
崔立勇 特聘教授


崔立勇,男,汉族,中共党员。新利官网开户 湖湘学者。2011年毕业于山东大学,获学士学位,2014年于山东大学获硕士学位;2017年于香港浸会大学获博士学位。







1.Song Liu, Guangtao Cao,Liyong Cui*, Light induced self-assembly of one-dimensional PT-symmetric optical system exhibiting pulling force,Optics Express, 32, 25968 (2024).

2.Liyong Cui, Song Liu, Neng Wang*, Optical sorting based on trajectory tracking with high sensitivity near the exceptional points,New Journal of Physics,25, 093048 (2023).

3.Liyong Cui,Neng Wang*, Trapping and self-assembly of particles by photonic chiral surface waves,Physical Review A,105, 053512 (2022).

4.Liyong Cui,Neng Wang*and Jack Ng*,Computation of internal optical forces using the Helmholtz tensor,Physical Review A104, 013508 (2021).

5.Liyong Cui*,Hang Yin*,Evanescent wave induced polarization-insensitive self-organization of stratified single-negative materials,New Journal of Physics23, 073037 (2021).

6.Liyong Cui,Guiqiang Du,and Jack Ng*,Angle-independent and -dependent optical binding of a one-dimensional photonic hypercrystal,Physical Review A 102, 023502 (2020).

7.Liyong Cui,Xiao Li,Jun Chen,Yongyin Cao,Guiqiang Du,and Jack Ng*,One-dimensional photonic crystals bound by light,Physical Review A96, 023833 (2017).

8.ZhiHaoChen,HangYin,Johnny Ka WaiHo,LiYongCui(共同通讯作者),Shu KongSo,and XiaoTaoHao, Chromaticity manipulation of indoor photovoltaic cells,Applied Physics Letters118, 043301 (2021).

9.Jun Chen, Neng Wang,Liyong Cui, Xiao Li, Zhifang Lin & Jack Ng*, Optical Twist Induced by Plasmonic Resonance,Scientific Reports,6, 27927 (2016).

10.Liyong Cui, Guang Lu, Bin Liu, Shan Zhang and Guiqiang Du*, Optical resonant tunneling in photonic heterostructures with a tunable dielectric layer,AIP Adv.7, 105108 (2017).

11. Bin Liu, Guang Lu,Liyong Cui, Jin Li, Feng Sun, Fen Liu, Yanhui Li and Guiqiang Du*, Experimental investigation of multiple near-perfect absorptions in sandwich structures containing thin metallic films,Opt. Express25, 13271, (2017).

12. Fen Liu,Liyong Cui, Guang Lu, Yanhui Li, Tianlin Yang and Guiqiang Du*, Multiple and broadband near-perfect absorption in heterostructures containing transparent conducting oxides,J. Appl. Phys. 119, 083106 (2016).

13. Shan Zhang,Liyong Cui, Fen Liu, Guang Lu, Lei Du, and Guiqiang Du*, Electronic resonant tunneling on graphene superlattice heterostructures with a tunable graphene layer,AIP Adv.6, 055118 (2016).

14.Guiqiang Du (Supervisor is first author),Liyong Cui, and Haitao Jiang, Tamm plasmon polaritons in composite structures composed of the metal film and truncated photonic crystals,Appl. Phys. A109, 907 (2012).




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