2023.06——至今 国防科技大学博士后在站
职称:新利官网开户 讲师
职务:新利官网开户 公共数学系党支部书记
学术兼职:湖南省计算数学应用软件学会理事,《Commun. Comput. Phys.》、《Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.》、 《Comput. Math. Appl.》、《Appl. Math. Lett.》、《Int. J. Mod. Phys. C》等期刊审稿人
电子邮箱:zhaoy@csust.edu.cn; mathzy@outlook.com
1.2022年新利官网开户 课程思政教学竞赛三等奖
赵勇博士主要主要从事复杂流体流动与模拟的相关研究,所采用的CFD 模拟方法是目前较为流行的介观格子 Boltzmann 方法,模拟算法主要是借助 NVIDIA 高性能并行计算平台实现。赵勇博士阶段的课题主要围绕模型算法和仿真模拟两个方面开展工作。在模型算法方面,主要是建立了一类通用、高效且稳定性好的三松弛格子 Boltzmann 模型,该算法可用于复杂流体流动的模拟中,为揭示极端情况下(例如高 Reynolds 数和高 Rayleigh 数)流体流动机理提供了可能。其次,在仿真模拟方面,系统地研究了固液相变传热问题,探究了热源位置以及热源边界条件对相变传热过程中流体流动和传热的影响。研究结果和结论可为强化固液相变流动和传热提供借鉴,具有一定的现实意义和科学价值。近期,赵勇博士的主要研究重点在保结构多相流模型理论研究和粉末床熔融过程仿真研究。更多最新信息见个人学术主页:https://lukeyzhao.github.io/
1.新利官网开户 微分方程与动力系统团队:研究微分方程定性与稳定性理论与方法,涉及常微分方程、泛函微分方程、反应扩散方程及其在生物数学、神经网络、经济数学、工程技术等领域的应用。
4.海外团队:与CSIRO 首席科学家 Gerald G. Pereira 团队以及蒙纳士大学 Aibing Yu 院士领导的“颗粒系统的仿真与模拟(Simulation and Modelling of Particulate Systems, SIMPAS)”团队建立了深度合作。
[1]国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于格子Boltzmann方法的粉末床熔融过程介观建模与仿真 (2024-01-01至2026-12-31,主持,在研)
[3]主持新利官网开户 科研启动专项经费项目:基于格子Boltzmann方法的开孔泡沫金属内固液相变流动传热机理研究,(2021-01-01至2024-12-31,主持,在研)
2. 论文:
[1] Yong Zhao, Gerald G. Pereira, Shibo Kuang, et al. A Pseudopotential Lattice Boltzmann Analysis for Multicomponent Flow. Communications in Computational Physics, 2022, 32(4): 1156-1178.
[2] Yong Zhao, Gerald G. Pereira, Yao Wu, Shibo Kuang, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, On the pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann models for multicomponent flows with larger viscosity ratio, Applied Mathematics Letters, 114: 106926, (2021)
[3] Yong Zhao, Gerald G. Pereira, Shibo Kuang, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, A generalized lattice Boltzmann model for solid–liquid phase change with variable density and thermophysical properties, Applied Mathematics Letters, 104: 106250 (2020).
[4] Yong Zhao, Yao Wu, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, A block triple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model for nonlinear anisotropic convection–diffusion equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 79(9): 2550-2573 (2020).
[5] Yong Zhao, LeiWang, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, Comparative study of natural convection melting inside a cubic cavity using an improved two-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 143: 118449 (2019).
[6] Yong Zhao, Baochang Shi, Zhenhua Chai, Lei Wang, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of melting in a cubical cavity with a local heat-flux source. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127: 497-506 (2018).
[7] XinMeng Chen, Zhenhua Chai,Yong Zhao, Baochang Shi, Multiple-distribution-function finite-difference lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, Communications in Computational Physics, In press.
[8] Kun He, Yong Zhao, Lei Wang. Numerical investigation on electrohydrodynamic enhancement of solid–liquid phase change in three-dimensional cavities. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2023, 168: 104562.
[9] Lei Wang, Yong Zhao, Xuguang Yang, Baochang Shi, Zhenhua Chai, A lattice Boltzmann analysis of the conjugate natural convection in a square enclosure with a circular cylinder. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 71: 31-44 (2019).
[10] Yao Wu, Yong Zhao, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, Discrete effects on some boundary schemes of multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model for convection–diffusion equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 80(3): 531-551 (2020).
[11] Xiuya Guo, Zhenhua Chai, Shengyong Pang, Yong Zhao, Baochang Shi, Mixed bounceback boundary scheme of the general propagation lattice Boltzmann method for advectiondiffusion equations, Physical Review E, 99(6): 063316 (2019).
[12] Yong Zhao, Yao Wu, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, Lattice Boltzmann simulations of melting in a rectangular cavity heated locally from below at high Rayleigh number, under review.
3. 专利:
[1] 发明专利:一种基于格子-玻尔兹曼模型的油层流体模拟方法