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粟淼,男,湖南长沙人,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖南省自然科学基金项目1项和湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目1项,发表SCI/EI学术论文30余篇,担任《建筑结构学报》中青年审稿专家,“Engineering Structures”“Engineering Fracture Mechanics”“Construction and Building Materials”“Advances in Concrete Construction”,Materials”,“Soft Computing”等多个国际期刊审稿人。联系方式:sumiao@csust.edu.cn.


Google scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=sGwFYfcAAAAJ

























国家自然科学基金青年项目, 51808055,节段预制拼装预应力UHPC箱梁抗剪性能及设计方法研究, 2019.01-2021.12, 27万元,结题,参加

国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51978081,可更换低屈服波形钢腹板连梁-组合桥墩耗能机理与抗震性能, 2020/01-2024/12, 60.0万元,在研,参加

新利官网开户 开放基金项目,18KB02,桥梁-CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道结构系统的宏观-介观跨尺度建模及其界面开裂失效机理,2018/10-2020/093.5万元,结题,主持


英文论文(SCI Journal articles):

1.Su Miao*, Gong Shuang, Liu Yong, Peng Hui*. Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened with fully or partially prestressed near-surface mounted FRP strips: An experimental investigation.Engineering structures, 2022, 262: 114345.

2.Su Miao, Peng Hui, Li Shaofan*. A visualized bibliometric analysis of mapping research trends of machine learning in engineering (MLE).Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 186, 115728.

3.Su Miao*, Xie Huan, Kang Chongjie, Li Shaofan*. Determination of the interfacial properties of longitudinal continuous slab track via a field test and ANN-based approaches.Engineering Structures, 2021, 246, 113039.

4.Su Miao*, Zhong Qingyu, Peng Hui*. Regularized multivariate polynomial regression analysis of the compressive strength of slag-metakaolin geopolymer pastes based on experimental data.Construction and Building Materials,2021, 303: 124529.

5.Su Miao*, Zhong Qingyu, Peng Hui, Li Shaofan*. Selected machine learning approaches for predicting the interfacial bond strength between FRPs and concrete.Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 270, 121456.

6.Su Miao*, Peng Hui, Yuan Ming, Li Shaofan*. Identification of the interfacial cohesive law parameters of FRP strips externally bonded to concrete using machine learning techniques.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 247: 107643.

7.Su Miao, Yang Yiyun, Pan Rensheng*. A comprehensively overall track-bridge interaction study on multi-span simply supported beam bridges with longitudinal continuous ballastless slab track.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2021, 78(2): 163-174.

8.Su Miao,Peng Hui, Li Shaofan*.Application of an interpretable artificial neural network to predict the interface strength of a near-surface mounted fiber-reinforced polymer to concrete joint.Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2021, 22 (6), 427-440.

9.Su Miao*, Wang Jun, Peng Hui, Cai C.S., Dai Gonglian. State-of-the-artreview of the development and application of bridge rotation construction methods in China.SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2021, 64, 1137-1152.

10.Su Miao*, Dai Gonglian, Peng Hui. Bond-slip constitutive model of concrete to cement-asphalt mortar interface for slab track structure.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2020, 74 (5), 589-600.

11.Su Miao*,Dai Gonglian, Steffen Marx, Liu Wenshuo, Zhang Sisi. A brief review of developments and challenges for high-speed rail bridges in China and Germany,Structural Engineering International, 2019, 29(1): 160-166.

12.Dai Gonglian,Su Miao*, Full-scale field experimental investigation on the interfacial shear capacity of continuous slab track structure,Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 16(3): 485~493.

13.Dai Gonglian,Su Miao*, Chen Y. Frank, Design and construction of simple beam bridges for high-speed rails in China: standardization and industrialization,The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 2016, 11(4): 274~282.

14.Dai Gonglian,Su Miao*, Liu Wenshuo; Chen Y. Frank, New Songhua River Bridge: a continuous girder, tied arch, hybrid bridge with four rail tracks in Harbin, China,Structural Engineering International, 2016, 26(3): 254~259.

15.Dai Gonglian,Su Miao, Yan Bin, Case study of twin cable-stayed bridges for high-speed railway in China: design, analysis and construction,Structural Engineering International, 2014, 24(3): 396~401.

16.Huang Dunwen, Chen Peng, Peng Hui, Yang Yiwei, Yuan Qiaoming,Su Miao. A review and comparison study on drying shrinkage prediction between alkali-activated fly ash/slag and ordinary Portland cement,Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 305, 124760.

17.Dai Gonglian, Ge Hao,Su Miao, Chen Y. Frank. Century-old covered bridge with cantilever beams in China,Structural Engineering International, 2017, 27(2): 255~262.

18.Xie Yuxi, Li Shaofan, Wu C.T., Lai Zhipeng,Su Miao. A novel hypergraph convolution network for wafer defect patterns identification based on an unbalanced dataset,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023, http://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-022-02067-z.

19.Lv Yigang, Wu Pan, Chou Jiaxuan, Han Weiwei,Su Miao*, Peng Hui. An experimental study on the interfacial bonding performance of horizontally embedded CFRP strips to concrete,Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 369, 130514.

20.Han Weiwei, Wang Cui, Lv Yigang,Su Miao*, Liu Yuting, Peng Hui. Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Verification of the Stress and Strain of Axially Compressed Steel-Reinforced Concrete Columns under Long-Term Loads,Materials, 2022, 15 (21), 7630.

21.Xie Hong, Zeng Zhiping,Su Miao, Luo Jun, Dai Gonglian. On Mechanical and Motion Behavior of the Normal Impact Interface between a Rigid Sphere and Elastic Half-Space, 2022,Applied Sciences,12 (21), 11094.

中文论文(EI Journal articles):

22.粟淼*,朱琦治,戴公连,彭晖.考虑界面初始黏结缺陷的CRTS Ⅱ型板式无砟轨道温度变形,交通运输工程学报, 2020, 20(05): 73-81.

23.龚爽,彭晖,粟淼,张建仁,钟卿瑜.梯度锚固预应力NSM CFRP加固RC梁静力及疲劳性能研究.湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 49(01): 113-123.

24.钟卿瑜,粟淼,彭晖.偏高岭土-矿渣地聚物宏观性能试验及Lasso回归模型.复合材料学报, 2022, 39(11): 5474-5485.

25.丑佳璇,张智涛,张建仁,粟淼,彭晖. NSM CFRP-混凝土界面疲劳黏结性能研究.中国公路学报: 2022, 35(02):234-246.

26.龚爽,林福宽,粟淼,张建仁,彭晖.固化与试验温度对环氧树脂及表层嵌贴CFRP-混凝土界面粘结性能的影响.复合材料学报, 2022, 39(11): 5512-5524.

27.龚爽,张建仁,林福宽,粟淼.梯度锚固预应力NSM CFRP板条加固梁破坏模式与影响因素试验研究.中国公路学报, 2022, 35(02): 169-180.

28.戴公连,粟淼*.高铁槽形梁斜拉桥塔梁固接结构试验研究及数值分析,铁道学报, 2015, 37(03): 85~92.

29.戴公连,粟淼*,预制板式无砟轨道界面脱层失效的数值模拟,华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(07): 102~107, 122.

30.戴公连,粟淼*.剪切荷载下板式无砟轨道界面黏结破坏机理,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(01): 16~21.

31.戴公连,粟淼*.一种新支点横隔板设置下的斜交连续钢箱梁桥受力特性分析,中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 47(07): 2398~2405.

32.戴公连,粟淼*.斜交连续钢箱梁桥横隔板布置方式研究,铁道工程学报, 2015, 33(09): 67~72.

33.戴公连,粟淼*,闫斌,刘文硕.槽形梁斜拉桥塔梁固结区受力分析及构造细节,桥梁建设, 2013, 43(04): 61~67.

34.戴公连,粟淼*,刘文硕,闫斌.槽型断面梁斜拉桥塔梁墩固结区受力特性研究,湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 41(01): 27~32.

其他(Other articles)

35.粟淼*,戴公连,刘柯.无吊杆人行悬索桥设计研究.铁道科学与工程学报, 2013.10(4): 41-46.

36.Su Miao*, Dai Gonglian, Liu Ke. The design of a river-crossing pedestrian bridge in Kunming city, China: a new structure form for cable-supported bridge.IABSE Symposium Report, Kolkata, India, 2013.

37.Su Miao*, Dai Gonglian. Failure behaviour of bonding interface for the continuous slab track structure under temperature load. IABSE Symposium Report, Guangzhou, China, 2016, 106-113.


1.彭晖,龚爽,张建仁,刘扬,王磊,粟淼,单韧,彭勃.一种用于表层嵌贴预应力FRP板条的张拉锚固装置(ZL 201910876052.8).

2.彭晖,龚爽,张智涛,张建仁,王磊,粟淼.一种基于梯度放张预应力的混凝土结构的加固方法(ZL 201910932932.2).

3.彭晖,郭恒良,丑佳璇,张建仁,刘扬,粟淼.基于表层嵌贴预应力板条的桥梁竖向预应力损失补偿方法(ZL 201910932897.4).

4.刘勇,戴公连,刘文硕,粟淼.一种新型装配式混凝土支承柱(ZL 202110814794.5).



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