序号 |
作者姓名 |
论文名称 |
学科门类编号 |
发表年 |
刊物名称 |
论文类型编号 |
是否为SCI/SSCI源刊 |
备注 |
1 |
刘鑫 |
An efficient multi-objective optimization method based on the adaptive approximation model of the radial basis function |
02 |
2021 |
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
2 |
刘鑫 |
An improved first order approximate reliability analysis method for uncertain structures based on evidence theory |
02 |
2021 |
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
3 |
刘鑫 |
基于概率-区间混合模型的汽车乘员约束系统可靠性优化设计 |
02 |
2021 |
振动与冲击 |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
4 |
刘鑫 |
An Efficient Multi-objective Optimization Method Based on the Adaptive Approximation Model |
02 |
2021 |
The 2021 International Conference of Mechanical Design & the 21th Mechanical Design Annual Conference (ICMD2021) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
5 |
王向红等 |
Volume Fraction Detection of Long Period Stacking Ordered Phases in Mg Alloys Based on Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Packet Transform |
02 |
2021 |
Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing |
4 |
是 |
6 |
王向红等 |
Influence of different crack factors on acoustic wave signals using orhtogonal analysis |
02 |
2021 |
Materials Evaluation |
4 |
是 |
7 |
邵万福、谢炜等 |
Study on Favorable Comprehensive Properties of Superhydrophobic Coating Fabricated by Polytetrafluoroethylene Doped with Graphene |
01 |
2021 |
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
8 |
骆峰、谢炜等 |
Study on broadband microwave absorbing performance of gradient porous structure |
01 |
2021 |
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
9 |
胡宏伟 |
Study on PCA-SAFT imaging using leaky Rayleigh waves |
02 |
2021 |
Measurement |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
10 |
胡宏伟 |
An improved ultrasonic coda wave method for concrete behavior monitoring under various loading conditions |
02 |
2021 |
Ultrasonics |
4 |
是 |
第一作者 |
11 |
毛聪 |
Tensile behaviors of laser-discrete-quenched substrate/nickel coating of electroplated grinding wheel |
02 |
2021 |
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology |
4 |
是 |
第一作者 |
12 |
毛聪 |
Effect of laser-discrete-quenching on bonding properties of electroplated grinding wheel with AISI 1045 steel substrate and nickel bond |
02 |
2021 |
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics |
4 |
是 |
第一作者 |
13 |
蒋仁言 |
Two bias-corrected Kaplan-Meier estimators |
02 |
2021 |
Quality and Reliability Engineering International |
4 |
是 |
14 |
蒋仁言 |
威布尔更新函数的一个精确近似式 |
02 |
2021 |
运筹与管理 |
3 |
否 |
15 |
蒋仁言 |
A DEA-based multi-response fusion model in the context of Taguchi method |
02 |
2021 |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
4 |
否 |
16 |
蒋仁言 |
A quasi-normal distribution and its application in parameter estimation on heavily censored data. |
02 |
2021 |
International Journal of Reliability |
4 |
否 |
EI |
17 |
蒋仁言 |
A novel MTTF estimator and associated parameter estimation method on heavily censoring data. |
02 |
2021 |
Quality and Reliability Engineering International |
4 |
是 |
18 |
蒋仁言 |
基于多应力加速退化模型的机床退化过程建模 |
02 |
2021 |
吉林大学学报(工学版) |
4 |
是 |
学生一作,本人通讯EI |
19 |
张健 |
Stabilization of low-valence transition metal towards advanced catalytic effects on the hydrogen storage performance of magnesium hydride |
01 |
2021 |
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
20 |
张健 |
Hydrogen storage properties and mechanisms of as-cast,homogenized and ECAP processed Mg98.5Y1Zn0.5 alloys containing LPSO phase |
01 |
2021 |
Energy |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
21 |
张健 |
Effects of Ce and La elements on interfacial bonding, thermal damage and mechanical performance of brazed diamonds with Ni-Cr filler alloy |
01 |
2021 |
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
22 |
张健 |
Hydrogen storage properties of Mg98.5Gd1Zn0.5 and Mg98.5Gd0.5Y0.5Zn0.5 alloys containing LPSO phases |
01 |
2021 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
23 |
张健 |
Filings morphology-dependent hydrogen storage properties of magnesium-rich Mg-Y-Zn alloy |
01 |
2021 |
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
24 |
易可夫 |
基于迁移学习的桥墩结构损伤识别方法 |
02 |
2021 |
公路与汽运 |
3 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
25 |
易可夫 |
基于二次特征筛选的覆铜板表面缺陷检测 |
02 |
2021 |
现代制造工程 |
3 |
否 |
第一作者 |
26 |
荣见华 |
A new method for optimizing the topology of hinge-free and fully decoupled compliant mechanisms with multiple inputs and multiple outputs |
02 |
2021 |
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
27 |
荣见华 |
一种新的多输入多输出柔顺机构拓扑优化方法 |
02 |
2021 |
新利官网开户 学报 |
4 |
否 |
本人第一,本人通讯 |
28 |
陈小敏 |
镍基合金完全再结晶后的晶粒长大行为研究 |
02 |
2021 |
精密成形工程 |
4 |
否 |
29 |
仝永刚 |
Mechanical performance of (NbTaW)(1-x)Mo-x (x=0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25) refractory high entropy alloys: Perspective from experiments and first principles calculations |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
30 |
仝永刚 |
Strengthening mechanism of CoCrNiMox high entropy alloys by high-throughput nanoindentation mapping technique |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
31 |
仝永刚 |
Correlation of C/C preform density and microstructure and mechanical properties of C/C-ZrC-based ultra-high-temperature ceramic matrix composites |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
32 |
仝永刚 |
RMI- C/C-SiC-ZrSi2 composite serving in inert atmosphere up to 2100 degrees C: Thermal shock resistance, microstructure and damage mechanism |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
33 |
仝永刚 |
Titanium alloying enhancement of mechanical properties of NbTaMoW refractory high-Entropy alloy: First-principles and experiments perspective |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
34 |
唐宏宾 |
A fault diagnosis method for loose slipper failure of piston pump in construction machinery under changing load |
02 |
2021 |
Applied Acoustics |
4 |
35 |
唐宏宾 |
工程机械柱塞泵变载荷工况故障诊断方法研究 |
02 |
2021 |
华南理工大学学报 |
3 |
EI |
36 |
张旭 |
Adiabatic shearing mechanism on Al-4.2%Cu alloy bars subjected to electromagnetic loading |
02 |
2021 |
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
4 |
是 |
37 |
张旭 |
ML10钢铆钉电磁铆接接头力学性能研究 |
02 |
2021 |
《塑性工程学报》 |
3 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
38 |
张旭 |
电磁铆接技术国内外研究进展 |
02 |
2021 |
《精密成形工程》 |
4 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
39 |
张旭 |
电磁铆枪缓冲系统建模与分析 |
02 |
2021 |
《机械工程与技术》 |
4 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
40 |
何志勇 |
Optimal design of the key structure of planetary concrete mixers based on EDEM |
02 |
2021 |
Int. J. Materials and Product Technology |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
41 |
邹铁方 |
一种降低人-地撞击损伤的车辆制动控制方法 |
02 |
2021 |
《汽车工程》 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一 |
42 |
邹铁方 |
基于人车相互作用时间的人地碰撞损伤防护新视角 |
02 |
2021 |
《中山大学学报》自然科学版 |
3 |
否 |
本人第一 |
43 |
邹铁方 |
基于视频的自行车事故特征及控制人致伤因素观察 |
02 |
2021 |
《汽车工程学报》 |
4 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
44 |
邹铁方 |
Assessing the effect of pedestrian deceleration on pedestrian autonomous emergency braking systems |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
45 |
邹铁方 |
Methods, upper limit and reason for reducing pedestrian ground contact injury by controlling vehicle braking |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
46 |
邹铁方 |
New Perspective to Reduce Pedestrian Ground Contact Injury |
02 |
2020 |
20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
47 |
雷正保 |
超弹性可导向防撞垫设计 |
02 |
2021 |
振动与冲击 |
3 |
否 |
本人第一 |
48 |
雷正保 |
基于虚拟仪器的桩基动力学模型参数识别系统 |
02 |
2021 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
49 |
雷正保 |
可变自身质量2.5~3.5 t 的碰撞试验台车优化设计 |
02 |
2021 |
机械设计 |
3 |
否 |
本人第一 |
50 |
雷正保 |
A bounded randomly variable shape multi-quadric interpolation method in dual reciprocity boundary element method |
02 |
2022 |
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
3 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
51 |
雷正保 |
桩基动力学模型参数反演识别方法 |
02 |
2021 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
52 |
胡林 |
考虑信号灯和能耗的电动车最优路径规划 |
02 |
2021 |
汽车工程 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一 |
53 |
胡林(黄伟) |
基于能量流分析的纯电动汽车电耗优化研究 |
02 |
2021 |
汽车工程 |
2 |
否 |
本人通讯 |
54 |
胡林 |
Safety Evaluation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction at Signalized Intersections in Changsha, China |
02 |
2021 |
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
55 |
胡林 |
A review on key challenges in intelligent vehicles: Safety and driver-oriented features |
02 |
2021 |
IET Intelligent Transport Systems |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
56 |
胡林 |
Research on risky driving behavior evaluation model based on CIDAS real data |
02 |
2021 |
PIME, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
57 |
肖广鑫(研究生)、贺湘宇 |
动臂势能再生混合储能系统的设计与分析研究 |
02 |
2021 |
液压与气动 |
4 |
否 |
学生第一、本人通讯 |
58 |
李奇奇 |
Improve the frontal crashworthiness of vehicle through the design of front rail |
02 |
2021 |
Thin-Walled Structures |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
59 |
李奇奇 |
Multi‑objective optimization design of B‑pillar and rocker sub‑systems of battery electric vehicle |
02 |
2021 |
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
60 |
陈耿彪 |
踝关节康复并联机构的变胞设计和自由度分析 |
02 |
2021 |
机械强度 |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
61 |
陈耿彪 |
Effect of Modification on the Fluid Diffusion Coefficient in Silica Nanochannels |
02 |
2021 |
Molecules |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
62 |
陈耿彪 |
Effect of Hydrophobic Silica Nanochannel Structure on the Running Speed of a Colloidal Damper |
02 |
2021 |
Applied Sciences-Basel |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
63 |
陈耿彪 |
Effects of Zr content on the microstructure and performance of TiMoNbZrx high–entropy alloys |
02 |
2021 |
Metals |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
64 |
黄龙 |
Design and Error Evaluation of Planar 2-DOF Remote Center of Motion Mechanisms with Cable Transmissions |
02 |
2021 |
Journal of mechanical design |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
65 |
黄龙 |
Design and Validation of a Novel Cable-Driven Hyper Redundant Robot Based on Decoupled Joints |
02 |
2021 |
Journal of Robotics |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
66 |
黄龙 |
A Novel Single-Loop Mechanism and the Associated Cylindrical Deployable Mechanisms |
02 |
2021 |
symmetry |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
67 |
唐昆 |
SiCp/Al复合材料超疏水功能表面的性能及制备 |
02 |
2021 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
68 |
胡波 |
Prediction and validation of dynamic characteristics of a valve train system with flexible components and gyroscopic effect |
02 |
2021 |
Mechanism and Machine Theory |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
69 |
胡波 |
Nonlinear tribo-dynamic model and experimental verification of a spur gear drive under loss-of-lubrication condition |
02 |
2021 |
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
70 |
胡波 |
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics for a Valve Train System |
02 |
2021 |
Sensors |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
71 |
张志勇 |
自动驾驶汽车高速超车轨迹跟踪协调控制 |
02 |
2021 |
汽车工程 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一 |
72 |
张志勇 |
车联网环境下考虑侧向间距的跟驰模型 |
02 |
2021 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
73 |
张志勇 |
考虑时滞的磁流变半主动悬架控制 |
02 |
2021 |
西华大学学报(自然科学版) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
74 |
周小杰 |
A high-performance Mg-4.9Gd-3.2Y-1.1Zn-0.5Zr alloy via multidirectional forging after analyzing its compression behavior |
02 |
2021 |
Journal of Materials Science and Technology |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
75 |
周小杰 |
Combined effects of LPSO orientation and α-Mg texture on tensile anisotropy of an extruded Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy |
02 |
2021 |
Materials Science and Engineering: A |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
76 |
王方 |
Evaluation of Head Injury Criteria forInjury Prediction fectiveness:Computational Reconstruction ofReal-World Vulnerable Road UserImpact Accidents |
02 |
2021 |
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
77 |
张志勇 |
State-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion battery pack by using an adaptive extended Kalman filter for electric vehicles |
02 |
2021 |
Journal of Energy Storage |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
78 |
张志勇 |
Collaborative control of lateral stability and braking performance of vehicles during braking-in-turn maneuver |
02 |
2021 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
79 |
武和全 |
自动驾驶中座椅旋转速度对乘员的影响 |
02 |
2021 |
汽车工程 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一 |
80 |
武和全 |
不同角度正面碰撞中老年驾驶员下肢模型的响应研究 |
02 |
2021 |
汽车工程 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一 |
81 |
武和全 |
The validation of the elderly pelvic FE model and comparison with the pelvis models of children and adults |
02 |
2021 |
International Journal of Vehicle Safety |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
82 |
刘鹏 |
串并联永磁对共轨高速电磁阀电磁力得影响 |
02 |
2021 |
汽车工程 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一 |
83 |
刘鹏(赵文圣) |
动铁式电磁调速执行器动态特性影响因素分析 |
02 |
2021 |
内燃机工程 |
3 |
否 |
本人通讯 |
84 |
张鹏 |
Solving the boundary value problem of curves with prescribed geodesic curvature based on a cubic b-spline element method |
02 |
2021 |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
85 |
蒋仁言 |
基于威布尔辅助模型的参数估计方法在伽玛分布的应用 |
02 |
2021 |
机械强度 |
3 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
86 |
徐晓强 |
Detection of modulated chatter using moving average difference spectrum analysis |
2 |
2021 |
Journal of Sound and Vibration |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
87 |
侯志祥 |
Joint estimation of battery state-of-charge based on the genetic algorithm – adaptive unscentedKalman filter |
1 |
2021 |
Int. J. Computing Science and Mathematics |
4 |
88 |
周振华 |
An adjustable low frequency vibration isolation with high-static-stiffness low-dynamic-stiffness property using a novel negative stiffness element |
1 |
2021 |
Applied Acoustics |
4 |
是 |
89 |
周振华 |
基于方型永磁体的多稳态能量采集器的设计与分析 |
1 |
2021 |
传感器与微系统 |
3 |
90 |
吴钢 |
A realistic skeletal mechanism for the oxidation of biodiesel surrogate composed of long carbon chain and polyunsaturated compounds |
2 |
2021 |
Fuel |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
91 |
吴钢 |
Multi-objective optimization of composite regeneration performance of a CeO2-based catalyzed diesel particulate filter |
2 |
2021 |
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, andEnvironmental Effects |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
92 |
吴钢 |
Experimental Evaluation on the Catalytic Activity of a Novel CeZrK/rGO Nanocomposite for Soot Oxidation in Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter |
2 |
2021 |
Processes |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
93 |
张明军 |
Impact of ultrasonic vibration on microstructure and mechanical properties of diamond in laser brazing with Ni–Cr fller alloy |
2 |
2021 |
Ceramics International |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
94 |
易可夫 |
Regularized matrix completion with partial side information |
2 |
2020 |
Neurocomputing |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
95 |
胡永乐 |
Wear-Resistant TiC Strengthening CoCrNi-Based High-Entropy Alloy Composite |
2 |
2021 |
Materials |
4 |
是 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
96 |
胡宏伟 |
基于PCA-WHMM的超声漏表面波频域合成孔径成像研究 |
02 |
2021 |
机械工程学报 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一 |
97 |
高凯 |
A Refined Lane Recognition Method Based on LiDAR and its Verification |
2 |
2021 |
International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) |
4 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
98 |
高凯 |
Falsified CV Data Attack Detection Based on LSTM |
2 |
2021 |
International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
99 |
高凯 |
Multi-level Road Damage Identification Algorithm Based on Vehicle-Mounted Smartphone |
2 |
2021 |
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
4 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
100 |
唐伟东 |
Experimental and numerical investigations of material removal process in electrochemical discharge machining of glass in discharge regime |
2 |
2021 |
Precision Engineering |
4 |
是 |
本人通讯 |
101 |
卢先正 |
Effect of Zn on corrosion behaviour of biodegradable Mg-Zn-Mn alloys evaluated by FE prediction and in-vitro testing |
2 |
2021 |
2021 7th International Forum on Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Materials (IFEMMT 2021) |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
102 |
李岳林 |
Effect of negative valve overlap on combustion and emissions of CNG-fueled HCCI engine with hydrogen addition. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
2 |
2021 |
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
4 |
是 |
本人第一 |
103 |
李岳林 |
当量比条件下的掺氢汽油机冷启动工况三维数值模拟 |
1 |
2021 |
新利官网开户 学报 |
4 |
否 |
本人第一 |
104 |
王开明 |
Prediction for Dilution Rate of AlCoCrFeNi Coatings by Laser Cladding Based on a BP Neural Network |
2 |
2021 |
Coatings |
4 |
是 |
本人通讯 |
105 |
王开明 |
Investigation on Microstructure and Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of a Novel Fe-Cr-B-C-Al-Si-Mn Composite Coatings on 2Cr13 Steel by Laser Cladding |
2 |
2021 |
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance |
4 |
是 |
本人通讯 |
106 |
龙春光 |
基于改性PET的极限PV值测试及摩擦学性能比较研究 |
2 |
2021 |
中国塑料 |
3 |
否 |
学生第一,本人通讯 |
107 |
苗秀娟 |
不同风挡方案对强横风下货运高速列车气动性能的影响 |
1 |
2021.4 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
3 |
108 |
苗秀娟 |
横风下路堤高度对高速列车气动特性影响 |
1 |
2021.5 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
3 |
109 |
蒋仁言 |
两类高度截尾数据及其参数估计问题 |
2 |
2021 |
机械工程学报 |
2 |
否 |
本人第一EI |
110 |
王向红等 |
Simulation and experimental research on nonlinear ultrasonic testing of composite material porosity |
2 |
2021 |
Applied Acoustics |
4 |
是 |