
2019/7/31 |
World Congress on Resilience, Reliability and Asset Management |
Singapore,2019/7/28-2019/7/31 |
50 |
蒋仁言 |
汽车二级维护竣工后的 综合性能定量评价方法和应用 |
2019/1/7 |
南京工程学院学报(自然科学版) |
DOI:10.13960 /j.issn.1672-2558.2019.01.001 |
51 |
蒋仁言(导师) |
基于失效-停机时间的公共汽车二级保养效果 |
2019/11/7 |
设备管理与维修 |
DOI:10.16621/j.cnki.issn1001-0599.2019.11.16 |
52 |
雷正保(导师) |
The design of automotive electronic control suspension system based on digital simulation |
2019/10/9 |
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems |
ISSN 1064-1246 |
53 |
雷正保(导师) |
纯电动汽车正面抗撞结构耐撞性拓扑优化方法 |
2019/1/1 |
合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) |
ISSN : 1003-5060 |
54 |
雷正保(导师) |
道路抗撞结构立柱动态冲击试验用新型台车的私人订制 |
2019/7/1 |
机械设计 |
ISSN : 1001-2354 |
55 |
雷正保(导师) |
基于混合元胞自动机的护栏防撞端头设计 |
2018/12/1 |
西华大学学报(自然科学版) |
ISSN : 1673-159X |
56 |
李方义 |
Evidence-Theory-Based Robust Optimization and Its Application in Micro-Electromechanical Systems |
2019/4/7 |
Applied Sciences |
ISSN 2076-3417 |
57 |
李方义 |
Robust Optimization for Micromachine Design Problems Involving Multimodal Distributions |
2019/6/26 |
IEEE Access |
ISSN: 2169-3536 |
58 |
李方义 |
Extending SORA method for reliability-based design optimization using probability and convex set mixed models |
2019/4/1 |
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization |
ISSN: 1615-147X (Print) 1615-1488 (Online) |
59 |
李凤玲 |
《基于萤火虫算法动态未知环境的路径规划》 |
2019/7/1 |
自动化与仪表 |
60 |
李岳林 |
掺氢天然气HCCI发动机燃烧特性数值模拟研究 |
2019/5/1 |
汽车工程学报 |
ISSN2095-1469 |
61 |
刘鑫 |
An Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Uncertain Structures Based on Ellipsoidal Convex Model |
2019/1/3 |
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization |
ISSN1615-147X |
62 |
刘鑫 |
Construction of probability box model based on maximum entropy principle and corresponding hybrid reliability analysis approach |
2019/9/16 |
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization |
ISSN1615-147X |
63 |
刘鑫 |
The multi-objective reliability-based design optimization for structure based on probability and ellipsoidal convex hybrid model |
2019/1/1 |
Structural Safety |
ISSN0167-4730 |
64 |
刘鑫 |
Dynamic stiffness design of plate/shell structures using explicit topology optimization |
2019/3/1 |
Thin-Walled Structures |
ISSN0263-8231 |
65 |
刘鑫 |
基于校企合作的车辆工程专业本科生培养模式创新研究 |
2019/11/15 |
科教导刊 |
ISSN 1674-6813 |
66 |
龙春光 |
Effect of coatings on thermal conductivity and tribological properties of aluminum foam/polyoxymethylene interpenetrating composites |
2019/11/20 |
Journal of Materials Science |
ISSN 0022-2461 |
67 |
毛聪 |
Tribological behavior of cBN-WC-10Co composites for dry reciprocating sliding wear |
2019/4/1 |
Ceramics International |
0272-8842 |
68 |
唐宏宾 |
A Model-Based Method for Leakage Detection of Piston Pump Under Variable Load Condition |
2019/7/24 |
IEEE Access |
ISSN 2169-3536 |
69 |
唐宏宾 |
A multi-fault diagnosis method for piston pump in construction machinery based on information fusion and PSO-SVM |
2019/11/15 |
Journal of Vibroengineering |
ISSN 1392-8716 |
70 |
仝永刚(通讯) |
Simple and green fabrication process of nano silver conductive ink and the application in frequency selective surface |
2019/12/1 |
Nanotechnology |
0957-4484 |
71 |
仝永刚、谢炜 |
工科硕士研究生科技论文写作课程教学实践与思考 |
2019/5/1 |
教育教学论坛 |
ISSN1674-9324 |
72 |
王向红 |
Preliminary research on nonlinear ultrasonic detection of porosity of porous materials based on dynamic wavelet fingerprint technology |
2019/7/15 |
Sensors |
ISSN1672-9331 |
73 |
王向红 |
基于NOFRFs的机械设备关键部件疲劳裂纹识别 |
2019/9/15 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
ISSN:1672-9331 |
74 |
吴钢 |
Numerical investigation of aeroacoustics damping performance ofaHelmholtz resonator: Effects of geometry, grazing and bias flow |
2019/3/1 |
Aerospace Science and Technology |
ISSN1270-9638 |
75 |
吴钢 |
Experimental demonstration of mitigating self-excited combustion oscillations using an electrical heater |
2019/4/1 |
Applied Energy |
ISSN0306-2619 |
76 |
吴钢 |
Experimental studies of mitigating remixed flame-excited thermoacoustic oscillations in T-shaped Combustor using an electrical heater |
2019/5/1 |
Energy |
ISSN0360-5442 |
77 |
武和全 |
Internal Biomechanical Study of a 70-Year-Old Female Human Lumbar Bi-Segment Finite Element Model and Comparison with a Middle-Aged Male Model |
2019/4/30 |
BioMed research international |
ISSN2314-6133 |
78 |
武和全 |
Research on Application of Electric Vehicle Collision Based on Reliability Optimization Design Method |
2019/7/26 |
International Journal of Computational Methods |
ISSN1793-6969 |
79 |
武和全 |
以工程应用能力为导向的独立学院汽车服务工程专业人才培养模式研究 |
2019/11/1 |
科教导刊 |
ISSN1674-6813 |
80 |
谢炜、路平安 |
科技写作训练与硕士研究生创新能力培养 |
2019/5/1 |
教育教学论坛 |
ISSN1674-9324 |
81 |
尹来容 |
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Laser Lap Welded Dual Phase Steel |
2019/1/10 |
Lasers in Engineering |
82 |
尹来容 |
Synthesis Theory and Optimum Design of Four-bar Linkage with Given Angle Parameters |
2019/1/10 |
Mechanical Sciences |
83 |
尹来容 |
Solution-region-based synthesis approach for selecting optimal four-bar linkages with the Ball-Burmester point |
2019/1/10 |
Mechanical Sciences |
84 |
张健 |
Interfacial bonding mechanism and adhesive transfer of brazed diamond with Ni-based filler alloy: First-principles and experimental perspective |
2019/7/4 |
Carbon |
ISSN0008-6223 |
85 |
张健(导师) |
Modifying effects and mechanisms of graphene on dehydrogenation properties of sodium borohydride |
2019/9/27 |
Journal of Materials Science |
ISSN0022-2461 |
86 |
张健(导师) |
有机化蒙脱土的制备及其对沥青改性的研究 |
2019/2/15 |
公路与汽运 |
ISSN1671-2668 |
87 |
张明军 |
Comparative Study of Laser Welding and Laser-Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Hybrid Welding of 5052 Aluminium Alloy |
2019/11/1 |
Lasers in Engineering |
ISSN 0898-1507 |
88 |
张鹏 |
An efficient method for computation of geodesic on b-spline surfaces |
2019/6/1 |
International conference on advances in construction machinery and vehicle engineering(ICACMVE 2019) |
长沙2019年5月14-16日 |
89 |
张鹏 |
质量管理与控制课程教学改革与思考 |
2019/4/1 |
教书育人(高教论坛) |
ISSN1008-2549 |
90 |
张鹏 |
高校实验教学改革与思考 |
2019/3/1 |
教书育人(高教论坛) |
ISSN1008-2549 |
91 |
张旭 |
Investigations on microstructure evolution of TA1 titanium alloy subjected to electromagnetic impact loading |
2019/1/20 |
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
ISSN:1644-9665 |
92 |
张旭 |
Theoretical and experimental investigation on interference fit in electromagnetic riveting |
2019/4/4 |
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |
ISSN: 0020-7403 |
93 |
张旭 |
“汽车营销学”课程教学及考核方式改革探讨 |
2019/3/1 |
科教导刊 |
ISSN1674-6813 |
94 |
张志勇 |
Vibration source identification of a heavy commercial vehicle cab based on operational transfer path analysis |
2019/6/13 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering |
0954-4070 |
95 |
张志勇 |
锂离子电池组模型参数的辨识 |
2019/1/22 |
电池 |
1001-1579 |
96 |
周小杰 |
Fabrication of high-strength AZ80 alloys via multidirectional forging in air with no need of ageing treatment |
2019/2/12 |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
ISSN0925-8388 |
97 |
周振华 |
The design of negative stiffness spring for precision vibration isolation using axially magnetized permanent magnet rings |
2019/8/3 |
Journal of Vibration and Control |
ISSN1077-5463 |
98 |
邹铁方 |
Potential benefits of controlled vehicle braking to reduce pedestrian ground contact injuries |
2019/8/1 |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
ISSN0001-4575 |
99 |
邹铁方 |
A case-oriented approach for analyzing the uncertainty of a reconstructed result based on the evidence theory |
2019/7/1 |
International journal of legal medicine |
ISSN0937-9827 |
100 |
邹铁方 |
Design of Experiment in Analyzing Uncertainty of Simulation Results in Accident Reconstruction |
2019/3/1 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering |
ISSN0954-4070 |
101 |
邱国良 |
智能制造人才培养路径探索 |
2019/5/1 |
现代企业被人大复印资料企业家信息201908期全文转载 |
ISSN1005-443X/CN11-4360/F |