1.[1]主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于气固耦合冷却的脊椎骨质磨削机理研究》,项目编号:52205443,2023-2025 2.[2]主持,湖南省自然科学基金青年项目《多龄段脊椎骨质精准模拟及微创手术磨钻损伤抑制策略研究》,项目编号:2022JJ40486,2022-2024 3.[3]主持,长沙市自然科学基金《疏松脊椎骨质精准模拟及高导热医用纳米颗粒高效冷却磨钻机理研究》,项目编号:2022cskj017,2022-2024 4.[4]主持,湖南省教育厅一般项目《多能场辅助差异脊椎精准模拟及医用气固介质高效冷却微创磨钻机理研究》,项目编号:21C0186,2022-2024 5.[5]主持,广东省微创手术器械设计与精密制造重点实验室开放基金《基于差异骨密度脊椎骨质的正前角微刃螺旋织构磨钻及其磨削机理研究》,2022-2024 |
[1].Yuanqiang Luo, Yinghui Ren, Yang Shu, Cong Mao, Zhixiong Zhou, Zhuming Bi. The cutting behavior of cortical bone in different bone osten cutting angles and depths of cut, 2022, 35:91. [2].Yuanqiang Luo, Lei Chen, Albert J. Shih. Hollow notched K-wires for bone drilling with through-tool cooling, Journal of orthopaedic research, 2019, 37(11), 2297-2306. [3].Yuanqiang Luo, Lei Chen, Fred T.Finney, Dae Woo Park, Paul G. Talusan, James R. Holmes, Albert J. Shih. Evaluation of heat generation in unidirectional versus oscillatory modes during K‐wire insertion in bone, Journal of orthopaedic research, 2019, 37(9), 1903-1909 [4].Yuanqiang Luo, Yinghui Ren, Zhixiong Zhou, Xiangming Huang, Tiejun Song. Prediction of single-tooth sawing force based on tooth profile parameters. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2016, 86(1-4):641-650. [5].任莹晖,罗源嫱,欧阳武,周志雄,宋铁军.带锯锯切力数值仿真及工艺实验研究.工具技术,2017,51(6):15-19 |