
邹望辉 副教授

邹望辉,男,汉族,197811月出生。博士,副教授。2012年毕业于华中科技大学微电子学与固体电子学专业,获博士学位。20142月至20155月,在美国加州大学河滨分校从事博士后研究。现工作于新利官网开户 物理与电子科学学院。主要研究方向为:模拟/混合集成电路设计,射频集成电路设计,微电子器件与光电集成。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,面上项目1项,目前在研1项。


1.Wanghui Zou, Yu Xia, Wei Peng, Yun Zeng, “Graphene-gated lateral P–I–N photodiode based on silicon-on- insulator process”, Applied Physics Express, 9, 024301, 2016.

2.Wanghui Zou, Yu Xia, Diping Chen, Yun Zeng, ‘’A High-Speed Lateral PIN Polysilicon Photodiode on Standard Bulk CMOS Process”. Solid State Electronics, Mar. 2017.

3.Wanghui Zou, Wei Peng, Diping Cheng, Yun Zeng, “Experimental Investigation of Multi-path and Metal-stacking Structure for On-Chip 8-shaped Inductors on Standard CMOS”. Electronics Letters, Oct. 2016.

4.Wanghui Zou, Xiaofei Chen, Kui Dai and Xuecheng Zou, “Switched-inductor VCO using tapped vertical solenoid inductors”,IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 48, no. 9, Apr. 2012.

5.Wanghui Zou, “An analytical series resistance model for on-chip multilayer inductors with consideration of proximity effects between stacked layers”.10thIEEE International Conference on ASIC(IEEE ASICON 2015), 2015.

6.Wanghui Zou, Xiaofei Chen, Xuecheng Zou, “An improved analytical series resistance model for on-chip multilayer inductors”,10thIEEE International Conference on ASIC(IEEE ASICON 2013), 2013.

联系方式:新利官网开户 云塘校区理科楼C310Email:zouwh@csust.edu.cn

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