已发表各级学术期刊23篇,其中SCI论文13篇(一作/通讯9篇),一作中文核心期刊3篇(其中1篇导师一作);合作出版书籍/章节2本/章;合作发明专利1项(截止2023年4月)。 第一作者/通讯作者论文(*通讯作者,#共同一作) 1.Cao L.N.#,Xiang H.Y.#, Yang P, Zhang Z.X*, He C.G*, Lin C.L., Gao Y.F., Li Y., Bernhardt T.M. Towards sustainable and efficient land development: risk of soil trace metal(loid)s in abandoned gold mines with short-term rehabilitation and potential value for targeted remediation. Land Degradation & Development, 2022, 4428 (中科院1区, Top期刊, IF=4.377). 2.Xiang H.Y., Li K., Cao L.N., Zhang Z.X.*, Yang H.J.* Global patterns and drivers of coniferous leaf-litter decomposition in streams and rivers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 940254 (中科院2区, IF=4.493). 3.Gao Y.F., Rong L.P., Cao L.N., Li K., Lin C.L., Zhang Z.X.*,Xiang H.Y.*, Yang H.J.* Temporal Changes in Headwater Streams Macroinvertebrate Assemblages during the Snowmelt Season in Northeast China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 960254 (中科院3区, IF=5.411). 4.Xiang H.Y., Zhang Y.X.*, Atkinson D., Sekar R. Anthropogenic Carrion Subsidy and Herbicide Glyphosate Depressed Leaf-Litter Breakdown: Effects on Environmental Health in Streams. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 10:806340 (中科院3区, IF=5.411). 5.Cao L.N.#,Xiang H.Y.#, Xu J.W., Gao Y.F., Lin C.L., Li K., Li Z.W., Guo N.N., David P., He C.G.*, Yang H.J.* Nutrient Detection Sensors in Seawater Based on ISI Web of Science Database. Journal of Sensors, 2022, 2022:5754751 (中科院4区, IF=2.336). 6.Xiang H.Y.,Li K., Cao L.N., Zhang Z.X.*, Yang H.J.* Impacts of pollution, sex, and tide on the time allocations to behaviours ofUca arcuatain mangroves. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 742:140609 (中科院1区, Top期刊, IF=10.753). 7.Xiang H.Y., Zhang Y.X.*, Atkinson D., Sekar R. Effects of anthropogenic subsidy and glyphosate on macroinvertebrates in streams. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:21939–21952 (中科院3区, IF=5.190). 8.Xiang H.Y.,Cai Q.H.,Li Y., Zhang Z.X.*, Cao L.N., Li K., Yang H.J.* Sensors Applied for the Detection of Pesticides and Heavy Metals in Freshwaters. Journal of Sensors, 2020, 2020:8503491 (中科院4区, IF=2.336). 9.Xiang H.Y., Zhang Y.X.*, Atkinson D., Sekar R. Combined effects of water temperature, grazing snails and terrestrial herbivore on leaf decomposition in urban streams. PeerJ, 2019, 7:e7580 (中科院3区, IF=3.061). 10.Xiang H.Y., Zhang Y.X.*, Richardson J.S. Importance of Riparian Zone: Effects of Resource Availability at Land-water Interface. Riparian Ecology and Conservation, 2016, 3:1-17. 11.向洪勇,李昆,杨海军,萨依拉姆姑丽·阿布杜木萨,张振兴*.深圳福田红树林弧边招潮蟹的行为习性观察研究[J].生态科学, 2019, 38(5): 68-77. 12.向洪勇,杨海军,李昆,唐密,张振兴*.深圳福田红树林弧边招潮蟹觅食行为的研究[J].生态科学, 2015, 34(01):17-24. 13.张一新*,向洪勇.跨越生境的资源补贴对生态系统的影响研究进展[J].应用生态学报, 2017, 28 (2): 699-711 (导师一作). 合作论文 1.Lin C.L.#, Cao L.N.#, Xu Y.T., Zhang Z.X.*, Yang H.J.*,Xiang H.Y., Li K., Gao Y.F., Bernhardt T.M. Spatio-temporal variability (up- and down-stream and three seasons) of response patterns of macroinvertebrates to commonly applied low-head concrete weirs under reclaimed water intervention in urban river restoration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 133544 (中科院1区, IF=11.072). 2.Zhang Z.X., Cao L.N., Zhu Z.Y., He C.G.,Xiang H.Y., Xu L., Sun C. Y., Lin C.L., Yang H.J.*, Li K.* Evaluation on soil bioengineering measures in agricultural areas: Poorer durability of wooden structures and better aboveground habitat improvements. Ecological Engineering, 2019, 129:1-10(中科院2区, IF=4.379). 3.Li K., He C.*, Zhuang J., Zhang Z.X.,Xiang H.Y., Wang Z., Yang H.J.*, and Sheng L.X. Long-Term Changes in the Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Communities of a Subtropical River in South China. Water, 2015, 7:63-80(中科院4区, IF=3.530). 4.Li, E.Q., Liu J.S., Li X.F.,Xiang H.Y., Yu J.P., Wang D.L.* Animal saliva has stronger effects on plant growth than salivary components. Grass and Forage Science, 2014, 9:153-159(中科院2区, IF=2.856). 5.何千韵,张敏,樊仕宝,张茂林,孙晨,俞乃琪,向洪勇,杨海军.深圳市大鹏新区国家地质公园源头溪流大型底栖动物群落多样性研究[J].生态科学, 2022,41(12):2388-2396. 6.俞乃琪,张敏,樊仕宝,张茂林,向洪勇,孙晨,何千韵,曹丽娜,张振兴*,杨海军.深圳市城市区域内典型生境特征溪流大型底栖动物群落结构比较研究[J].应用与环境生物学报, 2022,28(4):1034-1041. 7.张婷,张一新*,向洪勇.秸秆还田培肥土壤的效应及机制研究进展[J].江苏农业科学,2018,46(03):14-20. 8.张婷,张一新*,向洪勇.农作物秸秆综合利用措施研究进展[J].安徽农业科学,2017,(02):80-85+124. 9.唐密,李昆,向洪勇,董雪,金会鑫,王悦,杨海军,张振兴*.盐胁迫对两种红树植物生态、生理及解剖结构的影响[J].生态科学,2014,(03):513-519. 10.董雪,李昆,向洪勇,唐密,杨海军,张振兴*.淡水驯化后桐花树幼苗对人工污水的净化效果研究[J].生态科学,2014,(03):426-432.
书籍/章节 1.Zhang Y.X, N. Juvigny-Khenafou,Xiang H.Y., Lin Q.Y., Wu Z.J. 2019. Chapter 11 - Multiple Stressors in China's Freshwater Ecoregions. Pages 193-204 in S. Sabater, A. Elosegi, and R. Ludwig, editors. Multiple Stressors in River Ecosystems. Elsevier. 2.杨海军,刘雨薇,田伊林,向洪勇,张振兴,崔东,张维,焦子伟.伊犁河底栖动物的采集与识别, 2023,云南大学出版社。
专利 杨海军,张振兴,向洪勇.一种利于生态系统修复的丁坝装置和丁坝群.云南大学,2022.07,实用新型专利(专利号:CN202210466671.1)。