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2017-2021新利官网开户 ,土木工程博士后(合作导师:张建仁教授、唐雪松教授)


2010-2016新利官网开户 ,讲师

201611月至今新利官网开户 ,副教授











3、湖南省教育厅18luck新利在线娱乐网 项目,13C1031,各向异性功能梯度材料的轴对称问题研究,2013-20151万元,已结题,主持




7、新利官网开户 桥梁与隧道工程创新项目,11CA10,各向异性功能梯度材料的多场耦合力学问题研究,2010-2012,已结题,主持




1Xian-fang Li*, Xu-long Peng. Chapter 7: Cylindrically- or spherically-symmetric problems of functionally graded materials. In: Nathan J. Reynolds (Editor), Functionally Graded Materials, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2011, pp. 1-56. (ISBN 978-1-61209-616-2)


[1] Li Zhang, Haiping Huang, Bing Zhao,Xulong Peng*. Effect of gradient on the deflection of functionally graded rectangular microcantilever induced by surface stress. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 25, 101598.

[2]Xulong Peng, Li Zhang, Zi-Xuan Yang, Zhan-Yong Feng, Bing Zhao, Xian-Fang Li. Effect of gradient on the deflection of functionally graded microcantilever beams with surface stress. Acta Mechanica, 2020, 231, 4185-4195.

[3] Bing Zhao, Tao Liu, Jian Chen,Xulong Peng, Zhanping Song. A new Bernoulli–Euler beam model based on modified gradient elasticity.Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 89, 277-289.

[4]Peng Xu-long, Han De-qian, Cao si-qi, Yang Jian-qiang. Thermal stresses of polar orthotropic FGM hollow sphere with arbitrary gradient. Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology (Natural Science), 2017, 14(4): 55-61. (In Chinese).

[5] Zhao Bing, Liu Tao, Pan Jun,Peng Xulong, Tang xuesong. A stress analytical solution for Mode III crack within modified gradient elasticity. Mechanics Research Comminications, 2017, 84: 142-147.

[6] Wencong Shi, Z.-B. Shen,X.-L. Peng, X.-F. Li. Frequency equation and resonant frenquency of free-free Timoshenko beams with unequal end masses. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 115-116: 406-415.

[7]Wang Yayun, Chen Deliang,Peng Xulong, Zhou Lu. The differential quadrature method for dynamic buckling of ftraight beam under elastic compression wave. Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University, 2016, 38(3): 30-34. (In Chinese).

[8]X.-L. Peng, X.-F. Li, G.-J. Tang, Z.-B. Shen. Effect of scale parameter on the deflection of a nonlocal beam and application on energy release rate of a crack. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), 2015, 95(12): 1428-1438.

[9]X.S. Tang,X.L. Peng.An energy density zone model for fatigue life prediction accounting for non-equilibrium and non-homogeneity effects, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 79: 105-112.

[10] Yayun Wang,Xulong Peng, Deliang Chen. Free vibration of axially functionally graded beams with non-uniform cross-section. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2015, 36(5): 105-112. (In Chinese).

[11]Peng Xu-long, Yang Jian-qiang. Elastic analysis of functionally graded polar orthotropic sandwich circular ring. Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology(Natural Science), 2015, 12(4): 50-55. (In Chinese).

[12]Yang Wu,Peng Xu-long, Li Xian-fang. Natural frequencies of longitudinal vibration of cone-shaped nanotubes. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(2): 158-162. (In Chinese).

[13] Yang Jin Hua, Chen De Liang,Peng Xu Long. Delamination buckling of piezoelectric laminated cylindrical shell under axial compression, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology, AEMT 2013, 2013/5/11-2013/5/12: 1207-1211, Zhangjiajie, China, 2013.

[14]X. L. Peng, X. F. Li. Effects of gradient on stress distribution in rotating functionally graded solid disks. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2012, 26(5): 1483-1492.

[15]X. L. Peng, X. F. Li. Elastic analysis of rotating functionally graded polar orthotropic disks. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, 60(1): 84-91.

[16]Xu-Long Peng, Xian-Fang Li. Thermal stress in rotating functionally graded hollow circular disk. Composite Structures, 2010, 92(8): 1896-1904.

[17]X. L. Peng, X. F. Li. Thermoelastic analysis of a cylindrical vessel of functionally graded material. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2010, 87(5): 203-210.

[18]Xu-long PENG, Xian-fang Li. Transient response of temperature and thermal stresses in a functionally graded hollow cylinder. Journal of Thermal stresses, 2010, 33(5): 485-500.

[19] Xian-Fang Li,Xu-Long Peng, Kang Yong Lee. The static response of functionally graded radially polarized piezoelectric spherical shells as sensors and actuators.Smart Materials and Structures,2010, 19(3): 035010.

[20] X. F. Li,X. L. Peng, Kang Yong Lee. Radially polarized functionally graded piezoelectric hollow cylinders as sensors and actuators. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 201029(4): 704-713.

[21] Li X F, Tang B Q,Peng X L, Huang Y. Influence of elastic T-stress on the growth direction of two parallel cracks. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 201034(3): 377-390.

[22]Xu-Long Peng, Xian-Fang Li, Kang Yong Lee. Interface crack problem of functionally graded piezoelectric materials: effects of the position of electromechanical impact and gradient. Acta Mechanica, 2009, 207: 69-82.

[23]Xu-Long Peng, Xian-Fang Li. Transient response of the crack-tip field in a magnetoelcectroelastic half-space with a functionally graded coating under impacts. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2009, 79: 1099-1113.

[24]Xu-long PENG, Xian-fang Li. Thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded annulus with arbitrary gradient. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2009, 30(10): 1211-1220.

[25]Xu-long PENG, Xian-fang Li. Thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded annulus with arbitrary gradient. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30(10): 1135-1142. (In Chinese).

[26] Xian-Fang Li,Xu-Long Peng. A pressurized functionally graded hollow cylinder with arbitrarily varying material properties. Journal of Elasticity, 2009, 96: 81-95.

[27] Xian-Fang Li,Xu-Long Peng, Ying-An Kang. Pressurized hollow spherical vessels with arbitrary radial nonhomogeneity. AIAA Journal, 2009, 47: 2262-2265.

[28] Xian-Fang Li,Xu-Long Peng. Theoretical analysis of surface stress for a microcantilever with varying widths. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2008, 41: 1-10.


[1]Peng Xulong*, Yang Jinhua. Thermal stresses in rotating functionally graded polar Thermal stresses in rotating functionally graded polar orthotropic hollow disks with power-law varying properties, 4th International Conference on Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies (ICMEAT), 2015/6/27-2015/6/28: 306-309, London.





[3]彭旭龙,《功能梯度材料相关的几个动静态问题分析及结构优化》. 2011年中南大学优秀博士学位论文.

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