序号 |
论文名称 |
发表年 |
刊物名称 |
1 |
预测铝合金单轴力学性能的复合型双锥压入法 |
2021.1 |
机械工程学报 |
2 |
边坡稳定性的多米诺骨牌模型分析方法 |
2021.1 |
岩土工程学报 |
3 |
传递最大推力的不平衡推力法 |
2021.8 |
岩土工程学报 |
4 |
基于风洞试验的变截面圆灯柱涡激振动与影响因素研究 |
2021.6 |
中国公路学报 |
5 |
车辆气动力展向相关性传递函数及其对桥上运动车辆响应的影响 |
2021.4 |
中国公路学报 |
6 |
CFRP筋钢骨混凝土组合梁受弯性能试验研究 |
2021.4 |
中国公路学报 |
7 |
基于抗连续倒塌性能的张弦梁结构撑杆构型与数值验证 |
2021.6 |
建筑结构学报 |
8 |
起始点逐层等角度移动时3D打印混凝土圆环构件可连续打印高度 |
2021.1 |
建筑结构学报 |
9 |
UHPC直剪性能试验与直剪承载力计算方法 |
2021.7 |
中国公路学报 |
10 |
配筋UHPC矩形梁抗扭承载性能试验与计算方法 |
2021.8 |
中国公路学报 |
11 |
超高性能混凝土湿接缝界面粘结性能 |
2021.11 |
硅酸盐学报 |
12 |
钢-混凝土组合桥面板温度梯度效应的试验研究与数值模拟 |
2021.10 |
建筑结构学报 |
13 |
装配式预应力可变桁架体系加固RC短梁抗弯性能试验 |
2021.2 |
中国公路学报 |
14 |
冻融循环下橡胶-砂胶结材料的力学特性试验研究 |
2021.11 |
中国公路学报 |
15 |
倾斜软基上斜直桩组合结构单侧受力破坏模式试验 |
2021.7 |
中国公路学报 |
16 |
大跨平屋盖风荷载特性及风压预测研究 |
2021.3 |
振动与冲击 |
17 |
近海山地台风风场特性实测研究 |
2021.8 |
工程力学 |
18 |
再生混凝土横孔空心砌块墙体局部受压性能试验研究 |
2021.11 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
19 |
再生混凝土横孔空心砌块墙体抗压性能试验研究 |
2021.9 |
地震工程与工程振动 |
20 |
反坡对边坡稳定性分析的影响探讨 |
2021.7 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
21 |
CFRP全覆盖胶粘加固含中心裂纹钢板的静力性能 |
2021.6 |
复合材料学报 |
22 |
基于ANSYS二次开发的几何非线性平面梁单元 |
2021.6 |
应用力学学报 |
23 |
大跨度钢桁悬索桥颤振气动优化措施试验研究 |
2021.4 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
24 |
基于梁连续抗弯刚度与小波变换的结构损伤识别方法研究 |
2021.9 |
计算力学学报 |
25 |
随机风速下桥上汽车行车安全可靠性分析 |
2021.12 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
26 |
中央扣对大跨悬索桥颤振稳定性的影响 |
2021.3 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
27 |
Influence of water-rich tunnel by shield tunneling on existing bridge pile foundation in layered soils |
2021.8 |
Journal of Central South University |
28 |
基于渗流应力耦合的盾构隧道开挖对邻近桥梁桩基的影响 |
2021.3 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
29 |
考虑脉动风场的3 MW风机钢塔筒基础底板脱开失效概率 |
2021.5 |
工程力学 |
30 |
不同活性基团纳米SiO2环氧胶黏剂的力学性能 |
2021.1 |
长安大学学报(自然科学版) |
31 |
固化剂对室温胶黏CFRP板/钢板界面性能的影响 |
2021.4 |
建筑材料学报 |
32 |
钢纤维形状与掺量对UHPC施工及力学特性的影响 |
2021.4 |
材料导报 |
33 |
带输送机边主梁斜拉桥涡振性能及抑振措施试验研究 |
2021.7 |
西南交通大学学报 |
34 |
风屏障对流线型箱梁涡振性能影响机理试验研究 |
2021.11 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
35 |
基于风洞试验的不同坡度多跨锯齿屋面风压特性研究 |
2021.4 |
实验力学 |
36 |
部分组合混凝土夹心板在温度作用下的力学行为 |
2021.1 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
37 |
地质雷达信号定量识别用小波基选取的正演及模型试验研究 |
2021.6 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
38 |
便桥荷载作用下深基坑地下连续墙变形特性分析 |
2020.12 |
地下空间与工程学报 |
39 |
基于OpenSEES的车-轨-桥快速仿真分析技术 |
2021.4 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
40 |
干湿循环作用下预制裂隙炭质页岩力学特性及强度准则研究 |
2021.7 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
41 |
钢-UHPC组合结构桥梁研究进展 |
2021.3 |
材料导报 |
42 |
分时段交通流荷载效应分析 |
2021.12 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
43 |
钢-UHPC组合结构新型剪力件的抗剪性能 |
2021.9 |
浙江大学学报(工学版). |
44 |
地震作用下RC构件耗能能力的计算方法研究 |
2021.12 |
工程力学 |
45 |
基础环式风机基础的竖锚加固方法研究 |
2021.11 |
可再生能源 |
46 |
偏压小间距隧道施工力学行为及围岩破坏规律 |
2021.9 |
长江科学院院报 |
47 |
锚固区钢绞线锈断PC梁黏结性能退化试验研究 |
2021.4 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
48 |
UHPC大键齿干接缝直剪性能及尺寸参数分析 |
2021.7 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
49 |
Application of an interpretable artificial neural network to predict the interface strength of a near-surface mounted fiber-reinforced polymer to concrete joint |
2021 |
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A |
50 |
Timoshenko梁的第二频谱分析 |
2021.11 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
51 |
钢筋混凝土简支预裂梁车辆静载模拟试验研究 |
2021.12 |
重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版) |
52 |
灌浆波纹管连接的预制拼装桥墩抗震性能分析 |
2021.7 |
公路交通科技 |
53 |
基于CR全量非线性梁柱理论的平面剪切梁元 |
2021.7 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
54 |
基于可靠度指标的小概率失效结构优化 |
2021.1 |
长安大学学报(自然科学版) |
55 |
热风钎焊炉热处理后不锈钢力学性能试验研究 |
2021.9 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
56 |
叠线盾构隧道并行下穿燃气管线影响分析 |
2021.8 |
地下空间与工程学报 |
57 |
考虑滑移效应的体外预应力波形钢腹板梁桥的应力增量 |
2021.3 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
58 |
考虑剪力滞的波形钢腹板连续曲线箱梁内力求解方法 |
2021.5 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
59 |
纳米SiO2/玄武岩纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料的制备和耐久性能研究 |
2021.5 |
功能材料 |
60 |
车载作用下公路桥梁耦合振动精细化建模及验证分析 |
2021.9 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
61 |
考虑温度和冻融循环的基桩水平承载特性研究 |
2021.3 |
工程科学与技术 |
62 |
橡胶-砂-聚氨酯复合材料冻融循环后强度特性及本构模型 |
2021.8 |
复合材料学报 |
63 |
混凝土桥梁裂缝扩展过程声发射信号的分形与小波包综合分析 |
2021.3 |
长安大学学报(自然科学版 |
64 |
模糊失效准则下桥梁拉索锈蚀时变可靠性分析 |
2021.8 |
公路交通科技 |
65 |
桥梁缆索钢丝裂纹扩展速率预测及疲劳寿命计算 |
2021.3 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
66 |
岩穴储气库的天然气存储能力分析 |
2021.9 |
储能科学与技术 |
67 |
侧向堆载下斜桩长度影响斜-直双排桩受力响应试验研究 |
2021.2 |
公路交通科技 |
68 |
倾斜度影响斜-直组合桩单侧受力响应试验研究 |
2021.7 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
69 |
Disintegration characteristics and mechanisms of carbonaceous mudstone subjected to load and cyclic drying-wetting |
2021.8 |
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |
70 |
Evolution of Tensile Properties of Compacted Red Clay under Wet and Dry Cycles |
2021.10 |
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering |
71 |
Mechanical behavior of disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone under stress and cyclic drying/wetting |
2021.5 |
Construction and Building Materials |
72 |
Optimal design of mixing ratios of modifiers for disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone |
2021.8 |
Geomechanics and Engineering |
73 |
土木工程专业课程的多元化教学案例 |
2021.3 |
电子技术 |
74 |
A Method for Closing the Deck of Cable-stayed Bridges with a Single Erection Joint |
2021.4 |
Earth and Space 2021 |
75 |
Study on the Longitudinal Displacement Regularity of an Asymmetric Cable-Stayed Bridge with a Hybrid Girder Affected by Temperature |
2021.4 |
Earth and Space 2021 |
76 |
某通航孔栈桥受力与变形验算 |
2021.1 |
公路与汽运 |
77 |
A Fast Partition Method for Wind Pressure Coefficient of Large-Span Roof based on Modified GK Clustering |
2021.01 |
Structures |
78 |
Experimental investigation of wind pressure characteristics and aerodynamic optimization of a large-span cantilevered roof |
2021.07 |
Structures |
79 |
Wind tunnel investigations of an aeroelastic electricity transmission tower under synoptic and typhoon winds |
2021.03 |
Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
80 |
不同开挖方法下炭质板岩隧道围岩稳定性及结构可靠度分析 |
2021.4 |
公路与汽运 |
81 |
Degradation of Strength and Stiffness of Sandstones Caused by Wetting-Drying Cycles: The Role of Mineral Composition |
2021.10 |
Geofluids |
82 |
建筑学专业建筑结构课程教学方式改革探讨 |
2021.6 |
科技视界 |
83 |
考虑边坡渐进破坏的分区计算模型 |
2020.12 |
交通科学与工程 |
84 |
圆弧形挡土墙整体土压力计算 |
2021.1 |
交通科学与工程 |
85 |
单索面混凝土斜拉桥薄壁箱梁超载作用下的扭转损伤性能研究 |
2021.9 |
河南科技 |
86 |
基于临界距离理论的弧形切口疲劳寿命研究 |
2021.12 |
钢结构(中英文) |
87 |
Meso-scale modeling of concrete cracking induced by 3D corrosion expansion of helical strands |
2021 |
Computers & Structures |
88 |
Secondary anchorage and residual prestressing force in locally corroded PT beams after strand fracture |
2021 |
Construction and Building Materials |
89 |
Transfer length prediction in pre-tensioned concrete beams under corrosive cracking |
2021 |
Structures |
90 |
课程思政视域下《桥梁工程》教学改革探索 |
2021 |
教育现代化 |
91 |
桥梁工程线上线下混合式教学模式探讨 |
2021 |
教育现代化 |
92 |
双创背景下土木类大学生创新创业能力的培养 |
2021.9 |
科技风 |
93 |
新工科视域下桥梁工程教学改革与实践 |
2021.8 |
科技风 |
94 |
Robust circular marker localization under non-uniform illuminations based on homomorphic filtering |
2021.1 |
Measurement |
95 |
新时代高校辅导员育人的形势与路径 |
2021.11 |
大学教育 |
96 |
Effect of nano-CaCO3 on the physical and mechanical properties of analogue to silty mudstone materials |
2021.11 |
Arabian Journal of Geosciences |
97 |
Mixing Ratios and Cementing Mechanism of Similar Silty Mudstone Materials for Model Tests |
2021.8 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
98 |
考虑残余应力释放的疲劳寿命预测方法研究 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
99 |
Research on Damage Identification of Nonuniform Microcrack in Beam Structures |
2021 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
100 |
Structural Damage Identification Based on the Wavelet Transform and Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm |
2021 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
101 |
Experimental investigation of the vortex-induced vibration of tapered light poles |
2021.4 |
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics |
102 |
Study of central buckle effects on flutter of long-span suspension bridges |
2021.1 |
Wind and Structures |
103 |
Experimental investigation on post-flutter characteristics of a typical steel-truss suspension bridge deck |
2021.8 |
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics |
104 |
Influences of Wind Barriers on the Train Running Safety on a Highway-Railway One-Story Bridge |
2021.12 |
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics |
105 |
风屏障对平层公铁桥上列车防风效果分析 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
106 |
基于修正SSTk-ω湍流模型的建筑群风环境数值分析 |
2021.6 |
西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) |
107 |
Circular perforated steel yielding demountable shear connector for sustainable precast composite floors |
2021 |
Steel and Composite Structures |
108 |
Effect of temperature loading on the performance of a PC bridge in Oklahoma: Reliability analysis |
2021 |
Structures |
109 |
Effect of temperature loading on the performance of a prestressed concrete bridge in Oklahoma: Probabilistic modelling |
2021 |
Structures |
110 |
Shear performance of a novel demountable connector for reusable steel-concrete composite structures |
2021 |
Life-Cycle Civil Engineering: Innovation, Theory and Practice |
111 |
Shear performance of demountable perforated steel-tube connector for accelerated assembly bridge construction |
2021 |
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations |
112 |
The development of composite bridges with corrugated steel webs in China |
2021 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Bridge Engineering |
113 |
Numerical simulation of characteristics of wind field at bridge sites in flat and gorge terrains under the thunderstorm downburst |
2021.7 |
Shock and Vibration |
114 |
Wind characteristics and flutter performance of a long-span suspension bridge located in a deep-cutting gorge |
2021.4 |
Engineering Structures |
115 |
A review and comparison study on drying shrinkage prediction between alkali-activated fly ash/slag and ordinary Portland cement |
2021 |
Construction and Building Materials |
116 |
Failure Mechanism of the Bearing Stratum at the End of a Pile Induced by Shield Tunnel Excavation Beneath a Piled Building |
2021 |
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering |
117 |
Upper bound limit analysis of blow-out failure mode of excavation face of shield tunnel considering groundwater seepage |
2021 |
Geomechanics and Engineering |
118 |
浅埋隧道施工扰动诱发地表塌陷破坏模式研究 |
2021.5 |
公路与汽运 |
119 |
Comparative study on grouting protection schemes for shield tunneling to adjacent viaduct piles |
2021.8 |
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering |
120 |
Effects of different construction sequences on ground surface settlement and displacement of single long pile due to twin paralleled shield tunneling |
2021.7 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
121 |
基于新工科视域下土木工程专业本科生课程改革与实践 |
2021.3 |
教育科学 |
122 |
层状岩体隧道变形特征及非对称支护研究 |
2021.2 |
公路与汽运 |
123 |
Monitoring bond-slip behavior of CFRP-RCESC beams using piezoelectric active sensing method |
2021.8 |
Advances in Bridge Engineering |
124 |
钢混组合结构PBL剪力键滑移损伤监测试验研究 |
2020.12 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
125 |
基于压电波动法的钢混组合结构栓钉连接滑移损伤监测试验研究 |
2021 |
2021年工业建筑学术交流会论文集(上册) |
126 |
预应力弯曲波纹管灌浆密实性监测试验研究 |
2021.8 |
压电与声光 |
127 |
Comparisons of design methods for beam string structure based on reliability and progressive collapse analysis |
2021 |
Structures |
128 |
Reliability Evaluation Based on Multiple Response Surfaces Method Considering Construction Uncertainties of Cable Tension for a Hybrid Roof Structure |
2021 |
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part A Civil Engineering |
129 |
含局部网架的混凝土框架抗连续倒塌性能研究 |
2021.6 |
工程建设 |
130 |
基于H-J-C本构模型的混凝土球壳结构冲击响应分析 |
2020.11 |
工程建设 |
131 |
基准平面垂直断面法在爆破漏斗试验中的应用 |
2021.2 |
工程爆破 |
132 |
RC空间框架连续性倒塌数值分析 |
2021.7 |
重庆建筑 |
133 |
门式双排抗滑桩设计计算方法研究 |
2020.11 |
广东土木与建筑 |
134 |
Improved bond behavior of CFRP-steel composites by novel film adhesive at room and elevated temperatures |
2021 |
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations |
135 |
钢-超高性能混凝土胶接组合板受弯的界面性能 |
2020.12 |
交通科学与工程 |
136 |
轻量化STC-钢组合桥面板静力性能研究 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
137 |
Flexural and cracking behaviors of reinforced UHPC beams with various reinforcement ratios and fiber contents |
2021.9 |
Engineering Structures |
138 |
Static and Fatigue Test on Lightweight UHPC-OSD Composite Bridge Deck System Subjected to Hogging Moment |
2021.04 |
Engineering Structures |
139 |
Experimental study on the spanwise correlation of vortex induced force using large scale section model |
2021.9 |
Shock and Vibration |
140 |
钢筋网水泥砂浆加固砌体结构教学楼的抗震设计计算方法 |
2020.12 |
重庆建筑 |
141 |
预制混凝土夹心板连接层受剪和受拉性能试验研究 |
2021 |
2021年工业建筑学术交流会论文集(上册) |
142 |
逐时温度变化对混凝土夹心板温度作用的影响 |
2021.2 |
四川建筑18luck新利在线娱乐网 |
143 |
爆破振动下双洞隧道衬砌动力响应分析 |
2021.2 |
交通科学与工程 |
144 |
Calculation of the permittivity of inhomogeneous media based on the TEDAWT method |
2021.11 |
Journal of Applied Geophysics |
145 |
大跨度隧道塌方段施工方案比选 |
2021.3 |
公路与汽运 |
146 |
某金矿深孔爆破振动信号EMD分析及安全评估 |
2021.4 |
现代矿业 |
147 |
长大隧道双侧壁导坑法施工通风优化研究 |
2021.1 |
交通科学与工程 |
148 |
A model for investigating vehicle-bridge interaction under high moving speed |
2021.3 |
Structural Engineering and Mechanics |
149 |
落墩中央分隔带施工安全风险评估研究 |
2020.12 |
交通科学与工程 |
150 |
偏压连拱隧道非对称中隔墙施工力学特性研究 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
151 |
石潭湘江特大桥水下施工安全风险评估及管控 |
2020.12 |
公路与汽运 |
152 |
大跨度桥梁挂篮施工风险评价 |
2020.12 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
153 |
炭质泥岩路堑边坡湿化变形模拟分析 |
2021.1 |
交通科学与工程 |
154 |
纳米材料的装配式混凝土结构界面损伤监测试验研究 |
2021.9 |
传感器与微系统 |
155 |
基础环式风机基础的动态偏移特征研究 |
2021.8 |
新能源发电 |
156 |
侧压力系数对节理岩体隧道稳定性的影响 |
2021.2 |
交通科学与工程 |
157 |
高校学生党建育人模式实践与探索 |
2020.5 |
现代商贸工业 |
158 |
Maximum Probabilistic and Dynamic Traffic Load Effects on Short-to-Medium Span Bridges |
2021.1 |
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences |
159 |
Evaluation of full-order method for extreme wind effect estimation considering directionality |
2021 |
Wind and Structures |
160 |
独柱墩曲线箱梁桥抗倾覆实用计算方法研究 |
2021.9 |
交通科学与工程 |
161 |
A data–driven contact force model based on artificial neural network for complex contacting surfaces |
2021 |
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
162 |
Modeling constitutive relationship of steel bar removed from corroded PC beams after fatigue considering spatial location effect |
2021.4 |
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |
163 |
Predicting corrosion fatigue crack propagation behavior of HRB400 steel bars in simulated corrosive environments |
2021.6 |
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |
164 |
Experimental study and residual fatigue life assessment of corroded high-tensile steel wires using 3D scanning technology |
2021.3 |
Engineering Failure Analysis |
165 |
地方铁路与城际轨道品质工程评价指标体系 |
2021.9 |
工程质量 |
166 |
河闪渡乌江大桥主缆架设施工监控研究 |
2021.3 |
公路与汽运 |
167 |
强化研究生科研创新能力培养的实践与探索 |
2021.9 |
科技风 |
168 |
土木工程专业研究生培养与学习模式多样化探索 |
2021.1 |
科技视界 |
169 |
斜拉桥锚拉板疲劳评估与足尺模型疲劳试验 |
2021 |
钢结构(中英文) |
170 |
基于智能压电传感器的节段砼界面损伤检测 |
2021.3 |
公路与汽运 |
171 |
Optimisation of maintenance strategy of deteriorating bridges considering sustainability criteria |
2021 |
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering |
172 |
Time-edpendent reliability assessment of aging structures considering stochastic resistance degradation process |
2021 |
Reliabiliy Engineering and System Safety |
173 |
Probability analysis of web cracking of corroded prestressed concrete box-girder bridges considering aleatory and epistemic uncertainties |
2021 |
Engineering Structures |
174 |
桥墩防撞等级评估方法及其应用 |
2020.12 |
交通科学与工程 |
175 |
A Nonlinear Constitutive Model for Disintegrated Carbonaceous Mudstone Based on Logarithmic Functions |
2021.04 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
176 |
Performance assessment of a newly developed and highly stable grouting material for a completely weathered granite dam foundation |
2021.06 |
Construction and Building Materials |
177 |
基于改进的局部特征尺度分解的结构损伤识别 |
2020.11 |
重庆建筑 |
178 |
T形RC短肢剪力墙的抗震性能分析 |
2021.1 |
工程建设 |
179 |
基于压缩感知在地震波作用下的结构损伤识别方法研究 |
2021.3 |
重庆建筑 |
180 |
基于引力搜索算法的损伤识别研究 |
2020.12 |
重庆建筑 |
181 |
Nonlinear dynamic response of functionally graded cylindrical microshells conveying steady viscous fluid |
2021 |
Composite Structures |
182 |
A comprehensively overall track-bridge interaction study on multi-span simply supported beam bridges with longitudinal continuous ballastless slab track |
2021 |
Structural Engineering and Mechanics |
183 |
A visualized bibliometric analysis of mapping research trends of machine learning in engineering (MLE) |
2021 |
Expert Systems with Applications |
184 |
Determination of the interfacial properties of longitudinal continuous slab track via a field test and ANN-based approaches |
2021 |
Engineering Structures |
185 |
Identification of the interfacial cohesive law parameters of FRP strips externally bonded to concrete using machine learning techniques |
2021 |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics |
186 |
Regularized multivariate polynomial regression analysis of the compressive strength of slag-metakaolin geopolymer pastes based on experimental data |
2021 |
Construction and Building Materials |
187 |
Selected machine learning approaches for predicting the interfacial bond strength between FRPs and concrete |
2021 |
Construction and Building Materials |
188 |
Solidification of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash and immobilization of heavy metals using waste glass in alkaline activation system |
2021.11 |
Chemosphere |
189 |
深水裸岩地质锁口钢管桩围堰施工技术 |
2021.12 |
中国水运 |
190 |
大跨度悬臂浇筑RC拱桥结构参数敏感性分析 |
2121.4 |
公路与汽运 |
191 |
悬索桥钢箱梁吊装阶段主缆索力计算方法 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
192 |
悬索桥基准索股调索与锚跨张力控制研究 |
2021 |
2021年工业建筑学术交流会论文集(上册) |
193 |
Numerical Study on Stress Intensity Factors for Stud Connectors of Steel–Concrete Connection |
2021.8 |
International Journal of Steel Structures |
194 |
Study on the life cycle simulation method of the temperature field and temperature effect of a steel–concrete composite bridge deck system |
2021.5 |
Measurement and Control |
195 |
黄河上游超大型双壁钢围堰结构受力分析 |
2021.4 |
公路与汽运 |
196 |
Experimental study and numerical simulation of temperature gradient effect for steel-concrete composite bridge deck |
2021.4 |
Measurement and Control |
197 |
根系分布对膨胀土干缩开裂影响试验研究 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
198 |
香根草根系对膨胀土渗透性影响试验研究 |
2020.12 |
交通科学与工程 |
199 |
钢绞线局部锈断混凝土梁疲劳性能试验研究 |
2021.2 |
交通科学与工程 |
200 |
Time–frequency random approach for prediction of subway train-induced tunnel and ground vibrations |
2021.8 |
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics |
201 |
高温下不同受火面对开洞剪力墙温度场的影响 |
2021.3 |
重庆建筑 |
202 |
高温下的无粘结预应力梁可靠性研究 |
2021 |
中外建筑 |
203 |
Fracture analysis of rock reconstruction models based on cooling–solidification annealing algorithms |
2021 |
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures |
204 |
大跨度上承式钢管砼变截面桁架拱桥抗震分析 |
2021.1 |
公路与汽运 |
205 |
组合加固法在钢筋混凝土T型梁桥中的应用 |
2021.6 |
交通科学与工程 |
206 |
DIC应变测量的局部平滑去噪算法研究 |
2021.9 |
广东土木与建筑 |
207 |
Zn-Al-Mg合金镀层钢丝热浸镀工艺研究 |
2021.8 |
全面腐蚀控制 |
208 |
装配式空心钢管混凝土拱桥可行性研究 |
2021.2 |
中外公路 |
209 |
横梁预制拼装施工技术分析 |
2020.1 |
江西建材 |
210 |
采用PPC设计的斜拉桥模型疲劳试验研究 |
2021.2 |
中外公路 |
211 |
大跨度组合梁斜拉桥成桥状态参数敏感性分析 |
2021.6 |
交通科学与工程 |
212 |
刚性系杆拱桥吊杆张拉索力施工控制研究 |
2020.1 |
中外公路 |
213 |
基于裂缝参数的钢筋混凝土预裂梁刚度试验研究 |
2021.2 |
山东大学学报(工学版) |
214 |
隧道压力拱理论及试验进展研究 |
2021.2 |
公路与汽运 |
215 |
不同砌筑方式下砌体严格匀质化方法研究 |
2020.12 |
重庆建筑 |
216 |
近断层地震动作用下变电站避雷器的地震响应分析 |
2021.5 |
重庆建筑 |
217 |
开洞对RC框架填充墙平面外受力性能的影响 |
2021.1 |
建筑科学与工程学报 |
218 |
考虑验证荷载对服役大坝的可靠性分析 |
2020.11 |
重庆建筑 |
219 |
基于改进AHP法的绿色建材评价指标权重研究 |
2021.1 |
中国建材科技 |
220 |
运用实验课教学启发学生思维 |
2020.12 |
实验教学与仪器 |
221 |
Bifurcation and chaos of BNNT-reinforced piezoelectric plate under complex load |
2021 |
Journal of Mechanics |
222 |
Bifurcation and Chaos of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composite Beam with Piezoelectric Layer |
2021 |
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
223 |
Bifurcation and Chaos of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composite Cylindrical Shell with Piezoelectric Layer |
2021 |
Mechanics of Solids |
224 |
基于AHP-GRD低碳施工方案的比选研究 |
2020.12 |
重庆建筑 |
225 |
基于碳排放量的机械施工方案比选研究 |
2020.11 |
重庆建筑 |
226 |
基于接触理论与数值分析下复合墙体抵抗冲击力研究 |
2021.1 |
公路工程 |
227 |
Analytically measure the vibratory characteristics of the cable-stayed bridge during dual-cantilever erection |
2021 |
Journal of Vibration and Control |
228 |
基于无应力状态起拱法的钢桁梁桥预拱度研究 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
229 |
基于增大截面法的钢桁架桥塔加固力学分析 |
2021.3 |
公路与汽运 |
230 |
悬索管道桥施工阶段人致振动分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
231 |
新工科背景下建筑与土木工程专业学位硕士研究生培养现状及改革措施 |
2021.4 |
科技风 |
232 |
改良废旧轮胎混合材料动力特性试验研究 |
2021.2 |
交通科学与工程 |
233 |
基于ANSYS的预制空心剪力墙抗震性能研究 |
2021.3 |
工程建设 |
234 |
剪力墙不同布置对转换结构的抗震性能研究 |
2021.4 |
工程建设 |
235 |
配置600 MPa级高强钢筋RPC剪力墙抗震性能数值分析 |
2021.6 |
工程建设 |
236 |
锥形土体模型振动传递特性研究 |
2021.2 |
公路与汽运 |
237 |
表层嵌贴碳纤维板混凝土试件疲劳性能研究 |
2020.12 |
交通科学与工程 |
238 |
邻近边坡偏压深基坑开挖效应分析 |
2021.1 |
交通科学与工程 |
239 |
岩溶隧道开挖稳定性的三维数值分析 |
2021.5 |
公路与汽运 |
240 |
爆破工程不同级别围岩与炸药匹配性试验研究 |
2020.11 |
采矿技术 |
241 |
近距离上跨既有隧道的爆破掘进方案优化设计 |
2020.11 |
采矿技术 |
242 |
上跨临近既有线隧道爆破振动响应分析 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
243 |
隧道爆破施工对下方近距运营高铁隧道影响研究 |
2020.11 |
采矿技术 |
244 |
直径超长桩承载性状影响研究 |
2021.2 |
交通科学与工程 |
245 |
基于改进BP算法的混凝土热学参数反演与预测 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
246 |
基于钢纤维混凝土弹塑性损伤模型的钢混结合段吊装分析 |
2020.12 |
新利官网开户 学报(自然科学版) |
247 |
2021.4 |
248 |
Durability Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Structure Corroded by Chloride Based on the Gamma Process |
2021.12 |
249 |
钢筋混凝土构件固有频率测试及损伤分析 |
2020.12 |
工程建设 |
250 |
Size effect and geometrically nonlinear effect on thermal post-buckling of micro-beams: a new theoretical analysis |
2021.12 |
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics |
251 |
A size-dependent thermal buckling model for micro- beams based on modified gradient elasticity |
2021.5 |
Archive of Applied Mechanics |
252 |
碳纤维网格加固超载梁抗弯性能试验 |
2021.3 |
交通科学与工程 |
253 |
Meso-Experimental Study on Tensile Characteristics of Clay |
2021.10 |
Research Article |