报告题目: Uniqueness in phaseless inverse scattering problem with superposition of incident waves
In this talk, we will establish several uniqueness results in inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems with phaseless data. The main difficulty is the so-called translation invariance of phaseless far-field data. Our idea comes from the fact that the translation invariance can be broken if superpositions of two plane waves are chosen as the incident field. Motivated by this idea, we establish the first general uniqueness result with phaseless far-field data corresponding to superposition of two incident plane waves. Moreover, a similar uniqueness result based on superposition of two incident point sources can be proved. Recently, we extend our uniqueness result to the case of phaseless near-field data corresponding to superposition of two incident plane waves. This talk is based on a joint work with Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang.
报告人所在单位:北京计算18luck新利在线娱乐网 中心
报告时间: 2021年11月25日15:40-16:20
报告方式:腾讯会议ID:838 2530 8952
报告人简介:徐小绪博士2019年获中国科学院大学博士学位,现今在北京计算18luck新利在线娱乐网 中心开展博士后研究,研究兴趣为声波与电磁波无相位反散射问题的理论与算法。目前正承担1项中国博士后科学基金项目,已发表SCI论文5篇。