2018年7月13日下午1:00,加州大学河滨分校Albert Wang教授应邀来我院做了一场主题为“ESD Protection Design for ICs: Past, Current and Future”的学术报告。报告会由我院邹望辉老师主持,部分老师及全体研究生共100余人听取了报告会。
报告会上,邹望辉老师首先向我们简单介绍了ESD,以及静电防护与我们日常生活的密切关系,从而引出Albert Wang教授的精彩讲座。Albert Wang教授对IC的ESD保护设计进行了全面的历史回顾,并详细介绍了现在的发展和未来的前景。报告涵盖了ESD保护基础和基础知识、现有ESD保护解决方案、当前ESD保护设计和ESD-IC协同设计技术,新兴的全芯片ESD保护设计验证CAD方法以及未来的ESD保护概念等知识点。将近两个小时的讲座,Albert Wang教授用其丰富的知识和幽默的语言让在场所有人对IC设计、ESD等知识有了更深入的了解,大家都获益匪浅。
Albert Wangreceived the BSEE degree from Tsinghua University, China, and the PhD EE degree from State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, in 1985 and 1996, respectively. From 1995 to 1998, he was with National Semiconductor Corporation in the Silicon Valley. From 1998 to 2007, He was a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Since 2007, He has been a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Riverside, where he is Director for the Laboratory for Integrated Circuits and Systems, and Director for the University of California Center for Ubiquitous Communications by Light. His research covers Analog/Mixed-Signal/RF ICs, Integrated Design-for-Reliability, 3D Heterogeneous Integration, IC CAD and Modelling, Biomedical Electronics, Emerging Nano Devices and Circuits, and LED-based Visible Light Communications. Wang received the NSFCAREERAward. He published 1 book and more than 250 papers, and holds 15 US patents. Wang was editor and guest editor forIEEE Electron Device Letters, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Electron DevicesandIET Journal of Engineering.He has been an IEEEDistinguished Lecturerfor IEEE Electron Devices Society, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He is Sr. Past President (2018-2019), and was Jr. Past President (2016-2017) and President (2014-2015) of IEEE Electron Devices Society. He was Chair of theIEEE CAS Analog Signal Processing Technical Committee (ASPTC)and committee member for the SIAInternational Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS). He isIEEE 5G Initiativemember. He is a member of IEEE Fellow Committee. He was General Chair (2016) and TPC Chair (2015) forIEEE RFIC Symposium. He served as committee member for many IEEE conferences, including IEDM, EDTM, BCTM, ASICON, IEDST, ICSICT, CICC, RFIC, APC-CAS, ASP-DAC, ISCAS, IPFA, ICEMAC, NewCAS, ISTC, IRPS, AP-RASC, MAPE, EDSSC, MIEL, etc. Wang is an IEEE Fellow and AAAS Fellow.
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