新利官网开户 学术活动预告
报告题目: Non-uniform dependence on initial data for the Camassa-Holm equation in Besov spaces
报告内容:In the paper, we consider the initial value problem to the Camassa-Holm equation in the real-line case. Based on the local well-posednessresult and the lifespan, we proved that the data-to-solution map of this problem is not uniformly continuous in nonhomogeneous Besov spaces in the sense of Hadamard. Our obtained result improves considerably the result in[23].
报告时间:2020.09.17 09:30-10:30
报告方式:腾讯会议会议ID:278 544 587
报告人简介:主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,主持博士后特别资助(站中)项目一项,主持博士后面上项目一项。在《Advances in Mathematics》,《Journal of Functional Analysis》,《Journal of Differential Equations》,《Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics》等国外SCI刊物上发表论文15余篇。