序号 |
论文(专著)名称 |
发表日期 |
刊 物 名 称 |
刊号 |
作者姓名 |
1 |
基于耳蜗基底膜仿生原理的液压脉动衰减器滤波特性研究 |
2016-2-1 |
机械工程学报 |
ISSN0577-6686 |
贺尚红 |
2 |
基于均方根速度的水浸超声合成孔径聚焦成像 |
2016-2-15 |
仪器仪表学报 |
0254-3087 |
胡宏伟 |
3 |
有限角度水浸超声检测空间复合成像 |
2016-5-15 |
仪器仪表学报 |
0254-3087 |
胡宏伟 |
4 |
电动汽车碰撞安全性与NVH多目标拓扑优化 |
2016-7-8 |
中国公路学报 |
ISSN1001-7372 |
雷正保 |
5 |
基于伪随机特征向量的二次修改的结构拓扑重分析 |
2016-4-1 |
振动与冲击 |
ISSN1000-3835 |
何建军 |
6 |
载流薄板式流体滤波器性能研究 |
2016-1-16 |
机械科学与技术 |
ISSN1003-8728 |
何志勇 |
7 |
管道通透型缺陷超声导波检测数值模拟 |
2016-11-15 |
系统仿真学报 |
ISSN1004-731X |
胡宏伟 |
8 |
基于迭代法及腐蚀算法的超声相控阵缺陷提取 |
2015-12-15 |
电子测量与仪器学报 |
ISSN1000-7105 |
胡宏伟 |
9 |
基于正交实验的汽车-两轮车碰撞事故再现的参数影响研究 |
2016-5-1 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN1000-680X |
胡林 |
10 |
年龄替换政策下两个费用率模型的对比分析 |
2016-6-15 |
机械科学与技术 |
ISSN1003-8728 |
蒋仁言 |
11 |
基于概率-凸集混合模型的汽车正面碰撞结构可靠性优化设计 |
2016-4-14 |
振动与冲击 |
ISSN1000-3835 |
李方义 |
12 |
灌浆压力测量误差的正交试验分析 |
2016-10-1 |
土木建筑与环境工程 |
ISSN1006-7329 |
李凤玲 |
13 |
基于近似模型管理的汽车安全带约束系统优化设计 |
2016-2-23 |
振动与冲击 |
ISSN1000-3835 |
刘鑫 |
14 |
纯电动汽车电液复合回馈制动研究 |
2016-8-1 |
汽车工程 |
ISSN1000-680x |
刘志强 |
15 |
考虑参数灵敏度的电动汽车电液复合回馈制动模糊控制 |
2016-11-25 |
中南大学学报(自科版) |
ISSN1672-7207 |
刘志强 |
16 |
基于变位移约束的结构材料优化设计 |
2016-12-1 |
应用力学学报 |
ISSN1000-4939 |
荣见华 |
17 |
基于小波包和独立分量分析的微弱多源故障声发射信号分离 |
2016-5-15 |
上海交通大学学报 |
ISSN1006-2467 |
王向红 |
18 |
基于可靠性优化设计的客车碰撞安全性研究 |
2016-10-1 |
公路交通科技 |
ISSN1002-0268 |
武和全 |
19 |
汽车侧面碰撞车门可靠性优化设计 |
2016-8-1 |
公路交通科技 |
ISSN1002-0268 |
武和全 |
20 |
硼在碱解反应过程中的动力学研究 |
2016-6-25 |
材料导报 |
ISSN1005-023X |
谢炜 |
21 |
铰链点可互换的近似直线机构综合方法及解域研究 |
2016-12-1 |
中国机械工程 |
ISSN1004-132X |
尹来容 |
22 |
MgH2-K2Ti6O13-Ni球磨复合体系的微观结构与解氢性能 |
2016-11-22 |
材料工程 |
ISSN1001-4381 |
张健 |
23 |
CrAlN硬质刀具涂层的相结构稳定性及其热分解机制 |
2016-1-15 |
中国有色金属学报 |
ISSN1003-6326 |
张健 |
24 |
“业平缝机的噪声源识别与运行噪声预测研究” |
2016-10-28 |
振动与冲击 |
ISSN1000-3835 |
张志勇 |
25 |
Pc-Crash中2种车辆侧滑事故仿真方法对比研究 |
2016-7-15 |
中国安全科学学报 |
ISSN1003-3033 |
邹铁方 |
26 |
基于Pc-Crash的多车碰撞事故再现仿真分步方法 |
2016-5-15 |
中国安全科学学报 |
ISSN1003-3033 |
邹铁方 |
27 |
基于多泵联合的径向柱塞泵流量脉动优化方法 滤波特性研究 |
2016-2-1 |
新利官网开户 学报(自科版) |
ISSN1672-9331 |
杜荣华(导师) |
28 |
基于微遗传算法的压电智能板结构/控制一体化拓扑优化设计及拓扑图提取 |
2016-8-1 |
机械强度 |
ISSN1001-9669 |
何建军 |
29 |
基于耦合凝聚的二次修改的结构拓扑重分析 |
2016-10-1 |
机械强度 |
ISSN1001-9669 |
何建军 |
30 |
摆线转子式机油泵模态分析及试验 |
2016-3-1 |
机械设计与研究 |
ISSN1006-2343 |
贺尚红 |
31 |
Research of Energy Consumption Pattern Classification Based on Fuzzy Logic and RBF Networks in Hydraulic Systems |
2016-10-31 |
Sensors & Transducers |
ISSN2306-8515 |
贺湘宇 |
32 |
Predictive Control for Air Fuel Ratio of Gasoline Engine Based on Neural Network |
2016-11-25 |
2016 International Conference on Smart City and Systems Engineering |
会议论文集 |
侯志祥 |
33 |
The Study On The Match Of Output Power And Conversion Efficiency Of Thermoelectric Generation Technology For Vehicle Exhausts Waste Heat |
2016-3-11 |
2016 Eighth International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation |
会议论文集 |
侯志祥 |
34 |
Special issue on intelligent transportation systems, big data and intelligent technology |
2016-9-20 |
Transportation Planning and Technology |
ISSN0308-1060 |
侯志祥 |
35 |
1-D LBP-based Ultrasonic Signal Feature Extraction for Weld Defect Classification |
2016-11-4 |
2016 KSNT会议论文集 |
无 |
胡宏伟 |
36 |
The Real-time Shortest Path Algorithm with a Consideration of traffic-light |
2016-8-1 |
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems |
ISSN1064-1246 |
胡林 |
37 |
Improved Auto Majors Innovative Practice Teaching and Research Capabilities |
2016-1-1 |
Conference on Education and Teaching in Colleges and Universities,2015 |
ISSN2352-5398 |
胡林 |
38 |
Approach For Inferring Fractiles Of Future Time Between Failures |
2016-2-15 |
The Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management |
Israel2016年2月15-18日 |
蒋仁言 |
39 |
A Weibull Model With Time-Varying Scale Parameter For Modeling Failure Processes Of Repairable Systems |
2016-2-15 |
The Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management |
Israel2016年2月15-18日 |
蒋仁言 |
40 |
An extended log-linear model for modeling wear processes |
2016-7-12 |
The 9th International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR) |
UK2016年7月12-14日 |
蒋仁言 |
41 |
An Adaptive Power-Law Degradation Model for Modeling Wear Processes |
2016-7-25 |
2016 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering |
九寨沟2016年7月25-28日 |
蒋仁言 |
42 |
New criterion weightestimation method for used in multi-criterion ABC inventory classification |
2016-8-12 |
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management and Operations Research |
北京2016年8月12-14日 |
蒋仁言 |
43 |
A New NHPP Model for Modeling Failure Process with S-Shaped Mean Cumulative Function |
2016-10-26 |
第十一届国际可靠性、维修性、安全性学术会议 |
杭州2016年10月26-28日 |
蒋仁言 |
44 |
Modeling the effect of environmental conditions on reliability of wind turbines |
2016-8-15 |
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University |
ISSN1007-1172 |
蒋仁言 |
45 |
Determination ofbivariate random failure threshold for censored observations |
2016-7-25 |
2016 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering |
2016年7月25-28日 |
蒋仁言 |
46 |
Non-Homogeneous Wiener or Gamma Process Models for Modeling Lube Oil Deterioration |
2016-10-20 |
2016 Prognostics & System Health Management Conference |
2016年10月19-21 |
蒋仁言 |
47 |
Solving Multicriteria SelectionProblems Based on Efficiency Scores and Weights Derived from Data |
2016-8-12 |
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management and Operations Research |
2016年8月12-14日 |
蒋仁言 |
48 |
四轮独立驱动电动车ARS与DYC集成控制与试验 |
2016-4-26 |
江苏大学学报(自然科学版) |
ISSN1671-777 |
雷正保 |
49 |
纯电动汽车尾部耐撞性优化设计 |
2016-3-1 |
机械强度 |
ISSN1001-9669 |
雷正保 |
50 |
纯电动汽车白车身耐撞性拓扑优化设计方法 |
2016-4-7 |
郑州大学学报(工学版) |
ISSN1671-6833 |
雷正保 |
51 |
交叉缠绕式柔性护栏端部锚固优化设计 |
2016-7-11 |
山东大学学报(工学版) |
ISSN1672-3961 |
雷正保 |
52 |
纯电动汽车的碰撞相容性与NVH多目标拓扑优化 |
2016-5-20 |
武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) |
ISSN2095-3844 |
雷正保 |
53 |
纯电动汽车车身结构耐撞性的整体拓扑优化设计 |
2016-3-3 |
汽车工程学报 |
ISSN1005-0744 |
雷正保 |
54 |
4索交叉缠绕式A级柔性护栏优化设计 |
2016-7-11 |
交通科技 |
ISSN1671-7570 |
雷正保 |
55 |
多工况耐撞性拓扑优化中的碰撞载荷以大吃小问题分析 |
2016-10-27 |
汽车工程学报 |
ISSN1005-0744 |
雷正保 |
56 |
Fuzzy control methods applied for micro- pump system |
2016-4-17 |
2016年机械工程和控制系统国际会议 |
MECS 2016 |
李凤玲 |
57 |
汽油机瞬态空燃比控制器参数优化控制策略研究 |
2016-5-24 |
汽车技术 |
ISSN1000-3703 |
李岳林 |
58 |
低比例甲醇汽油的油膜动态特性研究 |
2016-10-25 |
车用发动机 |
ISSN1001-2222 |
李岳林 |
59 |
基于PSO-BP神经网络的汽油机点火提前角优化模型 |
2016-9-23 |
公路与汽运 |
ISSN1671-2668 |
李岳林 |
60 |
瞬态空燃比的自适应模糊滑模补偿控制 |
2016-6-20 |
台州学院学报 |
ISSN1672-3708 |
李岳林 |
61 |
Analysis of transient thermo-elastic problems using a cell-based smoothed radial point interpolation method |
2016-2-29 |
International journal of computational methods |
ISSN0219-8762 |
李岳林 |
62 |
Porous polymer electrolytes with high ionic conductivity and good mechanical property for rechargeable batteries |
1905-7-8 |
Journal of power sources, 2016, 307,320-328 |
ISSN0378-7753 |
梁波 |
63 |
Evaluation of storage stability of styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer-modified asphalt via electrochemical analysis |
1905-7-8 |
Construction and Building Materiasl,, 2016, 107, 38-43 |
ISSN0950-0618 |
梁波 |
64 |
Silicon-based materials as high capacity anodes for next generation lithium ion batteries |
1905-7-8 |
Journal of power sources, 2014, 267, 469-490. |
ISSN0378-7753 |
梁波 |
65 |
A multi-objective optimization method for uncertain structures based on nonlinear interval number programming method |
2016-3-30 |
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal |
ISSN1539-7734 |
刘鑫 |
66 |
玄武岩短纤维增强聚甲醛复合材料的力学性能和摩擦学性能 |
2016-9-1 |
新利官网开户 学报(自科版) |
ISSN1672-9331 |
龙春光 |
67 |
Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Short Basalt Fiber-reinforced Polyoxymethylene Composites |
2016-11-25 |
Polymer(Korea) |
ISSN0379-153X(Print) ISSN2234-8077(Online) |
龙春光(导师) |
68 |
Characteristics and removal mechanism in laser cutting of cBN-WC-10Co composites |
2016-3-1 |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology |
毛聪 |
69 |
Investigation of the flow field for a double-outlet nozzle during minimum quantity lubrication grinding |
2016-4-1 |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
毛聪 |
70 |
峡谷桥梁铁路周围测风站选址 |
2016-7-1 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
ISSN1672-7029 |
苗秀娟 |
71 |
Continuum structural topological optimizations with stress constraints based on an active constraint technique |
2016-9-1 |
ISSN0029-5981 |
荣见华 |
72 |
Extraction of weak crack signals based on sparse code shrinkage combined with wavelet packet filtering |
2016-5-20 |
Applied acoustics |
ISSN0003-682X |
王向红 |
73 |
Analysis of transient thermo-elastic problems using a cell-based smoothed radial point interpolation method |
2016-2-29 |
International journal of computational methods |
ISSN0219-8762 |
吴钢 |
74 |
Experimental and numerical definition of the extreme heater locations in a closed-open standing wave thermoacoustic system |
2016-8-17 |
Applied Energy |
ISSN0306-2619 |
吴钢 |
75 |
Remarkably enhanced dehydrogenation properties and mechanisms of MgH2by sequential-doping of nickel and graphene |
2016-8-10 |
International journal ofhydrogen energy |
ISSN0360-3199 |
吴钢 |
76 |
焙烧温度对宽甸含硼尾矿活性的影响 |
2016-12-20 |
矿产综合利用(12月月底刊出) |
ISSN1000-6532 |
谢炜 |
77 |
Fixed carbon content and reaction mechanism of natural microcrystalline graphite purified by hydrochloric acid and sodium fluoride |
2016-10-1 |
International Journal of Minerals Processing |
ISSN0301-7516 |
谢炜 |
78 |
Preparation of dispersive silver-micro/ nanoparticles by chemical reduction method |
2016-4-1 |
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A |
ISSN0036-0244 |
谢炜 |
79 |
隐晶质石墨/PVA 复合材料导热性能分析 |
2016-3-1 |
功能材料 |
ISSN1001-9731 |
谢炜 |
80 |
Electromagnetic absorption properties of natural microcrystalline graphite |
2016-1-15 |
Materials and Design |
ISSN0264-1275 |
谢炜 |
81 |
转子不平衡的原因与平衡方法 |
2016-11-1 |
农机使用与维修 |
ISSN1002-2538 |
杨义蛟 |
82 |
Modeling and simulation of multi-disk auto-balancing rotor |
2016-12-1 |
International Journal of Computer Science Issues |
ISSN1694-0784 |
杨义蛟 |
83 |
Remarkably enhanced dehydrogenation properties and mechanisms of MgH2 by sequential-doping of nickel and graphene |
2016-10-19 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
ISSN0360-3199 |
张健 |
84 |
Enhanced hydrogen diffusion in magnesium based hydride induced by strain and doping from first principle study |
2017-2-15 |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
ISSN0925-8388 |
张健 |
85 |
Analysis of Transient Thermo-Elastic Problems Using a Cell-Based Smoothed Radial Point Interpolation Method
2016-10-1 |
International Journal of Computational Methods |
ISSN0219-8762 |
张健 |
86 |
Study on the burning loss of magnesium in fiber laser welding of an Al-Mg alloy by optical emission spectroscopy |
2016-5-12 |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
ISSN0268-3768 |
张明军 |
87 |
“Noise source identification for industrial sewing machines based on non-linear partial least squares regression model” |
2016-9-19 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science |
ISSN0954-4062 |
张志勇 |
88 |
A Taylor-Affine Arithmetic for analyzing the calculation result uncertainty in accident reconstruction |
2016-9-19 |
Forensic Science International(国际法医学杂志,波兰) |
ISSN0379-0738 |
邹铁方 |
89 |
Two simple formulas for evaluating the lower bound of the impact velocity in vehicle pedestrian accidents |
2016-7-15 |
Journal of Forensic Sciences(法医学杂志,美国) |
ISSN1556-4029 |
邹铁方 |
90 |
Methods for analyzing the uncertainty of a reconstructed result in a traffic accident with interval and probabilistic traces |
2016-12-20 |
Forensic Science International(国际法医学杂志,波兰) |
ISSN0379-0738 |
邹铁方 |
91 |
基于仿真的车-人碰撞事故中行人不同部位损伤相关性分析 |
2016-12-1 |
公路与汽运 |
ISSN1671-2668 |
邹铁方(导师) |
92 |
微晶石墨深加工及应用(专著) |
2016-8-1 |
湖南大学出版社 |
ISBN:978-7-5667-1192-2 |
谢炜 |