单位名称:汽车与机械工程学院填表时间:2011 年11月 |
序号 |
论文名称 |
※1学科门类编号 |
※2刊物名称 |
※3刊号和发表日期 |
※4作者姓名 |
1 |
Experiment Investigation of the Influence factors for Surface Grinding Temperature |
02 |
Key Engineering Materials |
2011,487: 140- 144 |
C. Mao(毛聪) |
2 |
An experimental investigation of affected layers formed in grinding of AISI 52100 steel |
02 |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
2011,54(5): 515- 523 |
Cong Mao(毛聪) |
3 |
A comparative research of damaged layers formed in surface grinding and wire-electro-discharge machining |
02 |
Materials and Manufacturing Processes |
2011,26(12):1473-1480 |
Mao Cong(毛聪) |
4 |
基于刀倾法的螺旋锥齿轮齿面误差修正算法研究 |
02 |
中国机械工程 |
ISSN1004-132Ⅹ; 2011.5 |
陈书涵 |
5 |
Research on Real Tooth Surface Deviation Correction of Spiral BevelGear 8ased on Truncated Singular ValueDecomposition |
02 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2011.4 |
陈书涵 |
6 |
螺旋锥齿轮真实齿面偏差修正研究 |
02 |
制造技术与机床 |
ISSN1005-2402;2011.3 |
陈书涵 |
7 |
Manufacture Effciency Evaluation and Comparison of Mechanical Slicer Based on Grey Relational Theory |
01 |
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services |
ISBN-13: 9781612844886Publication year:2011 |
陈友良 |
8 |
Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr-Sc合金铸态Al3(SC,Zr)相形貌的研究 |
01 |
稀有金属材料与工程 |
ISSN 1002-185X 2011/No.2 |
戴晓元 |
9 |
A Prototype Design of Signal Phase and Timing Broadcast System in Signalized Intersection |
02 |
The 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety,ICTIS 2011 |
2011.6 |
杜荣华 |
10 |
Automobile redirector 3 dimensional parametric system design |
02 |
ICMMM 2011:2011 International Conference on Management, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering |
ISSN: 1022-66802011/11 |
郭克希 |
11 |
Research on Collaborative Design System of Mobile Crane |
02 |
ICAEMT 2011: Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science |
ISSN1022-6680 2011/7 |
郭克希 |
12 |
数控加工中动力学问题分析 |
02 |
科技资讯 |
ISSN 1672-37912010年第35期,总第248期 |
郭克希(导师) |
13 |
汽车起重机吊臂参数化设计系统研发 |
01 |
工程图学学报 |
ISSN 1001-84252010/Vol.31 №:6 |
郭克希等 |
14 |
结构共振式滤波器试验研究 |
01 |
机床与液压 |
CN44-1259/TH, 2011(5) |
何志勇 |
15 |
液压脉动滤波器试验研究 |
01 |
液压与气动 |
CN11-2059/TH,2011(7) |
何志勇 |
16 |
01 |
建设机械技术与管理 |
ISSN1004-0005,2011(1) |
何志勇 |
17 |
结构振动式流体脉动衰减器滤波机理及试验验证 |
01 |
工程机械 |
ISSN 1000-1212,2011 Vol. 42(11) |
何志勇 |
18 |
The research of hydraulic system anti-vibration and noise reduction |
01 |
Advanced Materials Research |
2011 Vols.308-310 (8) |
何志勇 |
19 |
The modeling and optimization method of bi-level CARP-based express logistics system |
01 |
International Journal of the Physical Sciences |
ISSN 1992-1950,2011 Vol. 6(12) |
何志勇 |
20 |
Unbiased parameter estimation of continuous-time system based on modulating functions method with input and output measurement white noises. |
02 |
Journal of Central South University of Technology. |
ISSN 1005-9784 2011.18(3) |
贺尚红 |
21 |
Unbiased Estimation of Parameters of Linear Continuous Model Based on Bias Correction with Input/output Measurement Noises. |
02 |
The International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Networks. |
ISBN:978-1-61284-470-1April 16th-18th,2011, Vol.5: 4603-4607 |
贺尚红(1/3) |
22 |
工业时窗小波降噪调制连续线性动力学系统参数直接辨识 |
02 |
交通科学与工程 |
ISSN 1674-599X CN 43-1494/U27(2)
贺尚红(导师) |
23 |
Identification of continuous-time Hammerstein model based on modulation function method. |
02 |
The International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Networks. |
ISBN:978-1-61284-470-1April 16th-18th,2011, Vol.3: 2261-2264 |
贺尚红(导师) |
24 |
基于FARX模型的工程机械液压系统故障特征提取方法研究 |
02 |
机械科学与技术 |
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1003-8728 国内统一刊号:CN 61-1114/TH,2011,30(12) |
贺湘宇 |
25 |
Application of fuzzy fault feature extraction approach on hydraulic system of mini-excavator |
02 |
Proceedings of the 8th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power(日本) |
ISBN:4-931070-0806 |
贺湘宇 |
26 |
Application of online fault detection approach on hydraulic system |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(瑞士) |
ISSN:1660-9336;2011,48-49 |
贺湘宇 |
27 |
Fault detection of excavator’s hydraulic system using dynamic general regression neural network |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(瑞士) |
ISSN:1660-9336;2011,48-49 |
贺湘宇 |
28 |
Fault diagnosis of hydraulic system using dynamic GRNN |
02 |
ICIC Express Letters(日本) |
ISSN:1881-803X;2011,8A |
贺湘宇 |
29 |
Online fault detection of excavator’s hydraulic system |
02 |
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Application(韩国) |
ISSN:1975-9339;2011,7 |
贺湘宇 |
30 |
Fault diagnosis approach of hydraulic system using FARX model |
02 |
Procedia Engineering(荷兰) |
ISSN: 1877-7058,2011年第15卷(期)
贺湘宇 |
31 |
Multi-sensor data fusion Prediction Model of Air Inflow Velocity under Transitional Working Condition of gasoline engine |
01 |
《Sensor Letters》《传感器快报》美国 |
ISSN1546-198X2011/№:4 |
侯志祥(导师) |
32 |
Modeling and Simulating of Intake Pipe Fuel Film Dynamic Characteristic in Gasoline Engine Start Process |
01 |
《Journal of computers》《计算机学报》瑞士 |
ISSN1796-203X2011/№:4 |
侯志祥, |
33 |
基于遗传算法的DCT换挡过程离合器摩擦力矩优化控制 |
02 |
机械科学与技术 |
ISSN:1003-8728,2011年第3期 |
胡宏伟 |
34 |
基于数控机床的超声自动检测系统 |
02 |
无损检测 |
ISSN:1000-6656,2011年第3期 |
胡宏伟 |
35 |
Automatic Ultrasonic Inspection Method of Railway Axle Crack and its Remaining Life Prediction |
02 |
Advanced Materials Research(先进材料研究,出版国:瑞士) |
ISSN:1662-8985,2011年总第213期 |
胡宏伟 |
36 |
Reliability Assessment of Automatic ultrasonic inspection of complex surface components |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(应用力学与材料,出版国:瑞士) |
ISSN:1660-9336,2011年总第48期 |
胡宏伟 |
37 |
Research on trajectory tracking control for wet clutch engagement based on SMC |
01 |
Procedia Engineering(工程科学,出版国:美国) |
ISSN: 1877-7058,2011年第14卷(期)
胡宏伟 |
38 |
六钛酸钾(K2Ti6O13)晶须几何构型、能量及电子结构的第一性原理计算 |
01 |
人工晶体学报 |
ISSN 1000-985X 2011/No.12 |
华熳煜 |
39 |
Two field reliability models of product under variable usage conditons |
02 |
MMR2011 |
ISBN:978-7-5640-3983-7,June 20-24,2011,pp461-466(EI收录) |
蒋仁言 |
40 |
Influence factors and range of the Weibull shape parameter |
02 |
MMR2011 |
ISBN:978-7-5640-3983-7,June 20-24,2011,pp238-243 |
蒋仁言 |
41 |
Sale reliability of products |
02 |
ICRMS2011 |
2011.6(EI收录) |
蒋仁言 |
42 |
Degradation change point and its application in CBM decision |
02 |
PHM2011 |
2011.5(EI收录) |
蒋仁言 |
43 |
Modeling effect of a covariate on degradation: a path-based optimization approach |
02 |
MIMAR2011 |
2011.4(EI收录) |
蒋仁言 |
44 |
工程机械的运行可靠性分析 |
02 |
第五届中国设备工程专家论坛暨设备管理创新成果交流大会 |
,2011年10月29日~11月2日,页码1-4。 |
蒋仁言 |
45 |
四个不同的可靠性概念及有关的模型 |
02 |
2011年全国机械行业可靠性技术学术交流会 |
2011.8,页码61-64 |
蒋仁言 |
46 |
Analysis of accelerated life test data involving two failure modes |
02 |
MIM2011(Advanced Materials Research) |
ISSN: 1022-66802011.5(EI收录) |
蒋仁言 |
47 |
Impact of climate conditions on field reliability of vehicles |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials-ICFMD 2011 |
ISSN: 1660-93362011.12(EI,ISTP收录) |
蒋仁言 |
48 |
A study of Weibull shape parameter: Properties and significance |
02 |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
ISSN: 0951-83202011.9.13(SCI收录) |
蒋仁言 |
49 |
Weibull Process Model with Application for Modeling Bus-Motor Failure |
02 |
Reliability, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering: Recent Progress in China |
2011.10(SCI收录)in press |
蒋仁言 |
50 |
New approach to the modelling of motor failure data with application to the engine overhaul decision process |
02 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability |
ISSN:1748-006XSeptember 2011,vol. 225,no. 3,355-363(SCI收录) |
蒋仁言 |
51 |
Analysis of field reliability of two models of heavy vehicles |
02 |
ADME2011(Advanced Materials Research) |
ISSN: 1022-6680 2011.9(EI,ISTP收录) |
蒋仁言(2) |
52 |
Field reliability and maintenance analysis of a heavy engineering vehicle |
02 |
ICMEE 2011(Advanced MaterialsResearch) |
ISSN: 1022-66802011.9(EI收录) |
蒋仁言(2) |
53 |
Failure modes and countermeasures of working device of a heavy vehicle |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials-ICFMD 2011 |
ISSN: 1660-93362011.12(EI,ISTP收录) |
蒋仁言(2) |
54 |
A multicriteria decision method with uncertain information in financial credit loan decision-making |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
ISSN: 1660-9336(EI,ISTP收录)v 52-54, p 1868-1872 |
蒋仁言(2) |
55 |
Overall Design Method for Large Structure Crash Testing Laboratory |
02 |
CEBM 2011 |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols. 255-260 (2011) pp 1755-1759 |
雷正保 |
56 |
Key technologies of the new concept safety system for vehicle automatic anti-collision |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,374 -377,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保 |
57 |
新型柔性护栏研究 |
02 |
2011中国汽车安全技术年会 |
PP:57-61,2011.8.24-2011.8.26 |
雷正保 |
58 |
斜角撞击下中空螺纹杆的优化设计 |
02 |
新利官网开户 学报( 自然科学版) |
ISSN 1672-9331, 2010.7(4):64-68 |
雷正保 |
59 |
汽车碰撞预警与碰撞吸能技术结合的CST控制系统 |
02 |
中国机械工程 |
ISSN 1004-132X, 2011.22(6):751-755 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
60 |
用于众泰2008汽车的螺纹剪切式碰撞吸能装置的设计计算 |
02 |
机械科学与技术 |
ISSN1003-8728 2011.30(1):10-15 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
61 |
基于响应面法的螺纹剪切式汽车碰撞吸能装置优化设计 |
02 |
机械科学与技术 |
ISSN1003-8728, 2011.30(4):560-565 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
62 |
高速公路跨线桥SS级防撞护栏优化设计 |
02 |
公路交通科技 |
ISSN 1002-0268, 2011.28(9):142-146,158 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
63 |
基于同步技术的新一代双CST装置的控制技术 |
02 |
机械设计 |
ISSN 1001—2354, 2011.28(4):60-64,88. |
雷正保(2,导师) |
64 |
汽车/护栏碰撞试验室张紧系统的设计 |
02 |
机械设计 |
ISSN 1001—2354, 2011.28(9):92-96 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
65 |
汽车/护栏碰撞试验室牵引动力系统的设计 |
02 |
机械设计 |
ISSN 1001—2354, 2011.28(10):61-64 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
66 |
A Novel Design of a Suspension System for Omni-directional Electric Vehicles |
02 |
Advanced Materials Research |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols. 308-310 (2011) pp 1826-1831 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
67 |
Research on New Vibratory Energy-Recycling Hydraulic Damping System |
02 |
Advanced Materials Research |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols. 308-310 (2011) pp 610-613 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
68 |
Influence of vehicle weight on CST shear fracture and blunt edge roundness |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2, 1336-1339,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
69 |
Research on New Automobile Power Hydraulic Braking System by Vibratory Energy |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2, 658-660,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
70 |
A Research of Real-time Protective Barrier System for Automobile Safety |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2, 58-61,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
71 |
The impact of different shapes of thread section on inverse identification while cutting the thread |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2,861-864,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
72 |
A Research of Cooperative Control Method on Multi-system Containing CST for Automobile Safety |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2,54-57,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
73 |
Research of lightweight design method to CST |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2,574-577,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
74 |
The comparative analysis of the crank-slider-CST and traditional low rear protective device of truck |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2,821-824,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
75 |
Parameters optimization for the thread of crank-slider-CST type low rear protective device of truck |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2,527-530,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
76 |
Geometry optimization design for crank-slider-CST type low rear protection device of truck |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2,4112-4115,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
77 |
The Research and Manufacture of the Energyabsorbing Device by Cutting Screw Thread Teeth for Automobile Collision on Practical Car |
02 |
CECNet2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61284-457-2,879-882,April 16-18, 2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
78 |
Research of Similarity Design of Collision Guardrails under the Overpass |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,1903-1906,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
79 |
Optimization Design of C-post Wire rope safety Barrier |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,2342-2345,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
80 |
Optimization of the level of SS Crash Barrier Overpass Bridge on Highway |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,2346-2349,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
81 |
Research on Security Measures under overpass Bridge |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,2493-2496,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
82 |
A Novel Design of an Electric Vehicle with Lateral Moving and In Situ Steering |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,7138-7141,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
83 |
Research on New Method of Automobile Developing Process Reengineering |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,617-620,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
84 |
Research on New Vibratory Energy-Recycling Hydraulic Damping System |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,621-623,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
85 |
Inverse identification research for dynamic constitutive parameters of thread material based on MSARS algorithm |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,366-369,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
86 |
Matching research between ZPTYE AUTO and a new generation of double-CST |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,396-399,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
87 |
The CST design method of matching both European and American crash regulations |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,778-781,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
88 |
禁止超高车辆通过跨线桥下的技术研究 |
02 |
2011中国汽车安全技术年会 |
PP:83 -86,2011.8.24-2011.8.26 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
89 |
超高车辆对桥梁面板的碰撞安全性分析 |
02 |
2011中国汽车安全技术年会 |
PP:110 -113,2011.8.24-2011.8.26 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
90 |
路侧净区宽度对车辆行车安全的影响研究 |
02 |
2011中国汽车安全技术年会 |
PP:258-261,2011.8.24-2011.8.26 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
91 |
路侧宽度对车辆行车安全的评估方法研究 |
02 |
2011中国汽车安全技术年会 |
PP:271-274,2011.8.24-2011.8.26 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
92 |
跨线桥梁桥下净空高度的安全性评估方法研究 |
02 |
2011中国汽车安全技术年会 |
PP:521-523,2011.8.24-2011.8.26 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
93 |
螺纹剪切式碰撞吸能系统的零件模型开发 |
02 |
工程图学学报 |
ISSN 1003-0158 , 2011.32(2):31-36 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
94 |
面向众泰2008汽车的螺纹剪切式吸能装置的设计制造 |
02 |
机械设计与制造 |
ISSN1001-3997, 2011.(3):128-130 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
95 |
公称直径为38 mm的CST参数优化设计 |
02 |
公路与汽运 |
ISSN1671-2668, 2011.(1):12-16 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
96 |
高速公路跨线桥防撞护栏碰撞试验条件及评价标准研究 |
02 |
交通科学与工程 |
ISSN 1674-599X,2010.26(4):65-69 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
97 |
汽车碰撞吸能装置的螺旋传动稳健优化研究 |
02 |
机械研究与应用 |
ISSN 1007-4414, 2011.(4):64-67 |
雷正保(2,导师) |
98 |
Research on Design of Neotype Wire Rope Safety Barrier |
02 |
CEBM 2011 |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols.255-260 (2011) pp 4150-4154 |
雷正保(3,导师) |
99 |
The Study for the Electronic Control Technology of the Electric Power Traction System in the Bridge/ Shipping Crash Testing Laboratory |
02 |
CEBM 2011 |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols.255-260 (2011) pp 1750-1754 |
雷正保(3,导师) |
100 |
High Speed Photography System of Vehicle/Barrier Crash Testing Laboratory |
02 |
CEBM 2011 |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols.255-260 (2011) pp 1745-1749 |
雷正保(3,导师) |
101 |
Design of Collision-proof Equipments for Non-navigable Hole of Inland River Bridge |
02 |
CEBM 2011 |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols.255-260 (2011) pp 1740-1744 |
雷正保(3,导师) |
102 |
The Safety Monitoring System of Ship/bridge Crash Testing Laboratory |
02 |
CEBM 2011 |
ISSN:1022-6680,Vols.255-260 (2011) pp 467-471 |
雷正保(3,导师) |
103 |
Research on the Setting of Vertical Clearance under the Overpass Bridge |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,2520-2523,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(3,导师) |
104 |
The Roadside Clear Zone Distance Research |
02 |
MACE2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9437-8,2751-2754,July 15-17,2011 |
雷正保(3,导师) |
105 |
Guangyao Li, Guangyong Sun, Zhen Luo, Zheng Zhang. Multi-disciplinary optimization for multi-objective uncertainty design of thin walled beams |
01 |
CMC: Computers, Materials, & Continua |
2010, 19(1): 37-56 (SCI & EI收录) |
李方义 |
106 |
Zhen Luo, Guangyong Sun. Reliability-based multiobjective deesign optimization under interval uncertainty |
01 |
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science |
2011,74(1):39-64. (SCI & EI收录) |
李方义 |
107 |
基于区间数规划的汽车乘员约束系统不确定优化 |
02 |
汽车工程 |
2011,33(1):6-10(EI收录) |
李方义 |
108 |
Modeling of uncertain grouting process based o n optimizing support vector regression(EI) |
02 |
Computer science for Computer and infromation science |
ISSN 1865-0929 ;Springer, berlin ,2011,ISBN:978-3-642-22693-9 |
李凤玲 |
109 |
Intelligent Displacement Measuring System for Rock Stratum(EI) |
02 |
《Applied mechanics and Materials 》,应用力学与材料, |
ISSN: 1660-9336;2012 vol.103 |
李凤玲 |
110 |
Model Predictive Control of filament Tensionin Textile Winding process(EI) |
02 |
《Advancedmaterials research》《先进材料研究》 |
ISSN: 1022-6680;2011 vol.308-310,瑞典 |
李凤玲 |
111 |
基于优化支持向量机的非线性时变灌浆过程建模 |
02 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
1672-9331 CN: 43-1444/N ;2011年No.1 |
李凤玲 |
112 |
一种颜色传感器结合Elman 神经网络在颜色识别上的研究 |
2 |
昆明理工大学学报( 理工版) |
ISSN:1007-855X 2010/№:6 |
李旭宇(导师) |
113 |
沥青拌和设备烘干筒内物料烘干加热时间研究 |
2 |
公路与汽运 |
ISSN 1671-26682011/№:4 |
李旭宇(导师) |
114 |
基于ADVISOR再生制动力分配控制 策略的仿真分析 |
02 |
交通科学与工程 |
ISSN 1674-599X CN 43-1494/U27(3)
李岳林 |
115 |
汽车再生制动力分配控制策略的仿真分析 |
02 |
汽车工程学报 |
ISSN 2095-1469 2011 Vol.1 No.5 |
李岳林(2) |
116 |
接触界面压力对高次谐波和键合强度的影响 |
01 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
2011,42(2):368-371 |
李战慧 |
117 |
热超声键合键合换能系统接触界面非线性振动研究. |
01 |
振动、测试与诊断 |
2011,31(4):171-174 |
李战慧 |
118 |
Effect of Contact Interface Pressure on Higher-Order Harmonic Wave and Bond Strength, |
01 |
Advanced Material Research |
2011,148-149:36-39 |
李战慧 |
119 |
基于Ansys的水泥混凝土路面碎石化技术研究 |
01 |
中外公路 |
2010年 06期 |
李自光 |
120 |
纤维封层技术及设备 |
01 |
中外公路 |
2011年 01期 |
李自光 |
121 |
后装压缩式垃圾车液压系统及控制系统设计 |
01 |
专用汽车 |
2011年第04期 |
李自光 |
122 |
基于Patran的多锤头碎石化技术有限元分析 |
01 |
建设机械技术与管理 |
2010年 12期 |
李自光 |
123 |
煤气化技术的工程机械应用研究 |
01 |
建设机械技术与管理 |
2011年 01期 |
李自光 |
124 |
养护用沥青拌合设备能耗分析及对比试验研究 |
01 |
交通科学与工程 |
2011年 02期 |
李自光 |
125 |
煤转气强制间歇式搅拌设备骨料烘干加热系统匹配研究 |
01 |
公路与汽运 |
2011年 02期 |
李自光 |
126 |
树枝状杂环铱配合物的合成及其器件性能研究 |
02 |
第七届全国暨华人有机分子和聚合物发光与光电特性学术会议 |
2011/No.1 |
梁波 |
127 |
New Iridium Complexes Containing 3,4-Dihydroisoquinoline Derivatives as Red Emitters |
02 |
Advanced Science Lettersl(先进科学快报,美国) |
梁波 |
128 |
a Multuicriteria Decision method with uncertain Information in Financial loaning decision making.doc |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials (应用力学与材料学,瑞士) |
ISSN: 1660-9336, 2011/№:3 |
梁亮 |
129 |
“空投重物水面迫降动态特性参数分析及优化” |
01 |
系统仿真学报 |
ISSN 1004-731X,CN11-3092/V2011/NO.23 |
刘鑫 |
130 |
“《现代汽车控制技术》课程教学的改革与探索" |
02 |
科教导刊 |
ISSN 1674-6813,CN42-1795/N 2011/NO.10 上旬刊 |
刘鑫 |
131 |
“汽车正面碰撞安全气囊缓冲特性多目标优化” |
01 |
信息系统工程 |
ISSN 1001-2362,CN12-1158/N2011/NO.10 |
刘鑫 |
132 |
“某型汽车后碰撞中安全带防护性能改进设计” |
01 |
数字技术与应用 |
ISSN 1007-9416,CN12-1369/TN2011/NO.10 |
刘鑫 |
133 |
纯电动汽车电液复合再生制动控制 |
01 |
中南大学学报自科版 |
ISSN 1672-72072011/NO:9 |
刘志强 |
134 |
Measurement and Analysis on Emissions from an EFI Gasoline Engine under Transient Conditions
01 |
International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & Automation |
2011 年8月 |
刘志强 |
135 |
A fuzzy neural network and application to air-fuel ratio control under Gasoline Engine Transient Condition |
01 |
International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications |
2010年10月 |
刘志强 |
136 |
Mechanical and tribological properties of PTW/PTFE/PPS/PES composites |
01 |
Advanced Materials Research(先进材料研究,美国) |
ISSN: 1022-6680 |
龙春光 |
137 |
PTFE、炭黑和石墨填充聚苯醚的摩擦学性能研究 |
01 |
润滑与密封 |
ISSN: 0254-0150 |
龙春光 |
138 |
钛酸钾晶须增强聚苯醚复合材料摩擦学性能 |
02 |
新利官网开户 学报 |
ISSN 1672-9331 |
龙春光(导师) |
139 |
磨粉机计量和定量给料装置的设计 |
02 |
粮食加工 |
ISSN 1007-6395 |
龙春光(导师) |
140 |
一种基于应力约束的连续体结构拓扑优化方法, |
01 |
中国力学大会—2011暨钱学森诞生周年纪念大会 |
Agust, 22-24, 2011,哈尔滨 |
荣见华 |
141 |
An efficient structural topological optimization method for continuum structures with multiple displacement constraints |
01 |
International Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design |
47 (2011) 913–921. (SCI,EI收录) |
荣见华 |
142 |
“Fault Diagnosis of Hydraulic Syetem Based on Neural Network” |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
ISSN1660-93362011/№:48-49 |
唐宏宾 |
143 |
The distance attenuation of acoustic emission signals in turbine runners |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials (应用力学与材料)出版国:瑞士 |
ISSN:1660-9336,Volume 103,Pages 262-267,2012 |
王向红 |
144 |
Crashworthiness Design Optimization of S-Rail |
02 |
MACE 2011 |
2011.7 |
武和全 |
145 |
Parameters optimization of s-shaped rail for crashworthiness analysis |
02 |
Advanced Science Lettersl(先进科学快报,美国) |
ISSN: 1936-6612,2011/No.5 |
武和全 |
146 |
热处理升温速率对中空多孔炭纤维介电常数的影响 |
01 |
无机材料学报 |
ISSN 1000-324x,2011/No.9 |
谢炜 |
147 |
预氧化温度对中空多孔炭纤维介电常数的影响 |
01 |
材料导报 |
ISSN 1005-023X,2011/No.5 |
谢炜 |
148 |
Effect of carbonization temperature on the structure and microwave absorbing properties of hollow carbon fibres |
01 |
Ceramics International(世界陶瓷、意大利) |
ISSN 0272-8842,2011/No.8 |
谢炜 |
149 |
Effect of Fe-coating on electromagnetic performance of hollow carbon fibers |
01 |
Advanced Materials Research(先进材料研究,瑞士) |
ISSN 1022-6680,2011/No.5 |
谢炜 |
150 |
一种新的考虑柔顺度要求的结构拓扑优化方法 |
01 |
中南大学学报 |
2011.7Vol.42No.7 |
易继军 |
151 |
装备制造业绿色度评估技术研究 |
02 |
湖南大学学报 |
ISSN1674-29742011/№:9 |
尹望吾 |
152 |
装备制造业绿色度评估技术研究 |
01 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
ISSN 1674-2974CN43-1061/N |
尹望吾 |
153 |
基于长沙市的城市人均出行乘车意愿研究. |
02 |
《公路与汽运》 |
2011年04期。 |
袁翔 |
154 |
汽车防抱制动系统液压控制单元的性能试验研究 |
02 |
公路与汽运 |
2011年第3期 |
张 新 |
155 |
基于AMESim的汽车ABS/ESP集成液压控制单元的建模与仿真 |
02 |
汽车工程学报 |
2011年第3期 |
张 新(2)导师 |
156 |
Al、Ti掺杂对Mg2Ni合金相结构稳定的影响及其微观机理 |
01 |
中国有色金属学报 |
ISSN 1004-0609 2011/No.7 |
张健 |
157 |
Mg空位缺陷对MgH2解氢性能影响的赝势平面波法研究 |
01 |
材料工程 |
ISSN 1001-4381 2011/No.5 |
张健 |
158 |
Cu合金化Mg2NiH4储氢体系的组织结构与解氢性能 |
01 |
材料导报 |
ISSN 1005-023X 2011/No.5 |
张健 |
159 |
Ab initio calculations on energetics and electronic structures of cubic Mg3MNi2 (M=Al, Ti, Mn) hydrogen storage alloys |
01 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(国际氢能、英国) |
ISSN 0360-3911 2011/No:11 |
张健 |
160 |
First-principles study on the dehydrogenation properties and mechanism of Al-doped Mg2NiH4 |
01 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(国际氢能、英国) |
ISSN 0360-3911 2011/No:5 |
张健 |
161 |
单片机系统设计中的接地技术 |
01 |
数字技术与应用 |
ISSN1007-9416,CN12-1369/TN.2011年№9 |
张志勇 |
162 |
我国发展汽车绿色回收利用技术的探讨 |
01 |
信息系统工程 |
ISSN1001-2362,CN12-1158/N.2011年№9 |
张志勇 |
163 |
Fuzzy-Control with Gray-Predictor for Time-Varying Delay Systems |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(应用力学与材料,瑞士) |
ISSN1662-7482 .2011年№109 |
张志勇 |
164 |
A novel simplified and high-precision inverse dynamics model for magneto-rheological damper |
02 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(应用力学与材料,瑞士) |
ISSN1662-7482 .2011年№117 |
张志勇 |
165 |
H∞ Output Feedback Control for Vehicle Seat Suspension subject to Parameter Perturbations |
02 |
Procedia Engineering(科学工程,美国) |
ISSN:1877-7058,2011年№16 |
张志勇 |
166 |
基于软件仿真的单片机课程启发式教学方法探索 |
02 |
科教导刊 |
ISSN 1674-6813,CN42-1795/N 2011/NO.10 中旬刊 |
张志勇 |
167 |
基于均匀设计的事故再现模型参数敏感性分析 |
02 |
中国安全科学学报 |
ISSN1003-3033; CN 11-2865/X;2011年No.2 |
邹铁方 |
168 |
基于Pc-Crash的车-人事故再现 |
02 |
振动与冲击 |
ISSN1000-3835; CN 31-1316/X;2011年No.3 |
邹铁方 |
169 |
车人碰撞事故再现技术研究进展 |
02 |
中国安全科学学报 |
ISSN1003-3033; CN 11-2865/X;2011年No.8 |
邹铁方 |
170 |
车-人碰撞事故再现中行人初始状态研究 |
02 |
INFATS2011(The 9th International Form of Automotive Traffic Safety,第九届国际汽车交通安全学术会议) |
2011年12月 |
邹铁方 |
171 |
Analysis and Application of Relationship between Post-Braking-Distance and Throw Distance in Vehicle-Pedestrian Accident Reconstruction |
02 |
Forensic Science International(国际法律科学,美国) |
ISSN0379-0738 ;2011年No.1-3 |
邹铁方 |
172 |
Analyzing the uncertainty of simulation results in accident reconstruction with Response Surface Methodology |
02 |
Forensic Science International(国际法律科学,美国) |
ISSN0379-0738 ;2011年No.? |
邹铁方 |